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In my pants.
Member Since
I load trucks.
Real Name
Dustin Widmann
Being not dead.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago.
Favorite Anime
SE Lain, Elfen Lied, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Last Exile, Blue Gender, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th ms team/0080/0083/Seed
To make the best out of life
Various stuff to do with computers. Watching anime and movies(I watch very little tv, though). Reading/researching things (usually not books). Video games are fun, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I love to listen to music too.
I'm good with computers. Nuff said.
| onewingedangel
Saturday, July 3, 2004
I've completely altered my sleep schedule now that summer has come. I now sleep in the mornings or afternoon and i'm awake at night. It suits my tastes well. I've been listening to a lot of music lately and the like. Mostly A perfect circle and Rammstein. I didn't actually get around to Lain yesterday so I'll do it shortly. I can't break my schedule two days in a row if I can help it. After I'm done watching it the immediate to watch list contains Outlaw Star, Trigun, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Scrapped Princess, Ranma 1/2, Love Hina, Hellsing, Hand Maid May, and Vampire Hunter D. All of the above but Vampire Hunter D are in fansub form, which is my preferred way of seeing them.
I also have plans to throw the tournament back into action. I'm probably going to speed up the process a bit in a way or two though, so expect that. I didn't kill it or anything.
I have quite a lot of work to do on the web as well lately. I have full intent on releasing a second version layout of my personal site, as well as adding much content to it. I'll be working on the co-evil site as well so check in on it from time to time if you wish. I recently added a template so that gemmei can now post in the updates area. I'll probably also be creating a page template in the near future so I'm not stuck doing all of the work with it.
I also have a few other things to do. I get massive amounts of emails from the yahoo group i'm a member of, theacap. I run around checking on myOtaku daily if can help it. I am also currently editing a story for a friend. After he has enough done(and that enough is edited by me) we're going to post it all over the place, I might even post it here. Whether that's a curse or a blessing nobody can say. I'll be leaving you all for now. I have Lain to watch ....

~onewingedangel | |
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