I've actually accomplished a few things lately. All in all I feel like a miserable piece of shit but I think I gave a plus to the look of this pages intro if nothing else. My stomach has been killing me almost every day lately. Bottom-line: it hurts like hell. I haven't slept much lately either, oh well. Sorry I didn't get around yesterday. I was busied by my studying that I did a little of, that will be my excuse okay?
School is running smoothely as ever. It's still very boring and I'm not learning anything but that's okay, I'm getting a grade for it anyway. I had Freshman Orientation mid-term yesterday and I'll have the Programming logic one today(yawn, do they think me an illogical idiot or why did they put me in here?) No idea on what else will go on with school.
Lately I've been visiting forums and here quite rather a lot in comparison to the usual. I've also been pretty reclusive, talking to nobody outside of forum-type places, and usually I'm only throwing in idle comments.... The one guild I was a member of was shutdown and restarted because someone had stolen it...We got a mod to shut it down and the new one started today. The other forums I go to, AFOTW and ACAP are moving along nice and slowly, just the way I like it. I've been able to keep up here on myO extremely well now that I cleared the slack of my list, all the people who didn't comment and/or never post. I like it...it's down to only taking around an hour again.
I've been messing around in a program I downloaded a month or so ago, GIMP, lately. I redid a couple of my pictures. The Welcome sign has been changed and I made the background of the co-evil sign's background an alpha transparency. I've also thrown out another few little logos too for the sake of experiment that I'll show below, feedback would be very nice. I also decided to leave the co-evil members pages alone for a while. I will eventually get around to doing it but not now. As for now I replaced the scrollbox in my profile with a link to the site. Here are the various little things I made over the past couple days(just experiments, and also note, the frosty script-fu hates me).
And that's all that I'm going to say for today. I'll talk to anybody who feels like it later. Buh bye.