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myOtaku.com: onewingedangel

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Slow Day

Slow Day

It was a pretty slow day, not because I was bored, just because it was slow. I can find plenty to do when I set my mind to it. I watched tv and played games and such throughout most of the day. It was really late when the crisis hit. Freewebs shut down the co-evil site, luckily I had everything backed up. After a few hours of searching I found a pretty good looking free provider. Actually I found two, but one isn't so to say, user friendly? I might get contacted by it in a few days, if not I'll pretend I never went there because I can't sign in. This one's faster anyway, even if it does lack the features. It looks like it's down for upgrades right now so I hope the intro is back to normal by later, the site is mostly back up, after an hour or so's work, but I haven't gotten around to correcting links, images, etc, just yet. It may take a while. I am going to be experimenting with a few backgrounds that I just uploaded to photbuckets, all three of these few are from the hubble gallery as well as the one i've been using. Today's will be the Omega Nebula. I'll change it tomorrow, and the day after, then I'll decide which is the keeper. I'm sorry I didn't get around to your sites yet again today.....but that little crisis jumped to me and demanded me for a few hours. I'll probably stay on another hour tweaking some things. See ya soon, if I don't go into an obssessive web design rampage that is... also, if someone could take a look at yesterdays quote section i think they may find it interesting :) I did.


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