Interesting Day...Not
Today was interesting, actually it wasn't but I felt like saying that. All I did today was procrastinate, wake up late, and web design shit, all of which while listening to music of course.
I've found the god of all free hosting services. It has support for a slew of things, gives you five subdomains, can optionally add a domain if you're willing to pay. There is no jumping through hoops to get the account either. There are no popup/popunder/banner/text ads forced on the site. This place is simply the best. Co-Evil has made a full transition now. If you have the time of day can you check it over to make sure all of the links and images work?? Pretty please? Also, i have definite plans of launching a full version 2 of my person site, the graveyard. It will be moved to this host as a second subdomain :D That's all for todays web designing bit for today.
I've been doing pretty well on myOtaku as well. The excessive times due to a massive friends list truely ended like I wanted them to. I am down to just three more guestbook entries to check as well, I'm catching up. Yay...I think. The wallpaper change ordeal is still on, today is wallpaper #2 of 3. It is the Dumbbell Nebula. This wallpaper exists thanks to, go there now damn you.
I've been slacking all damned day. Now I'm realizing I have two assignments to do and not a lot of time to do them. Luckily enough when free webs closed my thing i was able to get in(they had already closed it and stuff, but i can still go into it in firefox for some odd reason). That's all for todays random bit. I'll leave you all with a quote from a friend:
If you understand others
you are smart.
If you understand yourself
you are illuminated.
If you overcome others
you are powerful.
If you overcome yourself
you have strength.
If you know how to be satisfied
you are rich.
If you can act with vigor,
you have a will.
If you don't lose your objectives
you can be long-lasting.
If you die without loss,
you are eternal.
I think I've found out the cause of Co-Evil Being suspended, it said that I used 11734110210.69mb of my avaialable 1000mb bandwidth, that normally sounds impossible, but that's not neccessarily true...I think someone may have flooded the server |