Today, My Friends - Was Good
Current Music: King Missile - Cheesecake Truck Current Mood - Tired but Happy
Today started off pretty normal like much of the rest of my days. I went to school, and struggled to stay awake all bloody day. It was just boring stuff, nothing important (to me anyway. I had a bit of cappuccino and that helped, but I was completely out of it all day. Eventually I went home. As soon as I got home, still in my 'professional attire'(minus the tie), I plopped down on the bed and slept for a couple hours.
I awoke and trotted down the stairs as normally as ever, and found quite the pleasant surprise waiting for me. The package I've been expecting since yesterday has arrived ^_^ Despite the kickassness of the arrival of it, my parents just had to ask questions >.> damn them. It was the basics? What the fuck?? Who is the person who sent it? Why did they send it? I kept my response to a minimum. I can't keep anything person around my parents. I hate them for that. At any rate, the contents was.
- 2 packages of chocoloate almond crush pocky
- A handful of squeeze 'n bite fruit snacks(quite good really
- something by the name of 'yam yam', doesn't look bad, i'll have to try it tomorrow
- Ramen
- Chai(tea)
- 2 paintings, one of a moogle, the other of lain ^-^(she's quite the artist)
- some anime(elfen lied, samurai champloo, beck, bleach)
- A bit of music, mostly techno and unheard of stuff
Talk about far more than I could ever ask for yeah? I didn't ask, I didn't do anything. This is just one of those random acts of kindness that can really make someone's day. I was pretty ecstatic in the first time since, umm, forever? (okay, make that around 10-11 years) This stuff will keep me busy and entertained for quite a while ^_^ I really need to find some inconspicuous way of paying her back though. I need to find a way to be generous to a generous person who doesn't want anything in return, without getting my head chopped off for doing so. At any rate, that's pretty much my day in a nutshell, and it was a pretty good one though I'm tired as fuck now.
 Commenting of the ness
Blue Hawk: But of course :3 though you forgot parents.
chickenburger: Thank ye *bows*
shinigami: *blinku*
kerurie-dono: It was just classwork, no test, i think @.@
beyblader: Down with the weak! Muahahahaha
Mireiyu: I'm not really smart. It's just that they're really stupid. (I think that's how it is anyway) Well, it was funny :D It's good to hear that you got a good laugh out of it. Yay, roast beef! the first thing I pick clean off of meat trays :3 Why? Because it's great stuff.
SesshTaisho: Stupid teachers never can make up their minds can they?
darkwolfgirl: I now have the feeling I'm being watched >.>
Petie: That's never a bad thing! It got boring for a while though, had to wait for my ride to get finished.
Demonboy: I couldn't exactly leave the building early though. My ride hadn't finished yet so I was stuck waiting until they were done which was around 5 til 1. Emulators are fun, but I haven't made good use of one in a while. Guestbook entries catch up with you fast don't they @.@