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In my pants.
Member Since
I load trucks.
Real Name
Dustin Widmann
Being not dead.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago.
Favorite Anime
SE Lain, Elfen Lied, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Last Exile, Blue Gender, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th ms team/0080/0083/Seed
To make the best out of life
Various stuff to do with computers. Watching anime and movies(I watch very little tv, though). Reading/researching things (usually not books). Video games are fun, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I love to listen to music too.
I'm good with computers. Nuff said.
| onewingedangel
Friday, October 29, 2004
Posted at 12:23AM
Current Music: Blonde Redhead - Girl Boy Current Mood: Content Today wan't all too bad. Nothing all that much happened. I went to school, sped through the lesson, finishing before everyone else by quite a long shot. I have my grade up from a 99.6% to a 99.7% now. I'm not sure how I did on the midterm but I was the first one done. Duh. Too easy >.> I feel patronized. I swear that class is just a dumbed down version of statistics, which I've already had. After I got home all I really did was listen to music(Underground, Aphex Twin, Sonic Youth, DJ Shadow, Blonde Redhead, and maybe another thing or two, all stuff i got yesterday). I'll be heading off to bed now i suppose.. ja.
 Comments on Comments
Mireiyu: I'd give you some stuff.... if I had money to do so with ^^; Yush, roast beef is the best ^_^ I haven't been there, but I'm guessing it's a local place right?
CRH: Luckyness indeed. It's some of the best luck I've ever had in fact. Give it a shot.... or better yet, use jv16 power tools or something of the like and get it back on track. Beating the crap out of computers is neccessary anyway, I doubt it would do damage.
chickenburger: I got the rest ^_^ Yes, the stuff I got was awesome, period, even better than the money it would take to buy twice as much.
Beyblader: muahahaha I have bleach! Yes, Aislinn is one of the few 100% kick ass people around. My parents did freak -_-;; They need to butt out.
Blue Hawk: Of course it is, santa is soooo overrated.
Shinigami: Indeed it was.
Dark Wolf Girl: I'm sure :3 That's okay, I was just kidding around anyway ^o^
Petie: Yeah, that was a kicass day. Mostly thanks to her kickassness. Thanks for the luck; I'm definitely going to need it.
Taken From The ACAP tis rather funny. Love it or else. Click on the thumbnail to viewRemember: Friends don't let friends vote republican! | |
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