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In my pants.
Member Since
I load trucks.
Real Name
Dustin Widmann
Being not dead.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago.
Favorite Anime
SE Lain, Elfen Lied, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Last Exile, Blue Gender, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th ms team/0080/0083/Seed
To make the best out of life
Various stuff to do with computers. Watching anime and movies(I watch very little tv, though). Reading/researching things (usually not books). Video games are fun, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I love to listen to music too.
I'm good with computers. Nuff said.
| onewingedangel
Thursday, November 4, 2004
Current Mood - strifingness Current Music - Saloon - Bicycle Thief
Today went as usual at first, besides the whole sleeping past the alrarms I forgot to set and being an hour and 15 minutes late to school. I at some point in there figured out the one essay I thougth was due on Monday was really due today so I had to whip something together in about an hour and a half. It's nothing special but it should do, I hope. I also sometime tonight decided to change my background, it was bugging me that the other one didn't seem to blend in very well. It's another one taken by the hubble.
Today is quite the sad day for the United States. George Bush has been re-elected, unless something spectacular happens like him falling over dead. *rolls eyes* I suppose I should give some reasoning behind why I seem to abhor this event. Now who would have thought this? *snickers*
Not directly related to bush, but see if it doesn't ring a bell anyway. Again with the satire, think about this too. This is the most comprehensive list of reasons why to hate Bush I have seen. Every last bit of it is 100% fact.
I encourage all of you to check these out if you have a bit of time, especially the last one.
I've been giving a permanent international move quite a bit of thought for the last year or two. As of a good while ago I've been getting busier at it. After seeing that list provided above and knowing that was only the first half of what is yet to come, among many other things, I'm realizing there are more problems than I'm willing to put up with. Bad leadership now effects my life later, and in this case will likely do so in a negative way. I've been reading about Canadian Policy(legal stuffs, among other things) and the more I read of it the more I dislike the United States Government. Canada looks to be set up much better, so if I continue to like everything I see by the time I've finished reading it, I hope to have moved to Canada within 5 years(moving isn't cheap, and sticking with one school is far easier on me). Oh well, enough of this, good bye all. I hope none of you show up at my door to murdalize me like it seems so many of you were plotting ^^;
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