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In my pants.
Member Since
I load trucks.
Real Name
Dustin Widmann
Being not dead.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago.
Favorite Anime
SE Lain, Elfen Lied, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Last Exile, Blue Gender, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th ms team/0080/0083/Seed
To make the best out of life
Various stuff to do with computers. Watching anime and movies(I watch very little tv, though). Reading/researching things (usually not books). Video games are fun, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I love to listen to music too.
I'm good with computers. Nuff said.
| onewingedangel
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Missed school today, first i had an ortho appointment, then dad cancelled a couple cell phones and then we spent an hour searching for the verizon shop and couldn't find it, oh well, guess they'll do that in richmond today or tomorrow, hmmm, then we dropped by for his appointment at the dermatologist, i was in the waiting room forever! i almost fell asleep. Then after that we went to Pizzahut on the way home and I ate half of a large pepperoni pan pizza, ahh, good ^^ as well as two cups of sierra mist with it, hmm, now i'm sitting here at home, i'm gonna unhook his comp here in a minute, and oh, i'll throw some quizzes at you too.
Your very mysterous and rare. Your usally laid back and very quit. Your shy,cool,com and lazy. You always seem like your hidding a big secert. You keep to yourself alot, even with friends.Rate^- ^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^NEW!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 Goddess of Calm
What Emotional Goddess Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have wings of STEEL. No one's really sure why, but at this point in your life you've shut off emotion to the point of extreme apathy. You are cold and indifferent much of the time...or perhaps you're just a good pretender. Next to impossible to get close to, even those who do never see the real you. It's entirely possible that YOU don't even know the real you. You have a certain fascination or attraction to destruction on a massive scale - disasters, perhaps even death or the concept of the Apocalypse. Because you hold so much inside, one day you're simply going to snap. Then the mask will fall away, and your true wings will be revealed. Until then you will deal with whatever comes your way in icy bitter silence and acceptance. On the positive side, you are fearless and immeasurably strong - not much can crack through your defenses. You intrigue people, who can't help but wonder why you're the way you are. A loner and one who spends much of their time brooding and contemplating life and death - you are a time bomb waiting to explode and create some destruction of your own.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
 goddess of water tranquility is ur call
Which goddess or magic are YOU?(Anime pics)plz rate brought to you by Quizilla
 Cold, Extreme, Ruthless. You see the world in a much different way then any other person does, and will go to extreme measures to accomplish what you precieve as right or fitting without a twinge of remorse. Due to this, people see you as dangerous and unpredictable. The only beliefs that you follow are your own, and nothing short of death can shake you from it.
Which Guilty Gear Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's beauty and just the life that no-one else sees. Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't mean you're not friendly!
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
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