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myOtaku.com: onewingedangel

Wednesday, May 11, 2005



Current Music: VNV Nation - Saviour
Current Mood: Annoyed

Today wasn't a very interesting day. It of course all started with the previously mentioned essay. I ended up doing it on software patents, for more information on why read this - The damaging effects of software patents. It ended up around 4 pages..ish. It turns out I needed more sources than I had, which leaves me with two possibilities - feeding him more information than he would care to understand, or citing myself as an expert :P

Something interesting actually did happen today. I had a doctors appointment, yes, me, I actually went to a doctor... Most of the time was waiting which is why is it tooke 3 and a half hours. Oh, and it seems I weigh 174 pounds o.O No change at all, weird. I went their inquiring about stomach problems I've been having for the past few years(yes, I said years), particularly the last couple months. For people who have been around a while you may remember me mentioning this about a year ago on here, if not then not though I say. Mishter docy doc said he thinks I have IBS. Dammit, I don't want to have IBS, I wish to have a normal stomach that doesn't make me feel like shit half the time instead? Oh well, I guess I'll live. He prescribed me some drug, Behnzohl or something of the like - a muscle relaxant. It had best help or his ass is grass, because I have to pay for this appointment >.> Oh, and apparantly I got in poison sumac again, just like last year, and scratched the backs of my legs raw @.@

I'm currently lacking in anything else to say about anything, so I guess I'll just go rest now. Wait, oh, I almost forgot, I'm still working on this theme, but I expect to finish it tomorrow or the next day. I'll also be (back) on LJ by then too. Well, sleep well, or feel well, or have a nice day, or whatever it is that's going to be an appropriate conclusion for this, depending on when you read this.... and such. ZzzzZzzzZzzz


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