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myOtaku.com: onewingedangel

Thursday, June 9, 2005



Current Music: VNV Nation - darkangel

Current Mood: Indifferent

I've not had the most time to be around lately it seems. You see, I got Metroid Prime 2... I think that's about the jist of it, yeah, I've been playing it, a lot. One night I didn't go to bed til around 3:30, because of game playing, such is my life.

I'm doing fine in school as usual, but not fine enough it seems. On my SQL midterm, Justin beat me by one percent, damn his 104%(there were 6 extra credit points possible)....but at least I did better my c++ midterm... I got a 101.5(The written half was curved by 2/30, so I got a 31/30)... he only got a 100, hah!

My parents computer is messed up yet again, it will probably not be til after I fix that that I'm back around much, or I'll end up less one head. I can't believe I've been neglecting my internet duties this much this last year though, it pains me. Oh well. Oh, and before I forget to say, I'm finally back on track with the Naruto manga....good stuff, damned good stuff.


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