Today was as mundane as ever, as has been the case for the past week or less. Of course there was so school, and it went something like this. First Period, Trig, periods and shifts, dirt easy. I was bored because i finished before everyone else, then again, after they finished, I was still bored. Second period, English. Pretty decent today, we're watching The Thirteenth Warrior, it's amazingly similar to Beowulf, which we just had to read. It's pretty good so far, some nice blood, gore, and warmongering, all the factors of a good movie. Third period, gym, umm, nothing to say, booooring. Fourth Period, Physics, we watched a little experiment, then went over some things, pretty average day. I like that class though. I was dead exhausted when i got home. I went straight to bed and tried to sleep for a couple of hours, but to no avail. I helped with a few things later. Then i played Final Fantasy Tactics, ate dinner, and instant messaged people. The day could have been a lot worse, but I suffer from boredom not misery, just my luck. Misery would probably be more fun, at least it would give me something to talk about, but oh well. I'll get around to everyones sites tomorrow. I'm too tired to do so now(I never did get that nap). Well, I'll be going now seeing as it's 11:10PM(EST). Before I do, i found this pretty funny, so I think I'll put it here:
This is pretty funny too Restroom Poetry
The following are poems found inscribed in public restrooms
Here I lie in stinky vapor,
Because some bastard stole the toilet paper,
Shall I lie, or shall I linger,
Or shall I be forced to use my finger.
Here I sit
Broken hearted
Tried to shit
But only farted
Here I sit
What a caper
I have to shit
But I'm out of paper
You're lucky
You had your chance
I tried to fart,
And shit my pants!
Some people come here to take a shit,
I came here to leave one.
Some come here to sit and think,
Some come here to shit and stink,
But I come here to scratch my balls,
And read the bullshit on the walls...
Here I sit, I'm at a loss
trying to shit out taco sauce.
When it comes, I hope and pray,
I don't blow my ass away
(Written high upon the wall)
If you can piss above this line,
the Hillsboro Fire Department wants you.
(Seen above a urinal)
Please do not throw cigarette butts in our urinal.
We don't piss in your ashtrays!
(Scratched into the paint of the condom-dispensing machine)
"Don't buy this gum, it tastes like rubber."
(Under a sign that said: "Employees Must Wash Hands")
I waited and waited, but I finally washed them myself. A few quizzes
Which Anime series is best fit for you? brought to you by Quizilla
Lain is awesome, go watch it right now!!!!!!!!!!
You should wield Toukijin!
Find out Which weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.
You are Sesshoumaru!
Find out Which Inuyasha Character you are.