Pic of the Day
 Neon Genesis Evangelion Live Action Concept Art o.o blah!!
Well, I had the field trip on Friday, to the District of Columbia. After I arrived at about a quarter til 6 in the morning. We waited for the busses to arrive. They were chartered busses, not crappy cheese wagons. There were four of them and I was on the second one. It was pretty comfortable inside them and I had made sure to take my personal cd player and blow my eardrums out. Thank Metallica for me okay? After we arrived in DC the first thing we did was go to the Arlington, the huge-assed cemetary. I believe besides passing by the thousands of graves we stopped at two sites. The JFK memorial and the tomb of the Unknown soldier. After such we went back to the busses to move on. We arrived at our second destination shortly after. It was a large cluster of things. I first walked to the Vietnam memorial, a long wall with thousands of names of dead people on it. I then walked over to the Lincoln memorial. It was huge. I see not why it was so large. It had the Gettysburg address written on the left wall and his speach for the second presidency on the right wall, and of course mega-him in a chair against the back wall. I then walked over and stared at the Washington monument for a moment before walking down the path alongside the lake-like thing you would always see in movies and such that depict such a monument. When i made it to the end I saw what was one of the best things there. The Atlantic Memorial. It was a compilation of many fountains and looked really nice. I wish I had taken a camera. After that I jogged the long way back to the busses and stopped at a stand to get a pepsi along the way. We got back on the busses and continued. The next stop on our trip was Union Station. It was a splendidly designed, rather enourmous place. The first stop was downstairs for lunch. Since the Cajun place down there was advertising so loudly I decided to give it a try. The Cajun chicken along with the sides was rather good. They put enough on the plate for it to be filling as well. I had a nice big rootbeer with it. Definitely beat school lunch by a mile. Afterwards I went upstairs where their were a bunch of stores. I didn't see anything worthwhile but I was bored so oh well. After that I went back outside and met up with eveyone else. We from there proceeded to walk up to the Supreme court building. We listened to a guy talk about it in the courtroom and it turns out their are a couple of interesting facts about the building. It had very elaborate sculptures and engravings and such. All of which was inlaid with 23kt gold!! So that's where our tax money is going ... They also have a basketball court right above the court room, and I thought the supreme court was the highest in the land, heh. We from there walked downstairs and looke around. It was pretty blah down there. After that we walked out in front of the White House and lounged around. I nearly fell asleep as it was an hour wait. Then the busses came and when I was getting on this one person who was in my chemistry class last year was saying te each person as they went by "you're crazy". When I went by he looked twice at me and said "You're Insane!!". That was pretty funny I thought. The next place was very interesting. We went to the Smithsonian next. The basment was the science area, the middle was the culture area, and the top history, if my memory serves me correctly. I loved the science area. Their was a bunch of information on nuclear bombs and stuff. It was pretty cool. The middle section had with the culture wasn't as good, I think they had a whole section set aside for the beatles.... blah. The history section didn't thrill me either, but some of the stuff there was relatively interesting. After that we left and came home. We arrived at the school at a quarter til 8 and I was home by a 8:30 - 8:45. I didn't do too much this weekend all in all. I slept a lot and started back into reeadin a book that I bought about a year ago on Java and XML. I also messed with a little web design and helped a little(and became an admin in the process) at a gundam guild on Gaia.