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myOtaku.com: onewingedangel

Saturday, June 5, 2004

   Stuff o.O


This was a very very boring day indeed. AFter getting to school we all wnet straight to fouth period. I was exempt from the physics exam(yay?) so I didn't have much to do. About halfway though I started playing cards with a handful of other people. Started off with a little bit of blackjack, then moved on and played a little rummy. We spent the majority of the time playing spades though. Me and my partner won I think(yay?). After that we played bullshit for a little bit. Then I headed off for english... did nothing at all in there, might have caught a few Z's..... as well as having gave her the project that I stayed up to 3:30 doing the previous night. After lunch(which by the way, sucked), We all went to the awards ceremony. Thanks to my moving around so much and being so lazy.... I only got one award, having something to do with Trigonometry, probability & statistics. We had forty minutes free after that. I just sat there in a daze on a bench. Now I'm home... end of my boring little day? I certainly hope so.



Today was a rather uninteresting day. I had stayed up yesterday(or rather today) until 3:30AM working on a project for English. I caught about two hours of sleep then I noticed someone I didn't know was downstairs and seeing as to get dressed I would have had to venture to the basement I decided against things and just stayed awake in my room until about 8:30 before falling asleep. I again woke up at about 2:20. I didn't really do much afterwards nor did I want to. My stomach has really been bothering me lately so I decided to experiment with a laxitive. What it did wasn't very fun but I guess I'll see what it did all in all tomorrow ne? I did a bit more of the talking over my little vacation with my parents..... damn they're being so rigid.. I wish i had a drivers license because then I could take myself to these places without needing the assistance of their credit cards. I also found out my leaving will be delayed by a week because I have to look after my brother and stuff. My grandfather is having surgery on his liver. I believe he has cancer or something. I wish him well but I don't really know the details. The plan of going to both Auburn and Palatine is lookign pretty good for now though. I need to gather more details though. I would like to welcome the newest member of co-evil, Color Me Evil, a pudding maker/pudding fiend. Ah, also today, I had to go into Charlottesville to the mall to get dress clothes for graduation.... which needless to say burns me, but oh well(i hate white shirts ><). That's enough talking for now..... buh bye.



I might not be around much this weekend, my last weekend before schools out. I have a project to do and such. I also have to study a bit for my physics exam that is on Tuesday. I will also be planning out my entire summer down to the day and dollar. I need to figure out just about every pricing scenario and thing I will need. I'll be lucky if my $190 will get me where I need to go. Ah, and one light note on the topic. Petie, my friend in New Jersey lives in Rahway. Well..... I guess I'll be back soon as I can.... I think


Co-Evil seems to be taking off at a strong start, it probably won't be long until the first meeting... I finally got off my ass to start making a site for it, it's taking a while and there isn't much there yet, some of what's there is most definitely temporary, and such, but the site is http://www.freewebs.com/co-evil/index.htm. I'll probably work on it a bit more before the weekend is out as well. I would like to welcome firedevilfaerie and Anime Girl 67 as pudding makers, AnimeGirl67 will be known as the **Official Glomper of Co-Evil**. I would also like to welcome the new soldier, Eclipse(Veragoth).

Faye Valentine
Faye Valentine


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