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• Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
• 2005-06-09
• State Alchemist. Don't question my sanity!
Real Name
• Kailun (my Chinese name, anyway...)
• I'm achievement-less.
Anime Fan Since
• Since I was four.
Favorite Anime
• Digimon, Fullmetal Alchemist, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Scryed, Naruto, Spiral and just about anything by Miyazaki.
• To become a published author (which explains my hobbies...).
• Reading, writing and editing fanfiction. I've read a LOT of fanfiction. I copy it onto my computer so I can enjoy it without taking up my phoneline. Then I fix the mistakes. I makes me so...ANGRY! to see the cruddy writing people put out there!
• I have any...? Besides converting (or corrupting, take your pick) people into otaku? My "victims" currently number in the double digits.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Heaven's Not Enough
No, really. If Heaven isn't Taipei, Taiwan, it's not good enough. I' insanely happy here at the end of all things that it's mind boggling. I love it. The food is great, the people are super friendly, and I get to wear a school uniform. *smirks* Jealous now, aren't you? No, I'm not talking about the stupid uniform...
I'm in TAIWAN! That's about three hours flight from Japan, which means I'm sitting here watching things like Tsubasa, and previews for the DeathNote movie on television -- legally! Lol. Sure, the subs are in Chinese so I can't understand them, but I know enough Japanese to get by. Also, my host family speaks more Japanese than they do English, so I'm fairly certain I'll be learning some while I'm here.
(Hah! You see, all ye doubters? I may come back tri-lingual yet!)
Hey, give me a break. It's nearly midnight here, I think I'm entitled to some slap-happiness.
I went to the mall a week or so ago, and saw six feet tall Gundums... I died. No, really. It was just so...surreal. That was my first day here, too, so it made the Gundums extra special. Lol.
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