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• 1991-08-11
• Forest of Inuyasha
Member Since
• 2007-01-21
• Finish High School
Real Name
• Crystal
• Good at annoying Icey
Anime Fan Since
• Forever
Favorite Anime
• Sonic, Bleach, FMA, Inuyasha, One Piece, Hellsing, Wolf's Rain, Etc.
• To be a vet
• Drawing, writing, and to be a vet
• Drawing, writing
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Finally the Profiles are here! lol Ladies and Gentle men what y'all been waiting for here it is!
Fan Charters Profiles
Name: Krystal Ookami-Inu
Nicknames: Krys, Krystal~San, and Pup
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf mixed
Fur color: Black and White
Hair color: Blondish Brown
Eye color: Blue
Age: 15
Birth: August 11
Powers: Water
Friends: Leo, Spike, and Icey
Boy Friend: Leo
Enemies: Jadow and Blaze
Favorites: Loves to be free, other animals, loves to swim, music, loves being a redneck, speaking Japanese, and likes to hang out with her friends.
Not favorites: Fights, getting hurt, Jadow, Blaze, spiders, and hates being called Kristy.
Personality: She�s kind hearted, outgoing, loving, shy, and very trusting that can get her in trouble. She doesn�t get mad easily unless you hurt her friends then you better watch out. She loves her friends, but she truly loves Leo~Kun.
She�s a Black lab mixed with an Artic wolf. Her fur color is completely black but her torso, muzzle, paws (all four) and tip end of tail. On her forehead she has a purple crested moon. She wears short shorts and a camouflage tube-top that shows her belly. She doesn�t wear any shoes.
Name: Leo the Hedgehog
Nicknames: Leo~Kun, Dude, and Bro
Gender: Male
Species: Hedgehog
Fur color: Pale Blue and Red
Eye color: Green
Age: 16
Birth: May 3
Powers: Electric (Lighting)
Friends: Spike and Krystal
Girl Friend: Krystal
Enemies: Jadow and Blaze
Favorites: Singing, music, hanging out with friends, and being a redneck.
Not Favorites: Jadow and Blaze
Personality: He�s a very kind to others, but if ya do something to Krystal he�s very protective of her, he will risk his life to save hers, and he�s very tough, but can be a big teddy bear �hugs teddy bear�
Leo fur color is Pale blue but has red on his quills and tail, but his ears, quills, and tail is twice as long as Sonic�s. He has a scar on his left bottom eye that is a shape of a lighting bolt. He has other scars but covered by his shirt that is a life beater. He wears a black flamed pants and red orange cowboy boots with a strip over the middle of them.
Name: Spike the Hedgehog
Nicknames: Spiky, Spike~Head, and Bro
Gender: Male
Species: Hedgehog
Fur Color: Orange
Eye Color: Hazel
Age: 17
Birth: February 25
Powers: None
Friends: Leo and Krystal
Girl Friend: None
Enemies: Jadow and Blaze
Favorites: Being a pervert, hang out with friends, singing, being a redneck, loves Roses
Not Favorites: Jadow and Blaze
Personality: Spike is a very perverted hedgehog, but can be really loving. When it come down to business he won�t play around. Spike loves roses cause it reminds him of his mom.
Spike is completely orange. He has a fluffy heart shape turf of fur on his chest. He wear green gloves with a red-orange cross on them. He wears blue jeans and shoes that are like Knuckles only brown with a green strip in the middle over them.
Name: Blaze the Hedgehog
Nicknames: Flames and Fireblast
Gender: Male
Species: Hedgehog
Fur Color: Black and Red
Eye Color: Red
Age: 12
Birth: Unknown
Powers: Fire
Friends: none
Girl Friend: none
Enemies: Leo, Spike, and Jadow
Favorites: Training, Krystal, Chilling likes a Villain.
Not Favorites: Water, losing, and getting mocked.
Personality: Blaze is a perverted stubborn hardheaded hedgehog. He loves Krystal Ookami-Inu but hates Leo. Blaze is all about fire, he is completely flamed all around. He gets easily extracted were he loses a lot.
Blaze looks like Shadow only he has flamed markings, and doesn�t have a fluffy chest. His chest has a flamed marking. Blaze�s shoes and gloves are flamed.
Name: Jadow the Hedgecat
Nickname: Jad
Gender: Male
Species: Hedgehog and Cat
Fur Color: Gray
Eye Color: Ember
Age: Unknown
Birth: Unknown
Powers: Biometal
Friends: none
Girl Friend: none
Enemies: Leo, Spike, Krystal, and Blaze
Favorites: Fighting
Not Favorites: None
Personality: Loves to pick fights with Leo or getting on his nerves by kidnapping Krystal.
Jadow is a Hedgehog mixed with a cat. His fur is gray but his right hand, his left hand/arm is completely metal. His arm will become Biometal, were it well melt and become any form of a weapon. Half of his chest is fluffy the other half is plated with metal. He does have quills like a Hedgehog but has a puffy cat tail. He wears Crimson red boots with aqua blue rims.
This took me about a week. XP Dang it was hard but here it is. I leave this up for about maybe til May 4th that be about two weeks so everybody can read this. Well gtg love ya lots "hugs" ttyl bai bai.
Someday Somehow I'm gonna make it alright but not right now
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