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Friday, December 2, 2005
hey everybody! im happy snow is all around... and as usual i got into a snowball fight with my friends spencer and sakabato samurai and a bunch of other peeps^^ it was fun^^ spencer kept shoving snow dowm my shirt and pants!! i was so cold... but how is everyone today?? i hope good and it looks like it stopped snowing
well gotta go
-the lone wolf
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Monday, November 28, 2005
hey everybody^^ today is a very special day^^ my buddie chances birthday^^ yeah its really special^^ well thats all i had to really say so i got to go know
-the lone wolf
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Friday, November 25, 2005
hey everybody^^ how was everyones turkeyday??? heh my was interesting if you must know. my half-wolf dog attacked the turkey..... shes so cool. i love my dog^^ yeah she is awesome. and yeah now shes in the dog house with me cause, well i encouraged her^^ heh heh.... that was fun^^ and i have officially ate 15 scones since this morning.... im gonna be so fat! oh well
well i hope everyones was cool

-the lone wolf
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
hello. how is everyone? im sittin here by sakabato samurai. and he is very short!!!!!!!! and some what i dont know how to put it but he is short^^ *laughs at sakabato samurai* ha ha is just smiling cause he knows it true!!^^ anyways... what is everybody doing for turkey day?? i plan on causing mischief^^
-the lone wolf
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Friday, November 18, 2005
hey everybody^^ im finally back^^ school has been holding me down. im so tired, but i cant be to tired i have to walk my dog^^ she is my pal^^ i really need a life. ^^'
by getting a life i would want a boy friend^^ but im too cruel to people to deserve one^^' oh well
have to go
-the lone wolf
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
oh hello^^ ive been swamped with e-mails from people and it filling up my inbox and its driving me insane!! i want my friend mike and josh to email me!! its crazy! im so lonely!!
oh well im pathetic! i hate four day weekends!! no friends at all!!
well got to go
-the lone wolf
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
hello everyone.... im so bored right now well i have to go answer like 50 emails from sakabato samuari. funny dude. hes reall interesting. god school is lame got to go bell rang
-the lone wolf
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
hey dudes and dudettes im at school right now and im totally typing a post! its wicked cool!! ignore my lingo im really hyper i just got back from lunch and i had lots of sugar. hmmmm... lets see i started a new anime series call "chobits" and its real cool my friend spencer and he is so cool^^ and yeah he looks like a mouse!!! a really ugly mouse. heh but he is nice well i gotta go now teach i commin
damn them student teachers
-the lone wolf
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
hello everyone^^ its been to long since i last updated^^ yeah i started high school a few weeks ago and its been such a drag -.- yeah but ive met like the coolest people, mostly freshman but some juniours and seniors and some sophmores, they are all totally cool^^ yeah i cant wait for tommorow cause im going to finally be able to wear my punk pants , the really tight pants, and they r totaly cool! and not to mention my hair is just like franks on my chemical romance^^ but its going to look like gerards from now on!! yeah and my first soccer game is tomorow sooo excited^^ and chance im going to score a goal just for you!! cause your special to me^^ well i have to go now got to do algerbra homework (such a drag)
-the lone wolf
(and chance the little out thing is cute^^ in my opinion)
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Konichi wa! sorry i havent been around school started up for me on monday and i have been so tired and sports r really tiring to. oh and yesterday (its a funny story) my soccer team had a scrimage against u12's and so yeah they were easy but like there is this girl on my team and she is a total daddys girl! I HATE HER!! ok so we were streatching and i said to coach
"can we count 1,2,3,1 and so on and so forth cause its easier and ya know it would streatch us out longer"
"NO! Bee is in charge and she is counting right and im not going to change it!!!!!"
"*mumbles profainities* ok"
now in the game
"bee go to the open go to the open!!"
"i am open"
"go to the fricken open *chucks ball twards open*"
"KINUYO!! i know what im doing ok!!"
"*makes stupid face back*"
"kinuyo come hear"
"(goalie) its ok kinu!"
"(coach) look we dont yell at our players on the feild ok?! got it!!"
" (totally pissed off right now!!) yeah"
"now go sit!"
"KINUYO!! go sit in the shade!!!"
"*cusses profusly*"
ok maybe its one of those stories u have to be there to get but everybody on the team but bee and coach thought it was funny so i like that^^ team asshole is what my jersy should say *giggle* i like that!
-the lone wolf
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