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in paradise
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wolf master
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why should i tell you..
...hmmm, thats a hard one
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...since the begining of time
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wolfs rain, fullmetal alchemist, inuyasha,..and ...
to um, never mind...
wolf training, killing of humans, destroying other peoples lifes, and...
wolf training
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, August 29, 2005
*sigh* i hate school so much! today was my first day of school, high school, and im totaly not going back!!! well unless that senior is gona be there^^ isa gots a new friend, ryan, the senior he just moved here from cali. and hes totaly cool!! hes says hes gonna be a bad boy forever but i know he isnt ^^ and while im on the subject of school my teachers r totaly cool! they r more enterjetic than me!! oh well its going to be an ok year i guess...well i gotta go and work at my job
-the lone wolf
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
sup everyone^^im so tired i gol like 2 hours of sleep cause i stayed up and beet halo 2 and my god did i die alot, oh well. and not to mention i got soccer practice today and im gonna kill my coach!! he put me in as goalie and he knows i hate that position. and i need to do stuff to help D.E.N (defenders enviormental network) if yas wish to join e-mail me^^ i think the link is on the site^^' well i sure hope everyone is having a good day^^
-the lone wolf
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Im so happy!! I got Inuyasha movie 2 and i luv it!!! well thats all i got to say!
bye bye
-the lone wolf
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
im so excited my b-day is tomorrow and im gonna go see that new movie red eye^^ its got the scarecrow in it from batman i cant wait! and today i have to go and register for high school today and i not real thrilled... i dont like school. but who the hell does!!! ok and then i get to get my playstation games resurfaced at hastings and im so excited!! i can play FFIX over and over again^^ ok well what ever

-the lone 'happy' wolf
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
hey everyone^^ i have no idea what to say im just hyper as usual and the full moon is on friday!! YAY!! on my b-day its gonna be so cool!! i love the moon^^ its so perty! ok im done.... i hate the radio right now damn that rap music oh wait much better!! MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!
there so cool^^

awww...much better^_^
ok gots to go now
astala-bye-bye everyone^^
-the lone wolf
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
im so happy my birthday is in like a few days and i just cant wait^^ and i cant wait to get that suprise gift from my friend i just am so excited!! but right now im kinda hating my coach cause he scheduled soccer practiced and i have to go and last yr i had cross country on that day but im so pissed off!! i wanna vacation!!! oh well i guess i could always stay up all night^^' well how is everyone? oh well i hope everyone is good! well gots to go
-the lone wolf
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
In just a few short weeks, Congress will decide the fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The final vote to save the nation's greatest wildlife sanctuary from harmful oil drilling is set for September.
As you may recall, in very close votes, the House (by three votes) and the Senate (by five votes) paved the way for drilling in the budget resolution last spring. Now, right after Labor Day, the House and the Senate will each vote on the Budget Reconciliation Bill, the piece of legislation that will officially make drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge legal. Defenders of Wildlife is determined to defeat this bill.
The Arctic Refuge is such a special place because it is home to countless wildlife -- from the great predators like the polar bear to the Porcupine Herd, one of the largest caribou herds in North America. We need to remember that if the Arctic Refuge is industrialized, we will have lost one of our nation's greatest national treasures. Is that the kind of legacy we want to leave our future generations?
Defenders of Wildlife is doing all we can protect the Arctic Refuge from harmful oil drilling. From the halls of Congress, to the editorial pages of our nation's newspapers, to towns across America, and most importantly, with people like you, Defenders is working hard to educate and mobilize citizens about defeating the September Budget Reconciliation bill. Without your help, we can't win this battle!
Now more than ever, we need people like you to contact their members of Congress and urge that they vote to REJECT the Budget Reconciliation Bill that threatens to legalize drilling in the Arctic Refuge. Please go to and send your message TODAY.
Second, please consider joining thousands of Americans in Washington, DC on September 20th as they lobby their Senators and members of Congress to reject the Budget Reconciliation bill that threatens the Arctic Refuge! For more, please visit
Together, we can win this vote and stop the destruction of one of nation's greatest wildlife sanctuaries. Thanks for all of your continued support!
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife
Please help them its really important!
-the lone wolf
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Guten Tag^^
Hey everyone! Im kinda happy cause my mom brought home a friend of hers sons XBOX home so last night i was up until six in the morning playing halo 2. Im so tired now. its crazy and my mom stuck sleeping pills in my pizza and those didnt even was really sad^^' but who cares! i got to go see the dukes of hazzard with my good friend collin. he hadnt seen it yet so me and him went. we ate so much candy and drank so much soda we felt like we were drunk^^' which is not a great feeling. well thats all i had to say today^^'
-the lone wolf
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Monday, August 8, 2005
hello everyone! i have no idea what im doing right now but im so happy cause on saterday i got to go see the dukes of hazzard and i LUV that movie!! Johnny knoxvile is so awesome!! i cant wait to go see it again!! it is gonna be so awesome!! well thats all i gotta say so have a wonderful day everyone!!

-the lone wolf
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
hey everyone im so tired. i had to work all day and so im gonna fall asleep momentarily, but i decided to say hi^^ and ask how everyone is so yeah and i cant wait for soccer tommorow my friend aubri is going to be there and so is my friend ashley! YAY! they r so cool and they r good soccer players^^ but whatever i cant wait to see them,
well i gots to go now so

-the lone wolf
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