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in paradise
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wolf master
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why should i tell you..
...hmmm, thats a hard one
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...since the begining of time
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wolfs rain, fullmetal alchemist, inuyasha,..and ...
to um, never mind...
wolf training, killing of humans, destroying other peoples lifes, and...
wolf training
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
im so excited only 13 days till my b-day!! and i get to go to the fair on my b-day!! its gonna be so much fun!!!! i love the fair!! and i sure hope my mom doesnt bring her boyfriend cause i just want it to be her and me cause me ignored when he comes around and its my birthday and its gonna be sad and special!! and i dont care what the hell she says!! oh well i gots to go before my dog eats my candy bar
bye all
-the lone wolf
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
ello everyone^^im so bored i could eat. oh well*shrug* i have been officially replaced by me moms boy-toy and it feels wonderful! in a hurtfull hard way... well now im depressed well i gots to go get chocolate now and a big thing of mountain dew^^ yum...mountain dew^^ that make the world go round!! great now im hyper-.-' oh well^^'
yay! this month is my birthday^^ im so excited^^ hmmm... i think i should have a party i wonder if i invite me moms boy-toy's brother if he'll come. if did that would be so cool!! and not to mention he is hot!!!*girly flirt look* i gotta stop that -.-' oh well *shrug* i guess i cant help it^^
well have a nice day all^^
-the lone "love struck" wolf
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
ello doggies!!! ok im really hyper today for some unknon reason.... which me being hyper is not really good^^'its acually quite dangerous... oh well^^ i cant wait for me second soccer practice today!! its gonna be great!! well not the dry heat but the soccer part...and i finaly have a nice coach and that is so cool^^ oh yes and i will be adding pics of like everything to me site^^ just randomly of course so yeah well everyone have a super happy day!!

-the lone wolf
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
hello^^ how is everyone?? im so worried but i think ill survive^^' well on sunday my mom and her boy-toy and his brother(holy hell is he hot!!) and them me and me buddie aubri went swimming with them^^ it was fun...and i like was kinda sorta....fli- uh.. never mind but his brother is cute and not to mention he is like 2 yrs older than me but still he owns a lizard*gets and evil idea* heh heh...i think i will stop typing im have to call me friend^^whos way older than me^^ oh well
-the lone wolf
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Friday, July 29, 2005
hey everyone
today i get to go to my good friend leiko yume's b-day party, its gonna be great^^
i just cant wait well i have some real bad news, really soon my "little" wolf pups have to go back to the wild and im so sad and so is the elder of them.... i dont wanna let them go but i have too....they cant be mine for ever so if you want to say bye, say bye to them.... well i sure hope that u all are having a good day... and that u wont be miserable as i am
have a good everyone
-the lone sad wolf
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
ok all i have today is of my wolves when they were pups now there huge but ya know here ya go....

heres lance and chance

heres lance and vance

heres a wolf

and heres another

heres aniou the white wolf

and this is what im gonna do to you if you hurt a wolf

most likely ill do this first and then the other pic

then ill be sad and do this with a survivor

and this is me all the time
im a lone wolf
-the lone wolf
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
god help me please!!!!! god last night my mom brought her boyfriend over to watch a movie and so we watch beverlyhills cop II that part was good but she made me go to bed at 10 which is really early.... just so her and her boyfriend could have some alone time....
i have a question for everyone... would you all like to see pics of little lance, chance, and vance??? cause i got some and i gave them to a good friend of mine.... well i sure hope everyone is having a good week... well ttyl
-the lone wolf
and as alway the pups say WOOOOFFF!!!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
im back!
hey every one i just got back from my dads house and well it was miserable.... and my dad went through my stuff and well a good friend of mine might be investigated by then police i wont tell who unless that person wnats me to.... i dont think they want me to... i almost got but in jail for cutting down a "protected" tree the cops got so pissed they turned bright red.... oh and im sorry for not telling you lance but i was in orlando for 5 days and so i coulda came and visit but you know what happened.... im still really pissed off... ill tell everyone some day... but im soooo happy to be back cause i get to see my wolves and my dogs and my kitties.... but one thing im not to pleased is after my mom got divorced for the second time she now has a boyfriend and wants me to meet him and dont really want to cause i got my own issues but he does have a 15 yr old brother....that has a lizard and my mom is scared of reptiles and.....*evil smirk* this is gonna be fun....ok my post is starting to get a bit lengthy so i will stop typing if i can....ok im done for sure now.....
-the lone wolf
P.S.- little lance says WOOOOFFF!!
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
save me!!
help me im being attacked by little umpalumpas!! my half sisters to be exact! they r driving me crazy!! expecially the 5 yr old!! she has serious issuses...with her mind!!! and the 8 yr old is just plain weird! she keeps thinking my best friend lance is my boyfriend....EWWWW!! oh well whats one to do!*shrugs* well ttyl!!
-the lone wolf
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
hey^^i dont wanna go!!! i have to go to my dads house and deal with my step-monster and the two kid-zillas! bringing my laptop so they wont get to get one word in cause ill be zoned out on the computer!! YAY!! for zoning out! its really easy to zone out when your high or drunk! and i know this because its usually part of a daily ritual with my gang so ya know! whatcha expect! and little lance is on my head looking at my soup...i sure hope hes not planning to dive into big lance say hes gonna do the puppy swan dive.... well i have to go to work so see ya all later!
-the lone wolf
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