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myOtaku.com: ooLilical04loo

Monday, May 2, 2005

   I..-.- not important.
Damn! I have to stop getting ´´in love´´ for the characts. of the quizzes I´m taking,I´m turning out in a big freak ¬¬ god!I think I need some real man to make me stop daydreaming like this XO~~ (The quiz of this time: ´´get lost for a girl´s blood´´ (I think the name is this)) T.T nham,that´s just so depressing.I think being an unoccupied is starting to show some really bad effects.Well,I´ll try to be normal anyway,I just feel so loser this times ;.; .nham I´m a little sad,good I have people I´ll never see in my life (I..hope so? -.-)to read my wierds (useless) posts XD~~ .arght,seeya people.soon or later I´ll be back _o/* byz!(hn..and I´m actually really liking DeftoneS ^^ they Rock!)

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ps:(@.o kyya!this guy of the pic is kawaii! *nham,kawaii and hot are always walking by on the same side* <-more loser thoughts (I think I..just.. *call for some head(mental) doctor*)

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