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myOtaku.com: OrangeInuYasha

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Animated Girl 2 (08/20/06)

Hey! Nice site you have. I like the colors,the bg with Sango and so on. I�d like to add you as a friend so you can visit me and perhaps sign my gb too. You can even feel free to pm me anytime. Well... Hope we can be friends. Sayonara

KagomeKogaInu (07/06/06)

like the site, i love inuyasha!well thanks for signing my gb and keep up the hard work!

Demon Dog KIBA (06/19/06)

Hi, wuzz up ^_^ I really like your icon/avitar ^o^ I'm goin' to add ya as a friend k. Hope you will too ^_~ Well see ya later


chronoluv (06/18/06)

i luvur page and all the stuff in it its reall fly the whole voting and the servay thing is coo

Tigerdemon (06/16/06)

Hey love the Inuyasha theme one your site whose your favorite mine is Sango. What'd you think of the new ep Tuesday well I added you as my friend hope you don't mind come see my site sometime talk to yuh later.

Yasha25 (06/14/06)

Sorry it took me sooooooo long to get back to you. I haven't been on my site for a while, and haven't checked my guestbook in longer. I guess I kinda forgot about it.

Nice site, good bg, and very long survey(not sure about that).
Not sure what else to say, so bye
Hope to see ya round.

Mrs. Miroku (05/28/06)

hi there! nice site!stop by mine sometime
take care and have a nice day!

WarriorGal (05/18/06)

mr. fixit lol

hikari 1 (04/22/06)

love ur sight a lot

Khrys (02/17/06)

Hello! I'm just returning you signing my guestbook...I believe you thought I was someone else though...You said you love my Inuyasha e-cards...I haven't made any that I'm aware of. I dunno how to make an e-card actually. but whatever.


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