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Member Since
• 2004-10-01
• Artist, Writer, Horseback Rider
• Double time blue ribbon winner at the PASC horse show
Anime Fan Since
• 1998
Favorite Anime
• Rurouni Kenshin, Yu-Gi-OH!, Beyblade! Naruto, and many others
• To become a famous artist!
• Drawing & Riding Horses
• My friends tell me I'm a talented artist
| Orcagirl2001
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Guestbook Entries:
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PrincessBerrii (08/05/07)
Hi! I really like your art! You're really good. I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend, and I hope you add me too. I hope you can be great friends!
fukaoiheizen (07/23/07)
hey awesome art, and cool site u got skillz in drawing
Mastahbetahs (07/22/07)
hey your art is great!.. hope we can be friends!
Sachi Kamikaze (07/22/07)
I love your art I can't help but favorite it! x3
Can't wait to se more!
QT Ryou xx (07/22/07)
Your doodles are awesome and your site is too! I love the naruto-ish color theme ^^
You like Yu-Gi-Oh? Thats awesome! ^^ It brings me back fond memories, even though I don't like it as much as Naruto, DNAngel and Death note.
~ QT ^^
missymisty007 (07/22/07)
I love your art!!
And your site is great!!
I love it cause i've been dying to find out what happens in naruto and you post some stuff on it!!
I'm really HYPER,please don't get mad at me.I don't mean to be mean or anything.Hehe!!
Yay!!!!Please draw more for naruto PLEASE!!!You draw it sooo well!!
And i wanted to know could we be friends?
I wanted to ask cause if you didn't want to i didn't want to be bad and add you anyways then we wouldn't really be friends.
Hope we do become friends!!
MoeRikyo (04/17/07)
Er...I'm Jessica. I added you, by the way. And...I like your site!! It's nice and Naruto is number one! XD
lifes burden (01/13/07)
hey whats up.. great site you have here...looks really great... like the solors they match naruto... found your name by taking a look at the fanart.. i always like to visit people that draw really well... you are one of them... your art style is different but i like it..... well got to go .. talk to you later..
~Life is but a Burden~
Sessy514 (10/02/06)
You have a wonderful sight here. I really like it. Hopefully you will visit mine and like it too. I hope we can become friends. Later
kpinvestigator (07/13/06)
like your site alot! Keep up the great work and if you get the time check out my site. Im adding ya as a friend and when you update i will always come by and comment on some posts, hopefully you'll do the same, well-g2g-holla
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