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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Naruto Chapter 330 Review!!
Sadness overflows as Shikamaru and the rest of team ten return to Konoha. Seems that Tsunade is getting nothing but bad news nowadays. I thought it was noble of Shikamaru to tell Kurenai what happened. It must be so hard for him.
Meanwhile, Naruto is finally getting the hang of his new jutsu and we get a glimse of what it might look like. But it had to be put on hold as the "sad message" comes to them. At the gravesite, it was very nostalgic, seeing everyone standing in their funeral garb. It took us back to the Third Hokage's death but now everyone is grown up, I mean Naruto looks like a man and I didn't even recognize little Konohamaru, who's grown up a lot himself. Also we finally learn his relation in the Sarutobi house, that Asuma was his uncle, not father as I thought, which makes sense because Asuma wasn't married.
Shikamaru's portrayal in this chapter shows how much he looked up to Asuma. He's even taken up his habits, and was trying to use his signature moves. In the end Team Ten reunites again as three. I'm still not really thrilled Shikamaru took up smoking, since his family runs a medicinal business, but it's still touching to see how much he misses Asuma and morns his death that he'd somewhat pretend he was still there. The question still remains, who is this "king" piece Asuma told Shikamaru about in his last words and what is the next move for Konoha? I can't wait for next week's chapter!!!
Naruto 330 Favorite Quote:
Kakashi: "I gotta say...I really like you now."
Naruto: "WHAAAA!!! Don't say wierd stuff like that you idiot!! I finally got the jutsu and your creepiness threw me off!!!"
Kakashi: "Uhh..I didn't mean it like that. What I was trying to s-"
Naruto: "BACK OFF!!!"
(*ROTFL!* Oh my word, Naruto is so stupid!! Guess all those slashing fanfics are valueless now since he's proven he's a phobe of that kind of stuff. Poor Kakashi, he tries to say something nice and get's taken the wrong way. Makes me wonder why. I mean Naruto said that close teacher-student relationships were good when he first met Lee and Gai-sensei with their about Orochimaru's actions with Kimmimaro, Kabuto, possibly Sasuke, and the whole wierdness with Sai made Naruto a bit disturbed about that stuff. Still, his face made me die laughing!!)
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Naruto Chapters 326-328 Review!!!
I'm late again!
Oh, these chapters were so shocking! I can't even begin to tell you!
First of all, I thought yay! Hidan is out of here, no more undead jerk, but of course now we have a talking head and Kakuzu shows his own ability and pulls Hidan back together. Now that Hidan's a ninja world frankenstein monster, he goes on the attack again, gets past their defense and into his circle again then makes the final blow.
After I read that chapter and had to wait, I was like...someone's going to stop him right? He got pushed out the circle again right? Shikamaru saved the day right? Wrong.
Hidan landed his attack perfectly. Asuma was doomed. Poor Shikamaru went on the attack in his rage but got knocked away. The backup squad arrived, a bit too late. Ino, Chouji, Raido and Aoba come to help. They readied to fight round two with Hidan and Kakuzu but a strange figure calls them away to capture the three tail jinnchuriki. It's none other than...the Leader of Akatsuki!!!!
I was like OMG! and we actually got a glimpse of his face!!!! Questions have been running through my head about who he could be. In earlier chapters Jiraiya was talking to Kakashi and gave a few clues about him, perhaps linking him to Konoha somehow, and the Kyuubi provided info on a certain Uchiha Madara, a man with terrible Sharingan powers that surpassed even his own. Who knows, maybe this Leader was an Uchiha who defected from Konoha long long ago, but it's all up to speculation now. Can't help wondering though.
Anyway, back to the story, after Hidan and Kakuzu leave, everyone's worried Asuma is dead. He has a slight heartbeat and is able to say his final words to his students. This was the hardest chapter to read, a great Jounin, son of the third Hokage, dying before we really got to know him. He tells Shikamaru in his last moments something important about a "king." Earlier in Chapter 316, he talked to Shikamaru while playing shogi, about the importance of the "king" piece. That, if it were lost, the whole game would end. In order to protect it, other pieces must be sacrificed. He likened Shikamaru to a "knight" and himself to a "sacrifical piece" then asked if Shikamaru knew who the "king" piece was. He believed it was the Hokage but Asuma says no. Here, in chapter 328, he tells Shikamaru who the "king" is but it's not revealed to readers. Darn, I hate that!!!
Anyway, after this revelation, Asuma dies. I nearly cried. This was the saddest thing ever!!!! Poor Shikamaru, would just one mission go right for him? Now he's lost his sensei. Oiy...sad...
Well, now I have to wait till...Friday to find out what happens next. Ganbatte o Kishimoto-san!!!
Naruto 326 Favorite Quote:
Hidan: "It freakin hurts, dude! Taking off my head like that! Do you have any idea how much it stings?! Do ya?!!"
Asuma: *sweatdrop*
Kotetsu: "What the..."
Izumo: "Yeah, I'm not sure how to handle this situation either..."
(Note: I'd feel the same way if a severed head were yelling at me...)
Naruto 327 Favorite Quote:
Hidan: "Feels good..."
Shikamaru: "ASUMA!"
(Note: I found this to be heartbreaking. Hidan struck a final blow and poor Shikamaru could only watch. I've never seen him so sad. That's it, forget Orochimaru, Hidan I hate most now! At least Orochimaru didn't kill anybody important...or...maybe he did. Sorry Sandaime. *sweatdrop* Well, still, it's an unfair advantage if your opponent doesn't die...hmmm, Orochimaru is like that too. Oh, forget it, I hate them both!)
Naruto 328 Favorite Quote:
Shikamaru: "I knew I'd hate smoking...the smoke gets in my eyes."
(Note: what made this so sad was that when team ten first met Asuma-sensei, he started smoking when he told them jokingly he'd be strict. They started crying because the smoke was in their eyes. Now as the rain sheds a thousand tears, three ninjas weep for their sensei. This was the hardest thing to read, I felt like crying buckets myself. Sadness... will be missed...)
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Monday, October 2, 2006
Naruto 323 - 325 Review!
Whoa am I late or what?!!! Blame not having the Internet!
Anyway, no time to waste!
Omg, Hidan won't die, this is annoying! Plus Asuma gets caught in this trap of his involving his dumb rituals and poor Shikamaru is like, what good am I with my stupid shadow bind?! Arg! Hidan looked freaky when he turned into skull-face, then Asuma's like "oh crap, the PAIN!!" when Hidan starts stabbing himself. I find Hidan the strangest Akatsuki member since the venus-flytrap guy, sorry I pathetically don't remember his name. Also his mouth is terrible, you don't have to curse your brains out every two seconds. Sheesh!
But boy Shikamaru came through again. What he can't do with his ninjutsu skills or his laziness he make sup for in his brainpower!!! Within three seconds he figures out how to defeat Hidan, just by observation. I was like sweet, the annoying guy is going down thanks to Shikamaru! Yay! He's finally the hero this time. So he figures Hidan needs to stand in this special circle so he can curse his enemies and eventually kill them by well...killing himself, but he doesn't die, his enemy does...oiy. Anyway, Shikamaru uses shadow bind to drag him out of his circle then Asuma makes the final blow. I was kind of shocked at that. Since when did Kisimoto put in so much bloody violence. Yeesh. Anyway, yeah hurray one Akatsuki down but nooooo...I read it and was like "OMG TALKING HEAD!" This is getting wierder and wierder. Shikamaru probably thought right then, "Why do I always get the crazy people?"
Basically, that's the jist of what I had to wait a month for. I don't have a favorite quote for these, sorry.
This is getting out of hand, now I'm wondering who these backup guys they called are, how did Asuma get into the 12 Guardian shinobi force, where is Sasuke and did Naruto complete his jutsu?! Heh, watch Naruto show up in the middle of the next battle with Kakuzu and blow them away with his WIND CHAKRA RASENGAN SWORD COMBO ATTACK! or something to that effect, if he can get it at all. Oh well, time to wait for next week!
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Friday, September 8, 2006
Naruto 322 Review!!!
Oh, I wish I could post more than reviews here. Still don't have any Internet...oh well.
Unrivaled Gallery...go you know...why am I obsessed with typing periods..........? XD
Anyway, to the review! I was again super excited to read this chapter, wanting to know how Naruto's progressing. We get a forboding message from Kakuzu about Hidan being the only one able to travel with him because he won't die. That got me thinking. When I first saw Hidan and his rituals with that thing (stick, blade, who knows) sticking out of his chest, I wondered how can he impale himself without dying? Well, I guess we know why now.
Naruto meanwhile is working his butt off trying to fuse wind manipulation chakra with the Rasengan and its harder than he thought, nearly impossible. He tries hard to concentrate then the kyuubi chakra leaks out!!! There are four tails forming! I nearly jumped out of my seat. I was like 'What the heck the freaking kyuubi's coming out! Yamato! Don't just sit there, do something!' I guess that sums up Kakashi's one word. These wooden fox? heads come out and eat? the kyuubi chakra leaving poor Naruto out cold. This training is taking its toll but there isn't any other choice. Meanwhile Hidan's minding his own business when BOOM! Here comes Asuma and his group, their attack is perfect. I was amazed that they caught him by surprise, held him with Shikamaru's shadow bind and the Kotetsu and Izumo fly in for the final blow. I was like "yeah! but, hey what the heck, he's not dead?" That's when I realized it. Dang it, what in the world is this???! Now they have to fight someone who won't die!?!!!!! There has to be some kind of weak spot, but I guess I'll have to wait and always.
Naruto 322 Favorite Quote:
Yamato: "If you continue doing this, Naruto will...and it's not like I can stop that thing every time!"
Kakashi: "No...This is the only option we have. Whether or not Naruto will be able to perfect this jutsu rests on your shoulders."
(*Seems like this training is becoming a danger to Naruto. The dumb kyuubi chakra is trying to force itself out and this continuous exposure to it's influence risks Naruto's own life. Still, Kakashi has faith it will work. Naruto may be the trump card in the battle against Akatsuki! What a battle that will be. I can't wait!!!!!)
(Note: go to and check out Pokefreak's incredible Naruto fan art. The best I've seen in a while is a portrait of Hidan called "Immortal." It's breaktaking!!! Go look at it and the rest of his awesome gallery!!!)
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Naruto 321 Review!!!
K, by now you already know the site where you can read it. Sorry I don't have a link.
Oh my word I was jumping in my seat while reading this one. Of course in the last chapter I was mad at this cliffhanger of Kakashi about to tell Naruto something interesting. I was like what?! WHAT?! then having to wait a week was terrible but now, WAH! I'm so excited.
Kakashi tells Naruto about how he has now learned the two ways of using chakra for a new jutsu: form manipulation and nature manipulation. Naruto finally realizes, after another reminder (man this guy's forgetful!) that he can combine the rasengan with his wind manipulation ability. But Kakashi tells him that no one, not even the Fourth Hokage could do it. Kakashi reveals that he can use Rasengan!! My motuh dropped. Of course I forgot he was Copy Ninja Kakashi and it probably was no problem for him to copy that jutsu from Yodaime. Still it was awesome. What Kakashi tells him next is the favorite quote which I will get to later. Asuma reveals he was one of the 12 guardian shinobis and was friends with the monk shinobi that Kakuzu killed, which I was like, duh like I didn't know already from the sash he was wearing and the old priest's words in the last chapter. But I think it's cool that Kishimoto is focusing on a character that hasn't had much light on him like, ever. I mean when reading back in the manga where Asuma encountered Itachi in his first appearace, I never noticed his hand blades that were focused on a few chapters ago when he gave Naruto some tips on wind chakra manipulation. I must have been pretty unobservant. Then again, back in those chapters when I first read them I hadn't been the Naruto fan I am now.
Anyway, the plot thickens as Naruto continues his training...alone.
Naruto 320 Favorite Quote:
Kakashi: "I believe the one that will surpass the Fourth you."
(This has to be the best quote I've read since Yamato's words in Chapter 299! This was absolutely awesome! Here Kakashi is explaining that mixing form and nature chakra manipulation is impossible even for S-class shinobi, even for the Fourth Hokage! And then he says that! Boy, what a boost for Naruto. It makes me remember back in the very beginning where Naruto first states his dream, to surpass all the previous hokage and make everyone respect him and believe in him. Right there, his dream is coming true. And for Kakashi of all people to say that, says something. He worked right alongside Yodaime, he was his student. It must really be something if finally Naruto's powers are being recognized by him, Jiraiya, Godaime Tsunade and many others. Naruto is on his way to becoming Hokage for sure.)
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Major Update, Apologies and Naruto 319 Review!!!
Oh my word it's been forever since I posted anything here! I'm terrible. Didn't help I was relocating for the past few weeks and have had no Internet whatsoever. *pullshairoutofhead* ARGH!!
Anyway, yes I've moved big time and have been soooo busy! Right now my only contact with the web is at the Public Library...go figure...
Sorry for not posting my usual reviews and the huge lack of artwork posts. I have kept up to date with the latest Naruto chapters but haven't had any time to write reviews. My links are at the moment dead but everyone knows the site and has probably read up to the newest one anyway since its been what...three weeks? Yeah...I'm terribly late. *cries*
Well, today I get to write a review for 319. Man the numbers keep climbing. I'm impressed by Kishimoto-san's ability to keep this story up. I've been trying to think up plots for Okaeshi and new manga ideas but my brain has been acting like mush since I've moved and nothing's helping the situation. Oh well, enough rambling, to the review!
First thing we're hit with at the beginning of 319 is Asuma the playa. *grin* No not really, he just catches a glance of Kurenai's house before he leaves to go find Akatsuki. No duh, like we didn't know about the whole thing between them already. It was the same when we saw Asuma call the dead Third Hokage "dad". It's like, Hello Kishimoto-san, with the name Sarutobi it's a little late to be telling us this now.
Anyway. I just about died when I saw a wet and shirtless Naruto *fallsoverfrommajornosebleed*
The hotness!!!!!!
And he's still training, but now things are starting to look up. Of course he wants to get things done faster, and poor Yamato has to compensate with his demands. Such a little brat, but I guess his actions are justified since they don't have a lot of time. This training shows how talented Naruto really is. With his ability to use tons of chakra and make thousands of clones he's able to learn techinques in a really short about of time. It's awesome how far he's come.
I was a bit concerned when I saw Sakura sitting under the stars crying, it tore at my heart and I wasn't sure if it was really happening or if Naruto was dreaming.
I was happy to see Naruto gain his confidence back thinking about Sasuke and the memories they had. Wanting to return to that time of friendship is what drives him, and he is able to complete the next step. Slicing a waterfall in half. What a sight!!!! Boy, I'm itching for the next one. What is he going to use this wind ability for? What new jutsu will he create and will it work to bring Sasuke back?! I want to see the rest sooo bad!!!
Anyway, that's all for now. Hopefully I'll have a review for next week's chapter. If not, you know where to go for Naruto.
Naruto 319 Favorite Quote:
Kakashi: "Even for Sasuke, a real genius, it took him several long days to learn the lightning element method."
Naruto: "I get stronger than Sasuke!!!"
*I enjoyed this part because, right when Naruto believes he's not doing enough or is failing somewhere, the memory of Sasuke spurs him on. The passion in his eyes at that part stunned me and I loved it! Just goes to show that the power of friendship can conquer anything!*
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
Naruto 315!

Warning! Spoilers ahead! If you haven't read the manga click on the pic and read it then check out the review below!!
Hurray! The training begins! Although I have to say, despite having aged three years, Naruto is still as dumb as ever. Poor Kakashi's stuck trying to explain how this new ability works and he ends up repeating himself because Naruto doesn't get it. Oiy.
Anyway, it was exciting to learn how Naruto's going to become stronger, by simply using his signature move. Also neat how Kakashi expressed that his student has more chakra than he does. Well, duh, like we haven't noticed along the way how when the gang gets into a battle and everyone's worn out, Naruto still has enough energy to beat the bad guys, jump around wildly like he's had 100 mountain dews and a few pixy sticks then runs off to the nearest ramen shop. Sheesh. At least now he'll be able to put that energy to good use.
What was also cool was seeing what element of jutsu Naruto uses. Up till now no one ever wondered what it was, and I had no idea, so that revelation was awesome. And now we have to wait and see if Naruto will learn this skill before Akatsuki shows up. And what the heck happened to Sasuke??!!
Naruto 315 Favorite Quote:
This time I actually have two quotes I enjoyed.
Kakashi: *thinking* Yeesh, Jirayia-sama, how the heck did you ever teach this kid a jutsu like Ransengan?
*This made me laugh so hard. Naruto is as dumb as a stick and Kakashi's so frustrated, you do wonder how he ever learned anything. And of course, Naruto just puts on his goofy grin saying, 'teach me! show me! teach me now!' and Kakashi's like, 'I would if you'd just get it!!'
Too funny*
Naruto: "Really? So I have more chakra than you?"
Kakashi: "You have at least twice as much."
Naruto: "For real?! Man I'm awesome!"
Kakashi: "And if Yamato keeps the Nine-tails in could be 100 times more."
Naruto: ...!
*After reading that all I could think was...WOW...*
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Friday, July 7, 2006
Naruto 314!!!
Warning, spoilers ahead! Read up on the manga then check out the review below, or Naruto will smack you. XD
Yet again, Kishimoto-san has proven to be EVIL!! and left us in suspense. Number one I loved the title page, it's adorable. And these new Akatsuki guys are crazy. I like their interaction, how Kakuzu's all 'Come on let's go already slow poke.' and Hidan's like 'There's a freakin pole in my stomach could you wait a second?!!' Funny.
Finally we get to see what Kakashi's training was. I was shocked to see how tall Naruto was compared to Kakashi! Almost the same height! To bad his brain hasn't caught up with him yet. *hee* But no!!! we don't get to see how they're going to do it. I was like NOOOOOOO! Now I have to wait again. Then that whole revelation with Asuma, like no duh we already knew that from his last name (if you look on wikipedia that is) but it was still cool. But then again another side story/past to wait for. OIY! Also with the Akatsuki people, they're busting through Konoha's finest without breaking a sweat, well Hidan's just hurting himself (weirdo) but still, Naruto better hurry up and get that technique down cuz there's no time!!! AH! The suspense is killing me! OMG!!!!
Naruto 314 Favorite Quote:
Asuma: "Now it doesn't seem that bad, being born into the Sarutobi clan and all...You accomplished your mission as the village leader...You were such a great dad, old man."
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
Naruto 313!!
Warning! Spoilers ahead! If you didn't click the above pic be warned. Not that anything important happened...
Well this chapter was kinda wierd. The new Akatsuki guys, Hidan and Kakuzu, start a fight with Yukido, a Cloud Shinobi who apparently is the Nekomata. Hidan gets all riled up and has a lot of issues. The 'must-destroy-because-i-feel-alive kind of things with a tad of idiocy. He tries to negociate first, a 'come quietly please' thing, but Yukido's like "No Way!" and proceeds to transform into GRAH!!! GIANT FLAMING CAT OF DOOOOOM!!!!! There's fighting and fireballs and buildings crashing then boom! we're in kakashi's hospital room for a few pages of, well, nothing except forgleaming and lose ends. Then it's back to the fighting. Yay! Or should I say end of the fight since I'm guessing Kishimoto-san is tired or something. I just have to say Hidan is really really strange. Not much is revealed about them except for that. And now their coming into the Leaf's territory?! Will Naruto be next?!! O______o
Basically, nothing happened in this chapter. We missed a fight and whatever important thing Asuma was going to say never was said so now we have to wait another week to find out what's going on!!! Sheesh...
Naruto Chapter 313 Favorite Quote:
Hidan: "Why don't you just come quietly?"
Yukido: "I don't think so!" *transforms*
Hidan: "Errr...I guess that's a No."
Kakuzu: "You are so stupid."
Nekomata: GRAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!
*Hidan has proven to be a strange, off, and funny character. He's all 'ha, the blood's rushing to my head destroy destroy' then its 'oh lets talk or not, heh nice kitty' and kakuzu's like 'oiy vay, why did leader send me with this idiot...?' random fun with new characters. AGH! BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO NARUTO!?!*
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Naruto Chapter 312!!!
Warning, spoilers may be ahead so if you haven't read it listen to sargent naruto here and GO READ IT then come back and check out the review!
Well, technically it's not up on Unrivaled gallery yet, I just got impatient. But it will be there very soon.
Anyway, to the review! Well, again not much action really. Kakashi informs Naruto about this special training he's going to give him personally so Naruto learn a jutsu that's even more powerful than Rasengan!!! (whoa.)The group hangs with Shikamaru's team and Sai proves to be more socially challenged than ever. His cuteness makes him adorable but gets him in a heap of trouble. XD Then akatsuki shows up but...who are they?!! They found another jinchuuriki?! The last one?! Could Naruto be next?!!! OMG!!!
Btw I love the way Naruto looks in this chapter. I have a thing for him without his headband, he's so cute!!!
Naruto 312 Favorite Quote:
Ino: "I'm Yamanaka Ino, nice to meet you!"
Sai: *thinking* with women, if you tell them exactly how they look they get mad at you so if i say the reverse then everything will be allright
"Nice to met you, umm...Miss Beautiful."
Sakura: *twitch* Why the heck is is "beautiful" with Ino?! SHANNAROOO!!!!!!
*Omg I think Sai's gonna get a beating with every chapter if he keeps this up! He's so clueless!!! He did similar thing with Chouji, boy he's got a lot to learn. XD*
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