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Friday, December 29, 2006

Time To Catch Up! Naruto 334-336 Review

Naruto 334 Review

Of course, like it's Dragonball Z based origins, the villans don't die that easily. Kakuzu isn't dead and defends Hidan from a second Chidori attack by Kakashi. Everyone's like "what the-!" Kakuzu reveals four strange masked creatures that come out of his body. One took the fatal strike. The others have different elemental jutsu that counter any attacks. One shoots out a wind jutsu that knocks Kakashi away. Another mask attacks Chouji and Shikamaru with a lightning attack but Kakashi steps in with a double Rakiri!! The power's so intense his gloves burn off! My jaw dropped!! But there is another power, Fire! What will they do against four elemental jutsus and two opponents who Just Won't Die?!!

Naruto 334 Favorite Quote:

"RAKIRI!" - Kakashi

(Only because that was the coolest attack I have ever seen!!! Kakashi used both hands! If that isn't mindblowing I don't know what is, well, maybe Naruto's new attack could top it but whoo that was awesome!!! Go Kakashi again!!!!)


Naruto 335 Review

Everyone barely dodged the fire attacks and Kakashi goes after Hidan. Though Kakashi is using his Chidori to the fullest, Hidan and Kakuzu have the advantage with their team attacks. They figure out Kakuzu didn't die because the creatures he controls have their own life force, and that he had five hearts. The creatures that fight for him use different elements. Team ten decides to split their opponents appart, and Shikamaru volunteers to lure away Hidan, alone. Kakashi gives him something and Shikamaru attacks with his Shadow Bind. Hidan dodges his shadow and his chakra knives but didn't think Shiakamru would come at him straight on and punch him in the face. I was like WHOO! GO SHIKAMARU!

Naruto 335 Favorite Quote:

Hidan: "Heh, too bad...as long as you keep your eye on his shadow, this jutsu's worthless."

Shikamaru: "I'm not just being sneaky from a distance...Kagemane no Jutsu, A success!"

(I just loved this part where Shikamaru did something unexpected and caught coky Hidan off guard. Brains wins again! Go Shikamaru!!!)


Naruto 336 Review

This has to be one of the most heartpounding chapters I've read so far! It continues as Shikamaru leads Hidan far away from Kakuzu, while Kakashi and the rest of Team Ten face him. Kakuzu reveals that the first leaf ninja he fought was the first Hokage so everyone's like "man you're old!!" He stole the hearts of shinobi he fought in the past and their chakra too using them in these creatures which is why he can use different elements. Meanwhile, Shikamaru and Hidan face off but right off the bat Shikamaru gets in trouble. He's cut and Hidan takes his blood, the ritual begins! I was like, Oh crap, Shikamaru don't die!!! What in the world is Kishimoto thinking switching the scene right back to Kazuku's critters blasting Kakashi away? Now Kakuzu threatens to take Kakashi's heart! Hidan's pierced himself and Shikamaru falls over. My heart stopped, I started biting my fist I was so scared! Ah!!! Then Kakuzu shudders....secret plan revealed! It wasn't Shikamaru's blood on Hidan's scythe...it was Kakuzu's!! Genius plan by Kakashi and Shikamaru, now with Hidan's back turned Shikamaru is alive and ready to attack!!!

Naruto 336 Favorite Quote:


(Actually I have no favorite quote for this chapter because the whole thing was good! Especially the heart-pounding 'omg-shikamaru-almost-died-but-because-of-a-great-plan-he-didn't-and-now-he's-gonna-kick-some-butt-WHOO!' part. I can't wait for the next chapter and I wish it would come out already! These plot twists are getting me so excited! WAH! Now it's time for a OG KISIMOTO-SAN! GANBATTE-O AND HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT ONE!!!)

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