Well it's the evil day of the week: Monday! The day where i'm most lazy and tire.Yesterday was the first day in a long time that I have actually worked on some of my artwork. Yeah I haven't drawn anything for awhile that drawing again brings back some memories...I looked at some of my old artwork and realized how crappy it looks compare to my drawings now. Though most of it are incomplete.
I got many things due and I just feel like all these homeworks are just a extra burden for me to carry *sigh*
Well i'm surprise
no one got the right answer to the the riddle. Still thanks for trying...You guys are still awesome! The answer to the riddle was a
candle. Does it make sense now that you really think about it?
Alrighty then! Let me give you guys another RiddLe. For those who hates math, this riddle won't kill you so please try, it's extremely simple *grins* hehe:
You have 3 apples on a table, you took away 2 apples. How many apples do you have now??
Previous Riddle
I was carried into a dark room, and set on fire. I wept, and then my head was cut off.What am I??
Answer: A Candle (Poor candle, being put on fire just wasn't enough that it had to lose its head too!)