TA DA!!!New Layout!! Featuring Chihiro & Haku from my favorite anime movie "Spirited Away"! I stayed up all night finishing this layout/coding just because I suddenly had the urge to do it and because I couldn't sleep. I hope you all like/love it. I just realize that on my previous layout I only updated twice and I just haven't had the time to update or... more like i'm too lazy to update it.hehehe...I really liked my previous layout but I guess it's goodbye old theme and hello new theme!
On my last post you all made me so happy that I regretted being gone for so long. And then I disappeared again. So sorry.I think i'm driving myself insane. I am overwhelmed with life and work. It's just too much sometimes. That I wish it'll all just leave me alone, but hey that's life right? though it makes me so mad...
Anywho...I made some buttons for some clubs I joined simply because I wanted these buttons to fit nicely with my layout. I was "asked" by master hiko to join his "Procrastinators Clubs" which I so gladly joined because it's "so me!" and it represents me all the way. Then I was "asked" by kankuro love to join her "Naruto Boys Club". I thought it would be interestingly funny to own a naruto boy in her club. So i joined AND I get to own Itachi!!!O/_\O <====look it's itachi!!!!lol!!! well at least in that club I get to own itachi. OOOO...i smell jealous coming from Hitsukuya..I bet she's going to kill me for having itachi...but then again she's the type that goes after Orochimaru...sooo..yeah...LOL!!!
THEN finally last but not least I was being "FORCED" by hitsukuya to join her Shakugan No Shana Club. But besides from being "forced", I get to be Vice President of the club. BUT!!!*raise fist* one of these days I'm going to overthrown her and take what's rightfully mines :Presidency.LOL!!! But join the club if you would like to be a fan of Shakugan No Shana, it's a great anime series. Just click on the shana button on the right and it'll take you to the club site and you'll sign up from there.
So besides all that happening...i've been good. Thanks for reading buddies. I'll try to make sure to update or if not...at least visit you all whenever I have time in my busy/lazy schedule to so. <3