July 29th 2007 Sunday
Thanks for the wonderful comments. I was going to reply to some comments, but seeing how I updated so late, I'm sure most of you all probably have no idea what my previous post was about and what you said to me then. So let's just forget about it.
I finished a new layout and here you all are looking at it^^. I hope you all like it. It was suppose to be August theme, but I guess it's a bit earlier. And I didn't really care.
Today my family is throwing a party for my brother, but he's more of a useless person than what I would call a brother. He doesn't deserve it. He's USELESS! So i'm taking a break now to sneak onto the internet, then back to helping. Hopefully I'll be able to come back on later at night.
I spent too much $$money$$ lately. I REALLY NEED TO STOP or I'll be dead broke.