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Thursday, March 17, 2005
well looks like paople didnt like my last post very much...well im a boring person- deal with it.
today has been one of those bitter-sweet days... i dont know whether to smile and relax...or cry in anguish
there is one detail i falied to mention about why i was depressed yesterday...ive lost my spiritual links to the heavans and the earth. over the past months ive been loosing my best friends- they have died at ruthless hands...in the quest to make our property more appealing my mother has cut down three of our trees...one by one breaking my heart ive lost so much and im finding it hard to go on. not so long ago 2 beautiful jacaranda trees were slain...i grieved for them and sat by them without moving for ours holding onto their bare stumps, no longer shall i ever see the beautiful purple that was their flowers fall to the garden...and just 2 days ago the tallest most grand pine tree in our back garden suffered such a brutal murder, its remains are still in our garden *sob* i used to sit by that tree for 10 years...talking to it and explaining my sorrow...but no more shall i be free to it but rather weep on my own as i suffer its parting...i can only wait until i depart so i can be its presence once more- even if it were only for a moment in time. ive cried since it left me and every time i think of it my eyes tear up...i dont think youd understand because youve had friends before...that tree was my only true friend that never abandonned me or decieved and stayed by my side at every moment.
the only thing that that brings slight relief to my broken heart is that i have finished college for now and have a 2 week break until the next semester begins- but i still have an art assignment for the beggining of next term.
its been a sad week and a bad week...ive lost a good friend and i dont expect to be well for some time to come...it will surely influence my art and ive yet again added another scar to the the battered black mind i posess.
i am now alone...
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
a day for the callender- 1000 reasons for doing the happy dance...well only one actually.
well ballerinas i cant say that its too much of a momentous occasion but in case you didnt get it from the header i seem to have hits amounting to about 1002...well its nice to know that ive had some part in over a thousand peoples life but im more greatful to the regular internet buddies coz without them i wouldnt even use myO...so thank you so much. gosh, its hard to believe that i actually started my myO experince so long ango- i remember it was an internet friend that convinced me to do it...hes long gone by now, ive seen friends come and go on my site and theyve all been special.
well anyway enough of this nostalgia. im actually not faring too well- i guess the depression has sunk in and i know why it has but its unimportant to you all- just remain content. i dont really know all of you personally but i know i have what support i can get and in a sense that makes me feel better. but still this depression is on me and i do not expect it to lift...ive come up and developed a new symbol with a theory...its really interesting but i cant explain...people just dont understand me.
well folks i guess i'll be seeing you all sometime. btw dont for get the interview- thats people like Katie, Rayea, Kitsune tsuki, Aubrion, Kout3uka, nehszriah and chibi sherubi, also others i may not be aware of.
take care
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
hey there ballerina's
Well im in a pretty decent mood for once...music video completed filming and all footage dumped and almost finished editing- lee did most of the editing while i did the graphics (logo, patterns, credits etc) i also edited all the claymation...yeah Lee and I did practically everything with a tiny bit of help from bonga and eric...gordon did absolutely nothing (that kid is gonna drop out for sure). good news is that this toss from the other class who is repeating got expelled for vandalism (thank god- i hate him for his pathetic incompetence.
anyway i got The Incredibles dvd today...man its such an awesome movie and the 2nd disc is also super cool- do yourselves all a favour and get it. im not sure how many of you have gamecubes but if you dont then youre loosing out...because the new legend of zelda game is coming out later this year and golly gosh it looks sooo awesome- believe me when i say that (so naturally ive got to be the first in line to get the good games). ok enough rambling.
ive decided that for all the regular visitors to my site...well i want to interview you all and if you dont have a problem then id like to do it by IM but if you really cant then i'll send you mail- i'll post up 1 interview every few days and i should be available most of this weekend and next weekend.
well folks thats about it for now but always remember to brush your teech...nobody like doggy breath...if you do then theres something wrong with you.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Hello there ballerinas,
Instead of the same old boring post that describes what’s been going on in my life at the moment…I mean honestly I'm beginning to get bored of reading posts like that- I'm sure you all are.
Well ive been doing a little abstract thinking lately and today I was thinking about vampires. Ok now it is sort of an odd thing to go about thinking randomly but here we go. I don’t know much about it but as we all know vampires are sorta like immortal (if you can use that word), they also drink blood as their staple diet (usually they suck out of the jugular vein located in the human neck. Well I was just wondering…what if a vampire went and sucked the blood of a human that was infected with AIDS? I mean yeah I guess they cant really get sick but still it should have some effect on their health. Ok another thing I was talking to a guy in class about is vampires flying…he said it would really be cool to be a vampire because you could fly into space and see all new planets and shiz of the like…but then I pointed out why it would be bad- do you know why? because if one does that then it would really suck because youd be stuck in space forever…youd get pulled into the magnetic field of a planet and youd be stuck orbiting the planet forever…now that’s pretty rotten and id rather die then be bored forever.
Well that all I was thinking…pretty simple, eh.
Other news is that we finally started filming last night and got about 45% done in a matter of 5 hours…all we really did was make our guy do some gestures and a couple of generic walk cycles- ill bring some screens and possibly footage to show you.
I finished cowboy bebop…really fantastic series- I mean there wasn’t even one episode that I didn’t like and its just so original…I'm happy that it didn’t follow the regular format of anime: for instance something like dragonball Z that continues from each episode in a sequence. Although I was a little disappointed with the last episode- I mean It just feels so unresolved and yes I wish it could be maybe 1 episode longer…heck 15 minutes longer wouldve been good enough. Man that dude Andy is so funny lol! I dig it how he uses English phrases and how he is just such a cheesy rip-off character. Yeah that episode was really quite something special…Especially:

P.S...hey people i know its a little much to ask but hey can you send me an e-mail or pm? i havent got one in like a month...if not its also good- do what you want of course |
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Hey there ballerinas
well things have been a little more then odd lately. my feelings tell me that im happy...i know this because i never usually have vodka unless i am pleased with something thats happening in my life (btw i made an awesome new drink using vodka). however my heart says that im anguished about something that i am not fully aware of. my friend ash broke up with her boyfriend about 2 weeks ago...i think she was trying to get me to fall in love with her...i care about her but i told her something on friday- that i might have feelings for another girl and i think this made her sad so she did the unthinkable...she got back together with her ex- and she doesnt have a real reason either besides for her insecurities of being alone and untouched...i think shes a sex addict at the age of 16.
ok enough about her...these last 2 weeks of college are really going to be the end of me: big art projects; music vid and editing for both clay and music vid..........ARGH! is the only word that can express my true feelings at this moment.
ive decided that i dont want to do anything involving animation...youll all think im crazy and youre probably right as well (see my second quiz) but ive decided that i want to become a philosopher and become a hermit and live in iceland...obviously winning the lottery first would help. yes a crazy plan but its my ultimate goal...of course doing it with someone would be good as well...
also ive almost finished watching bebop and i have to say that it is sheer brilliance...except it would have been so awesome if it was at least 5 episodes longer.
well thats it for now...guess i'll check you al later peeps.
take care
-J- |
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Monday Blues: part 26
Hmmm its so funny whats been happening lately....
this was possibly one of the worst mondays ive ever had for a while...and its become apparant that my days are only getting worse since last week (as most of the people i know would have gathered). on sunday i hadnt started my art project due for today however i also had to finish our photoshop...so i decided that instead of getting half of both done i would prioritise and do my photoshop because it is worth more on my report at the end of the term...heres where the twist comes in:
It seems that on the day of the submission our lecturer for photoshop decided to extend the deadline to wednesday! now if i had known that earlier then i would have completed my art...now my art will only get marked out of 80 *sigh* life always seems to bite me in the ass.
anyway if you look at my latest quiz result then im sure the people that know me would completely agree that it is totally correct. today was boring but on wednesday we should start filming our music video...it will be difficult but i am confident in the abilities of Gordon, Lee and of course myself...it will be something to see and im sure presidents of the united states would agree with me if they were ever to see its completion.
of course there was one highlight of today...ive started to become quite friendly with some of the girls in group 3...in fact they find me interesting since i have such a lot to tell because i never talk...now i ind that fantastic because no girl has really ever spoken to me face to face...and especially very pretty girls like these 3. the point is they like me as a friend and a friend right now is what i need most.
well everyone enjoy your monday...well at least whats left of it.
-J- |
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
What character are you?
Well howdy folks,
this will be s ort of different post because i have something i gotta ask all of you later...but first a sum up of recent events. well i suppose im ok besides for lots of stress and something that i talked about with someone last night which is disturbing me somewhat but i know its get fixed...i learned a lot last night because it so its making my mind a little numb, just with these things didnt distract me as much as they do. wel today besides for being really hot wasnt too bad except for the one guy in my group forgetting our clay models so we couldnt complete our stop-motion, we watched some dvds in claymation which was fun- we watched the special features on ice age and monsters inc. because we're learning about storyboards. a highligh of today was that i got the whole series of cowboy bebop, flcl and i got perfect blue (which is a pretty twisted movie) all fansubs by the way.
ok and now for what i had to ask you...well yeah...
the other day i spoke to this girl in group 3, and out of the blue she said i look like Leon S. Kennedy fron resident evil 4...now i take this as a huge compliment because im not really a handsome guy...
so what i want to know from you is: has anybody you met said that you share a likeness with a character from an anime or video game?
well thats it for now so just take care and i'll see you space cowboys lol...
-J- |
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Dedicated to the women in my life
This was supposed to be a post for valentines day but unfortunately due to uncontrollable circumstances I could not be online on Monday.
Anyway as the title suggests this is a post that is just a little thanks to those women in my life that make living worthwhile. As a personal philosophy I believe that women make the world go round…I mean go and look at men- they’re not really that intelligent and can be very irrational at times so luckily we have women in out lives to keep us on track and under control (mostly). Even on their own- women are smarter then men and usually require nothing from men (I'm using my mother as an example). But enough about the whole praise to women speech…listed here are women (or girls) that make a great impact on my life and in many cases keep me sane…to a certain extent of course.
Katie aka Dragon Master Katie is a great girl full of happiness and cheer, I know that whenever I need any cheering that I can go to her and I’ll be sure to find laughter. She is also one of the kindest people I know and can be very mature at times but that’s not to forget how much I enjoy her cute childish antics.
Anna aka Kitsune Tsuki is a very intelligent and mature lady who I know can entertain with meaningful conversation allowing me to express that which I know younger people would not understand and for that I am grateful- she also is very caring for others and I know that I can count her for a good conversation.
Krystal aka aubrion is a young lady who I share a somewhat spiritual bond with…our friendship is something of a different variety to most. To be honest I can’t say much about krys except that she has a very inquisitive mind that longs to know about people, shes very caring and even though I don’t get to chat with her very much anymore I still know that we share a bond.
Rayea Kagome Chan is one of the sweetest girls I know; a great poet and a very loving person, she usually has a lot on her hands with all the illness that she suffers from and numerous family issues- I try to do my best to make her happy and she manages to keep me sane…which is a big thing because if it weren’t for her then I might have not been around very much. Also we share a spiritual bond that doesn’t compare to any others…to be totally honest I feel that id probably be lost without her and for that I'm eternally thankful to her.
There’s a girl in my year and her names Sue Marie. She’s a very sweet girl and also one of the only people that were ever willing to be my friend (in person). Shes not originally English speaking so its quite funny when I have to listen to her weird way of expressing sarcasm. I hope we can stay friends for a long time because I know the pain of being alone all too well, we’re not in the same group but I see her sometimes while I'm waiting for her class to end. She asked me to go out with her tomorrow and even though I was very reluctant to go anywhere with her for certain reasons…she really gave me no choice so we may go to a club (I hate clubs) or possibly the movies.
Well that’s it for this post but just to let you all know I'm moving into my new place soon- I won’t have my pc there which is really dumb but its quiet and makes for a good art studio (and other things lol) its on the same property as the main house so I'm free to get my meals and washing done inside as well as use the net when I need to. It started off as a garage but $3000 and 5 weeks later its finally finished- hopefully I’ll be able to show you pics of my place soon.
Well all take care all and be sure to eat your veggies- theyre good for you.
P.S sorry I didn’t get to send any valentines cards or chat on Monday- for obvious reasons of course. |
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Friday, February 11, 2005
Week 2 pain bonanza and a side order of vash
This week has been somewhat uneventful…
Well today I submitted my Photoshop assignments: a tillable seamless texture that appeared to be one of those steel catwalks. Also we had to colour a picture from our lectures collection of comic book pages- there was ghost in the shell and a variety of others but I chose this trigun picture….it came out crappy though.

(yes i know hes got odd colours but i wanted to do something different...and besides i like these colours better anyway)
Today we had to choose which people we were going to be in groups with- I wanted to(and got to) be with Gordon and Lee Hunter….unfortunately we got stuck with the 2 slackers (they’re also dimwits) Bonga and Eric…I would have much rather had Henk and Ric.
Anyway so what we have to do in our groups is this:
1. Make a stop motion music video- this may include live action stop motion capture as well as Claymation. I’ve had a few ideas and we had to bring music today- I don’t listen to modern music so I had to dig up music from a few years ago. My lecturer like my choice for a song (the end of the world by REM) but unfortunately my group didn’t so we took Gordon’s choice which is some abstract music which is also good and my lecturer liked it 2nd to mine.
2. do 5 clay exercises…these include things like making one clay object morph into another.
I received some battle damage from that accident where I was launched into that gate- see for yourself: its this big cut which is actually the result of internal bleeding under my skin, I also got a badly bruised left arm as well as this painful lump under my left knee (from the stair).
Another painful occurrence is that I think 2 days ago I was bitten by some insect in my sleep- it left 2 huge marks on my left index finger and wrist (which is really itchy and sore) and it bit me on my right thumb which consequently caused it to swell to about twice its size and also causing me tremendous pain.

On the agenda for this weekend you ask? Well besides for conceptualising for our music video…well ive got this pretty big art assignment for Monday (what else is new) and ive decided to draw Eliot Rayn for it- we have to draw our character showing good focal point and weight judgement illustrating a character in their indigenous environment.
That’s all there is to update on really unless ive forgotten something…oh and thanks also go out to Nicole aka sesshomaru206 whos has sent me that letter which you planned on doing some time ago…unlike some others I know she actually managed to pull it off.
Ok all you have yourselves a fantastic weekend and remember….well im clueless but yeah lol.
also by the way Monday is valentines day so don’t forget to tell that special someone how you feel about them…I know I will and I think they know who they are as well ^_~. So yeah hey I’ll be trying to send you all e-cards or if I run out of time then itl have to be a pm or email *note to self: remember to clear out PM box) |
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Monday, February 7, 2005
Monday work
Ah well peeps, how ya'all doin?
anyway today was cool, i guess:
in art i got there an hour late because my fathers car broke down on the way to college so nobody could get me there in time. when i finally arrived at colleg i was scrambling up the stairs when very predictably my sandle got caught on the one stair and subsequently launching myself into the security gate...it was in front of people so i was sort of embarrased but its not the first time its happened (more like the tenth) so i politely said "please excuse me for being a fool".
so i got into art and submitted my project interpreting my personality which was due in for today and as well as the planing- it came out crap because i lost an entire day yesterday due to me having the first epileptic in 10 months- the largest gap between seizures ever. yeah so im a little zonked.
in photoshop we learned layer masking and making pasted object blend in with enviroments...our new lecturer said that i have the most realistic one out of all 33 students.
and finally in claymation/pixelation we studied the dope sheet and more priciples of clay- not to forget the revision of last lecture.
well everyone please enjoy your week...
P.S. please can visitors sign my g'book! ive had over 900 hits and ive only got 106 entries and nobody writes- if you write then i will also. another thing is the issue of people not commenting on my posts: i know i dont update often but i make the best effort to comment on other friends posts whenever im on so please return the favour...if you even read my posts.
but i must offer the dearest thanks to those friends that regularly visit my site and comment- that means people like dragon master katie, kout3uka, Kitsine Tsuki, Nehszriah, rayea kagoma chan and aubrion...thanks to you all even though i may not comment on yours at times...im just very busy. |
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