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Johannesburg, South Africa
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Commissioned artist, amateur writer
Real Name
i have many names.....people who know me know what to call me but you can call me whatever you want- makes no difference to me (but people usually call me J)
I succeed in failing and fail in succeeding
Anime Fan Since
whenever it was that i first watched it...but I am not a fan
Favorite Anime
I do enjoy all of sunrise and hajime yatate productions...especially escaflowne, bebop, and scryed. also a fan of old school anime
none of my goals are ever achieved. i have many...and that is the same as having none, i will only succeed at dying
...existing in an existential quandary full of loathing and self doubt
I dont believe in talent- everything that i am good at i have worked hard to achieve that skill
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Goddamn frikkin mini poll...totally sharky, complete
im so happy that this time people are actually using my mini-poll. anyway, to be totally honest there is no real right answer because all those listed aspects are very integral in a good graphic novel. from what people voted- layout and symbolism (i would never have thought that people would actually choose this) seem to be the most important aspects of a manga.
layout is very important because it allows the reader to follow and enjoy the story, being able to read it and not get confused.
intrigue is very important as it gathers the interest of the reader and keeps them following for the whole series- it arrouses their curiosity.
drame is equally as important as it creates a truly engrossing story that captures the imagination of the reader.
suspence is a great part of a good manga as it keeps you turning the pages, looking forward so desperately to what happens next- amazingly gripping stuff that keeps you interested.
symbolism is more of an aspect for older readers as a mature mind finds it easier to comprehend the hidden meanings behind a picture, its not toally neccesary but it adds a whole new dimension of depth to a graphic novel...very cool as youll see when i start uploading the roughs for my graphic novel.
thats my fill for today, have a great rest of week.
caramel popcorn dipped in mustard.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Not being able to get away with murder-part 2
well the semester finally ended...i didnt meet my art was in on time but alas, i just coulndt finish my computers work...just a sad fact of life. we got back to college this monday only to be greeted by the big work term- graphic novel completion swell as rigging a biped character.
I suppose im ok...not that anyone cares but knowledge is power and knowing just a little more cant be bad. I'll never get those lost hours of sleep again- toiling in front of either a pc screen or at a piece of paper...those hours are gone forever.
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
j is dead...he expired due to lack of sleep, exhaustion, stress, depression, sadness, lonelyness and basically everythying else that had a negative influence on his life- he gave up his life for his passion but the costs were far too great, his life was about sacrifice- puting everything in and never expecting anything in return. always alone.....dont mourn his death for his importance in the world was insignificant...he wasnt a real person, but rather a soul waiting to be born, maybe in the next world he wont have a purpose...
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
I drank my own blood tasted salty...LOL. Concept art of the week- enjoy
hey all...
First off I'll start off by thanking all the visitors that come and visit my site, i really appreciate all that you do. I have a request- i submitted my latest piece of art and for some reason it was only on for about 3 nobody got to see it or vote for it. I'd really appreciate it if you wnet and took a look at it and vote if you want.
Hey i went to the zoo yesterday as a college outing with the rest of the animation section. we had to do 10 gestural drawings(quick sketched out drawings) of animals- for marks. It was so boring i know why the last time i went to the zoo was when i was 5. This week was fairly uneventful though...just the regular college work and a few breaks here and there.
By now you must have realised that i only update on Saturdays... so I have decided to upload Blue Dawn concept art every week to accompany my post. It isnt the real concept art because i dont want any thieves so the stuff i show is down-graded versions of the real stuff, sorry about that but i get paranoid after what happened to me before.
This week showcases the main protagonist of Blue Dawn- His name is Kazuma (i couldnt decide on a name seeing that he's based on me). I wish i could have uploaded my real stuff coz the drawings are way better then these and they are in colour. Wel Kazuma is a high school student (he even has the same uniform that i did) but he is no regular guy- throughout his whole life he has never had any real friends, he is alone and lonely. but not just that- he is different in every way: he thinks differently- a philosopher always looking through the lattice of life), he never conformed like his classmates- not by choice but rather by instinct, i would write more but that would give some stuff away. anyway here he is in full orthographic with one action pose.
To everyone enjoy the rest of your week and monday is a public holiday so no college YAY!.
until next time...

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Saturday, July 31, 2004
The Blue Dawn is upon us...
Alright i got a few e-mails from people who really wanted to know more about my graphic novel...unfortunately it is one of those B1 classified things where i can't reveal that much info as of yet. but i can release a few details that might arrouse some curiosity.
firstly. i have decided what the title will be. it is definately called "Blue Dawn". i can't tell you why yet because that would give a bit of the story away.
secondly. this graphic novel is based on a dream i had at the end of last year during my final matric exams. i dont know if you have had any of these dreams but this was one of the three dreams where i was fully concious within them and could move freely as if it were reality. yes and as usual it was very strange which is what makes for an original story...considering that you cant just think of these kind of things while youre awake, lol.
another interesting element that adds to a good story is characters- and i have 2 main characters aswell as a compliment of enemy's and secondary characters. but what makes the characters special is the fact that they're based on people that are around me so i have no need to make many changes to them or if i do then might abandon the realism.
I warn in advance that this graphic novel is not realy for young readers as it contains graphic violence lol but more then that is the reason that i included a lot of symbolism that readers of the ages up to 16 or possibly 18 may not understand. of course anyone can read it if they want but to enjoy it to its full intent, it is best if you can understand the art of symbolism and iconography.
Well that's all i can say for now but I'll try to give more away in the future. Thats it for this week, stay well and dont forget to brush your teeth...oh and remember that even when you're doing nothing you are actually doing something, so dont try to waste too much time coz you wouldnt be anyway lol (what i just said didnt make much sense but i just felt like saying something random and confusing).
until next week...
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
......its 2 weeks into the term and im already overwhelmed by how much work i have. This is gonna be the hardest term ever.
on the agenda for this term:
1. Computers
Create a 30-60 second animation where 2 innanimate characters interact with one another and include at least one particle system (you wont know what that is but i'll explain it in the future), use 3Ds MAX...this is gonna be tough and even that is an understatement considering that i only have 4 weeks to do it. also create a storyboard for your animation and character sketches for your characters.
2. Pixelation
create a 5-7 minute short story applying all your knowledge of pixelation and animation techniques. this is going to be hard because of all the other work we have to do. this is done as a group project. im sure you dont know what pixelation but i'll tell you sometime.
3. Art
create a graphic novel of at least 15 pages using all the knowledge that you have acquired over the year in art. this project will test your skills as a story teller, artist, creative thinker, and general ability of art. it must be done in colour and be presentable and easy to read without confusion...try to be original and must be in colour(you may not use photoshop or any other computer colour. this will count a 4th of the entire years mark so try at the best of your abilities to produce a captivating and compelling graphic novel. its is due in for the week of 24th of november(the last week).this will be one of the hardest things i will have to do.
im so excited for this because i have so many good and original ideas but youll hear more about it in the following weeks.
and thats the summary of this terms assignments.
To my love
if youre reading this my angel then i must tell you some things...i love you baby and i'll never stop loving you. you mean everything to me and i would gladly give you everything i have. you have my heart and soul. i miss you more then you can imagine and i just wanted remind you how i feel about you even though i havent put down everything that i would have like to say but just remember how much i care for you.
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
.....Why is the world so perfect?...
i havent been on myO much....i'll tell you why. My life has been so great for the last 2 weeks......last week i declared my love for the one i care for the most, she was somewhat surprised but we fell in love with each other from the moment we met...i've been spending most of my time chatting to her and ive gotten to know her quite well, just as she has found out much about me. i questioned myself whether i should have told her how much i care for her....but i love her so much, we think about each other every waking moments of our lives. i've never been happier and these recent events have shone the light on my lonely existence. There was always something missing in my life- there is in a hole being burnt through my heart but she filled it, i never new love until i met her and this has made my life a worthwhile one. i hope that all of you find love one day.
Sometimes i wonder if there really is such a thing as fate.....
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Friday, July 9, 2004
if you ever thought about what the world would be like without you...
im sorry that i havent been posting (not like anybody cares coz they dont visit) but some very good things have been happening to me lately, ive got too many feelings but i have to say regretfully that this isnt a real post because my thoughts are too fixated on someone i care for to give an interesting topic.
im very happy...
more about this later
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
well it sure does feel good to be on holidays right now and believe me when i say that ive now dedicated a few hours towards video games this weekend but damn do i need some new ones- i got super monkey ball 2 about a month ago and its finished without me playing it...(if any of you have suggestions for any cube games then please post them here). yeah i never get any time to play games these days but theres been a PS2 at college and everyone hates me coz i cream them at their own games even though i havent played them before (especially fighters- oooh i kick ass at those ones).
well so far friday and saturday have really been chilled and i love just lying around a little but i only get 2 weeks so i have to make them count- like eventually get my learners licence (yes im a lazy learner that should have got his learners when he was 17 but didnt). hey does anyone know why i cant upload fan art anymore? it says its been disabled. but i just have to say thanks to everyone that voted for my latest picture as its getting a realy good rating so that means i must be doing something right- maybe oneday i'll post the work that i put more then 30 minutes into. but also regarding Yuske Motos request with making a manga
and including the berserker...well as much as i would like to, i already have a graphic novel ASSignment for the end of the year in which i have already decided on a story but also to mention that he was not intentionally made to be used with character traits but what i will try to do is make a 1 page manga of him in action. im going to try and make a quiz to determine what warrior class one is and im sure that he will be one of the results.
now for this- what exactly is the truth about the half full or half empty theorem. well in all honesty one cannot be told what half full or half empty is as one must determine this for themselves...just kidding. ok im sure that some of you have encountered a situation where you are presented with a container that is filled to half of its total capacity, you are then encoutered with a dilema- should i call it half full or should i call it half empty? well the answer is quite simple and it does not require a scientific explanation to re'enforce this analogy. unfotunately this problem has up until now been defined as i.e (in a hypothetical situation) "hey you said its half empty! that means you're a pesimist" THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DETERMINE A CORRECT OUTCOME OF THE SITUATION. quite simply one can view it as this: it all depends on whether the container was in the process of being filled or other words- if it was being filled to half way then it would be considered as half full and if the contents were being relocated after being full then it would be considered half empty.
well that summs it up but there is one other way to determine the aforementioned predicament: seeing as an exact measurement as "half" is a near impossibility one cannot determine what is half full or half empty and would have to abandon this classification as to allow for a more scientific approach...short and sweet but personally i prefer the earlier analogy.
well thats it for now and i hope that this post will make "a great impact on your life" lol but if not then i hope it will at least make some good small talk amongst your friends but just remember where it came from and dont say you thought it up coz ill be watching you...
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
one way to get away with murder (part 1)
WOOHOO! im finally finished all my work, ive basicaly lived at college for the past 2 week only getting a maximum of 2 hours sleep everyday and sometimes none at all but thankfully all my work has been completed and submitted and i can now get to those requests that seem to be festering in my inbox.
i had something realy important to say but i just dont remember GAH! i think im going cenial but anyway enough with the trivialitys. ive decided to start submitting more work into myO (dont ask me why and i think that im going to pospone that 400 visits pic coz now im closer to 500 and that means more requests and im being totally serious when i say that people should take up this offer because its not often that i get a chance to do these things with all my college work- and yes unless you have a very accurate description of yourself then i strongly recommend that you send me a photo and since my skills in character design have increased so drastically you can be sure to get a realy nice picture.
well thats it for now oh and yeaqh ive started to draw in blue so just tell me if you like it or not- even though i wont change back to boring old grey- but still input is very welcome and encouraged.
some people asked how i function with such little sleep and then i just have to say that well im still alive (even though only my sensory aparati are barely in working condition).im just so relieved coz now i can actually get some sleep- as i got back i slept for 7 hours (thats at 12:45pm) and i intend to do a lot of it.
well my bablilng was gone on for quite enough so until next time...
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