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being in my world
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a long time
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Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Busou Renkin, Death Note
To go to an anime convention and see an Orochimaru.
drawing, video games, sports, mulling over my mistakes
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Yesterday dragged by for so long...but now it's today so that just ends up being over now.
Akatsuki has to work late Saturday so I'll be bored at home...but in the least I may have a game by then to play on my DS so I won't be that bored.
I plan on getting Animal Crossing and Naruto Ninja Counsel 3, if I can afford it.
By the way, does DS stand for Duel System?? I was wondering that but I'm feeling too lazy to look it up right now. I also knew before, but now I recall.
My big sister's best friend came over and they are watching Saddle Club. A mass glob of Canadian horse loving people, at their horse club Pine Hollow. I hate it...but I know practically every episode because of them.
I also downloaded episode 121 of Bleach, I liked it alot. Besides the fact that Grimmjow and Ichigo are my favorite characters.
Looking forward to the next Naruto Shippuuden episode and the next chapter. I will always like the manga better though.
By the way, I'm in Florida, wheres everyone else?
I'll try to update again soon.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I actually had alot more to post than this but I'll make it short and sweet...
Publix job has been going well, and now I'm 17. (birthday was the seventh) It's good that my mom seems less stressed out since we can help her with the bills.
My aunt in Pennsylvania also got her a new car, and is driving it down soon, and will ride back up to Pennsylvania with my grandparents, since they plan to stay with her anyway.
I got a new Gameboy SP and a DS Lite. Hooray. My mom got them both but I'm paying her back when I get paid again.
My new theme is based on what I do outside of MyOtaku, they are the reason I haven't been around so blame them for being amusing to me. :P Orochimaru is on there just because I like him, and if you've been around long enough you probably already.
Other than that as previously mentioned about my aunt bringing the car, my mom doesn't have one right now, because its getting fixed, so me and Akatsuki Chaos are stranded at home until whichever is back/here first.
Well, that might not have been that short but its mostly my two month update for missing out around here.
I'll try to update again soon.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Hey guys
Well, a lot has happened lately...since its summer for me already...
Akatsuki Chaos and I have been getting our job applications up so maybe we can start working soon.
My big sister is applying for college for being a daycare worker.
It's all good so far, but the grandma interfered and ruined it as usual...let me inform you....
We had applied at a certain Publix around our mom's work deliberately so we could be close by.
Then she goes and tells every person she seems to know about us wanting to work at Publix. With that she found out one of her friends was close to a Publix manager and he could help out in getting us a job at a Publix....close to our ridiculous school. D:<
I'm probably making it sound worse than it is but she just needs to keep her nose out a lot more often...i hate my school and the way to my school. Everything about it is old and boring. Literally.
We have our job interveiw torday at 3:00 wish us luck. I got the call for it a few minutes sfter posting. o.o
I'm impatiently waiting for Naruto Manga to come out, and Fullmetal Alchemist 71 trans. Looked at Fullmetal already just want the trans so I can get it better. ha ha.
Playing Maple Story a lot more again, Long live Maple Story! My friend has finally
-with my help of course-
saved up enough money to make a guild. we just need to get six people to stay online. -_-
I want to play with any of you guys though so let me know please if you do play and what time you get on so i don't miss out. I'm in Bellocan, Mardia, and Khania I think.-for now- So let me know. :)
Anyway...enough complaining for now. I probably bored you to death.
This update is also so you know I haven't died or
abandoned MyOtaku, and I never will abandon MyOtaku either.
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Friday, April 27, 2007
late update
I got tagged but thats all I am gonna post, boring I know but if you want to know what I'm up to:::
-throws a snake at Akatsuki Chaos-
go to my sister's site. heh heh. :P
1.) My best friends are on the internet.
2.) Only one good friend in real life that I can still be with.
(hes too young, dont think anything...wait, now you probably did)
3.)No one actually knows me.
4.)I hate foolishness/people who repeat themselves and state the obvious.
5.)I hugely dislike authority but can keep my mouth shut and fake a smile. (done a lot)
Well, there's some info hm. I'm going to tag whoever reads this. heh heh. I'm cheating.
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
There sure are a lot of things I could complain about but I think I'll only complain about my shoulder. It hurts even when I barely move it. At least it's my left shoulder, the only bright side of it.
Our home school teacher is teaching at an actual school today so we won't have school until later in the afternoon. I hate later school, it lasts too long. I also hate foolishness but thats a whole different story.
I've been on Ragnarök online, playing my 15 day/45 hour trial. It's quite amusing. I love it. I've also been on Maple Story too, in the new world they made. I have a level 21 Rogue already. Yay.
Nothing more I can update really. Talk to you later, and hope you are all doing well.
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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Haven't been on lately because of a few dozen things, but I'm back on again and I'll get back to my normal poting routine.
Lets see the things that happened...
Money is still being a problem so there is still some stress there.
Me and my sister made a few videos, then downloaded this cool new program that allows you to record you gameplay on the computer, so I've been recording away.
The computer is getting low space(well we have had it a few years--all that junk is going to pile up)so we got a new harddrive for it
Maple Story, Maple Story, and...more Maple Story.
Boring Friday school(people actually noticed we weren't there...I was suprised)
We may get out of school earlier! Like three weeks early I think. ((YES))
....nothing else really.
So it has been eventful for once and busy.
The cats are getting along a little better so it seems, but it switches around alot.
Thats the update for now, I'll talk to you again Monday, hope you all are good.
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
looking up
My fever shot down when I could finally relax about everything thats going on.
Our mom got a loan from this certain company before, so she went back to them and they took care of her credit cards too-for a much cheaper price then she would've had to pay.

Huge weight off of our backs.

I feel alot better which is good, except for a terrible bloody nose I got, that seemed to go forever, and I am still a little tired but oh well.
I can't wait for the next chapter fo Naruto! Maybe it will come out tomorrow or later today...even though I'm still hating on sasuke right now he still kicks butt.
I wonder who is going to fight who in the end?

Well, nothing much else to update, hope you all are doing good, talk to you later.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
yay the doctor....I need an apple
Well, I went to the doctor today and I'm going to get my medicine. -disgusting- Thats what happens when people get worried about get to go to the doctor. D:
My mom was hoping I wouldn't be mad at her for making me go to the doctor...I hate the doctor but Mommy was just worried so it's ok. -.-
I feel like sleeping alot.
Hmm...I don't really know what else to update, I am feeling a little better though today. (short posts are boring)
Talk to you guys later, hope you are doing good. I'm going to go watch C.S.I. Yay, Grissom!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
..... :(
Well alot of things happened yestarday and I got equally stressed out and probably even more sick...I don't think we are ahving school today either...
I changed my site theme back to how I feel(darker) right now...the avatar suits my life exactly.
The situation that came up was the fact that our house payment bill shot up to 800+ dollars because we had been getting child support but not right now because daddy has no job...
because of the child support our Mom got her income rose up and she had to pay more, now she isn't getting child support and we might not stay in the house long if she isn't able to pay other bills...I'm not going to be too happy if we do end up going back to our grandma's house...and I won't be able to get on Myotaku and talk to you guys if we stinks really bad because all my good friends are on the internet. (just promise you won't forget me if we go back ;_;)
The due date for the first payment isn't until May 11th-20th or something so that's how long is left.
ah....who knows maybe I'm just being to you guys later, and hope you are doing good.
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Monday, April 9, 2007
pass it on

Sorry but this is going to be a short update...I got sick since my sister passed it on. (at least we share xD)She seems to be getting better...she was only sick for a couple days, somaybe it'll be the same with me. The only thing I don't like about being sick is that people get sympathetic on least I can be lazier.(and at least they care)
I had a dream that a big wolf-like dog attacked me last night..

I've been in adobe Photoshop's fun when you get the hang of it.
We got today off from school at least...
I'll update more if I can tomorrow...and I will still visit you guys today while I can be to you later, and hope you guys don't get sick.

-maybe this wasn't so short an update after all-

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