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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Initial D!
Has anyone here watched Initial D?It's ok,if your into drift racing like me you should watch it.And also the japanese version I think is better(I usually like shows dubed instead of subed but subtitles are good enough),the techno music is pretty cool.I'm not into cars but I think the show is decent.Well I need to go practice my guitar,I need to get better.
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
I've never seen Naruto but oh well.
 Zabuza: You are the awesome one himself, the great Zabuza Momochi. You are an amzing badass. You probably cheated to get this,though. But if you got it legit, then you're a quality guy. Only you can wear a seatbelt around your neck and make it look cool.
.:What character from Naruto are you?:. (20 results with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tales of Symphonia.
I found out some thing cool in tales of symphonia.There is a way you can kill Zelos and get Kratos back in your party!I don't want to make any Zelos fans out there mad by the way.OK here is how you do it:
In Flanoir when you do the healing Altessa and people knock on your door and ask you to come outside deny all of them and you get to speak to Kratos instead.Then instead of fighting the gatekeeper in the tower of salvation you instead fight Zelos.then when you kill Yggdrasill,Kratos joins you for that battle and you get him after you get the Material Blade.
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Friday, January 28, 2005
some one remind me.
could anyone be nice and pm me tomorrow about some thing cool I found out in Tales of Sy mphonia.PLease just do it as soon as you can.
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
I'm so happy!My dad helped fix my computer last.check back here again and I'll add a post later to day at 4:00 or 4:30.see ya guys.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
sorry every one I may not post for a few days because my computer is messed up again.Man,my head still hurts from where my friend shot me in the head with his paintball gun.
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Question of the day?
I didn't know what to post so I'll ask a question:
"what is your favorite rock band"
my favorite band is porbably Killswitch Engage.
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Friday, January 21, 2005
dumb computer!
my computer at home is kind of screwed up.It says something is wrong with my PCI card and won't let me on the net!right now I'm useing the computers in the library here at skool.I might post again today,if I fix my computer,so check back here every now and then.see ya dudes and dudettes ^_^.
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
well right now I'm at skool In the library,not doing much.Well this post is pretty point less,well see ya.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I had to dance in gym to today.It actually wasn't to bad.We did it to the rocky theme song.me and my group did this:first we claped down the line then we claped back and then we held our knees in the air and we stomped down the line and we turned left then right from one side of the line then we turned left and then we did a twirly jump thingy and then everyone but four of us did it back and the four of us did a thing that bam margera did which is were you kick then punch then do a headbang and after that one friends started break dancing and others did random stuff like cart wheels and rolls and other stuff.and then we stoped.
if you read this i'm sorry if I bored you to death.(I hope your all still alive.)
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