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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Bad day.
Just when I thought things could get better they only got worse.
First of all,I left my english book and english homework at home.Second,during math I looked out the window to see an ambulence outside my house,it was for my grandmother because she aparently pasted out twice.Third,one of my friends kicked me in the face and my nose started bleeding.
Man,yesterday was not very good.But at least I saw the E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo)press confrences to see what Nintendo,Microsoft,and sony had up there sleeves...quite a bit.But I don't have time to go in to details.
Tommorrow I think i'm gonna start putting up parts of the story my brother wrote.Anywho,have a nice day everyone,and thanks again Faroe!
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Monday, May 16, 2005
I got another break finally,well i'm burning a slipknot CD for my friend but that's not much work.
First off.Saturday was the worst day of my life...phisically.I had a headache that could kill somebody but I managed to survive,and at the same time I had a horrible stomachache.Well,once I got well me and cory(my middle brother)went to the Wal-mart with my dad to get some groceries and what not.We went back to the shoes department were Damian(my oldest brother)works.Well,the 8th was his birthday so I told him i'd take him to see a movie so I went home with Damian.He got changed,then cory called him on his cell saying he wanted to go,so we went back got him and went to the movies to see unleashed,which was a damn good movie,then we went home and I played Doom 3 all night.
Then Sunday nothing muched happened beside's the fact I beat Resident Evil 4,I love that game ^_^.
Well,that's all the time I have,I gotta get ready for school.Bye everyone,I'll try to visit as many of your sites as I can.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
After,working for days and going to school sick today,I finally get to rest for a little bit.
Well there actually hasn't been much going on.In science class we are doing this big drawn out rocket project.We are devided in to 5 groups and we have a choice of 3 jobs.I didn't get a choice really,Elliott was the rocket designer,all he has to do is build the rocket and Josh who later joined our group got the same job.Adam,the retard of our group,was project MANAGER,of all people why does he need to be manager.And me,I got the most boring out of the 3,budget director.I manage all the money(Not actual money,it's a fake account that doesn't really exsist.)we spend on the whole project.
Sorry if I bored you,I didn't really have any thing to talk about.Bye,everyone ^_^
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Too much to do.
I had to much yesterday so I couldn't post and I have A LOT to do today,sorry.So I might put pics up might pics up,might not so i'll try as hard as I can to get some free time tommorow.
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
Still alive.
Since I haven't posted in a while I droped by to say i'm still alive.And since i'm posting late i'll tell you all that's happened tommorow,also i'm addicted to UC2(Unreal Championship 2),but I think the first one is better.
Anywho,i'll see ya tommorow peoplez.
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Friday, April 29, 2005
I'm FAT!
I don't have anything to talk about so let's talk about my fatness.Don't say i'm not because out of everyone here only 3 people know me personally.Does anyone know a fast cheap way to lose weight?Because I definatly need to lose weight,well part of the reason I weigh so much is because of my muscle,I work out practically every day.
Anywho,I gots to go,bye everyone ^_^
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
A solution!
I know what my problem is,I need a girlfriend.I always feel lonely and I never have any one to talk to.I always feel depressed for no real reason and nothing really makes me cheer up. I don't know,mabye i'm just whining to make people notice me.
Well,that's all I had to say.Have a nice day everyone.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Nothin much.
I don't really have anything to post about.Well,i'm gonna get Doom 3 for my Xbox,Damn that game scares the shit out of me,then i'll get Unreal Championship 2 also cause i've been playing the Unreal games since they've been realesed.And then when it comes out for the xbox i'm going to get Half-life 2.Whoa,I just noticed all of those games are for the xbox,wow,well I have more gamecube games than anything soooooooo.
If I have time i'll put up a few pic's but don't count on it.Have a nice day everyone.
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Monday, April 25, 2005
More pics ^_^
Lain is a weird show but it still is pretty cool.

Slayers is cool but i've only seen the movies.

Well,I gotta go,later everyone!
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Sunday, April 24, 2005

I love Kiddy Grade,it's an awesome show.

Love Hina is a hilarious show.

My most favorite show ever ^_^

Well,that's it for today,bye eveyone ^_^
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