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Christian(or Chris if you prefer)
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Evangelion,Fullmetal Alchemist,FLCL,Escaflowene,Hellsing,Inyuyasha,Vampire Hunter D,Rahxephon,wolfs rain,Gundam Wing,Ghost in the shell:stand alone complex,Steel Angel Kurumi
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I'm decent at playing guitar
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, April 22, 2005
What a dumbass....whoever it was.
Well,yesterday at school in the locker room someone threw a glass bottle of something in the shower room and it busted all over the place.Well,after gym when all the guys were there Mr.Scott,the gym teacher,told us all to sit down and he held us all in the locker room until some one told him who did it.Well,nobody told him who did we were there for almost half an hour until he said we could go back to our next class.
Boring post wasn't it?See ya everyone.
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Out of power!
Yesterday at school when I was in the library I was on the comp at and BAM!We lost all eletricty in town.Well,after being in the library for over an hour Ms.Mitchum(our school counciler)said we were going home early at 11:30.But 5 or 10 minutes before we were going to leave,the power kicked back on.Everyone in the library freaked out and I just blurted out,"SON OF A BITCH".At least I got to skip math class.
Well,the only other thing i did all day was walk around town with my friends Anthony and Adam.
Have a nice day everyone ^_^
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Wookie Wensday!
If you've seen star wars you'll know what a wookie is.A few years back my brother had this thing where he wore this shirt that had Chewbacca(a wookie)on it every wendsday.Well since he graduated he stoped doing it.Sooooooooooo,he gave me the shirt so I wear it every wensday.It's actually quite popular in my class,even though i'm the only one who celebrates it.
Also I'm working on an Evangelion fan club and that's why I didn't update yesterday,but i'll try ro visit as many of your sites as I can.
Have a nice day everyone ^_^
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Sorry I haven't updated in a while.I missed you guys.
So,what to talk about?Oh,Me and my brother got done painting our room even though it should have been done a long time ago.And like I thought,it's not good enough.My dad said we did a horrible job(which we kinda did).It's like everything I do is never good enough.
Well,I needs ta go so have a nice day everyone.
Here's a pic of kaneda from akira.and if I have more time i'll put up some more pics.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
My Visits and GB signings.
I have a total of 510 visits and 83 GB signings,thanks everyone.If I have time later i'll put up some pics.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I lazy.
Well,I'm a lazy person and I don't do my house chores unless someone forces me to.My brother is the same way but he helps out his girlfriends family but can never do anything around our house.This is a problem.Eventually my brother and dad had a talk.I didn't know exactly what they said but it didn't sound good because they were yelling at each other.Then it was my turn.I guess my dad basicly told me the same thing.If I don't do something then all hell is gonna break lose.
Have a nice day everyone ^_^
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Bummed out.
I'm bummed out people.I worked my @$$ off yesterday.I painted my room dark blue so it's not plain old white.Also,yesterday I barely got to sit down so before I went to bed I had to take some pain killers for my legs.
And today(like friday)this girl's frinds would not stop asking me to go out with her and my bad excuse was:"I'm a a loner,that's what I do,it's my thing".Bad excuse,huh?
Well,anywho I found this funny picture of Eva unit-00 fish in a lake.

Have a nice day everyone ^_^
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Sorry,I didn't update earlyer or check any of your sites,I worked on painting my room ALL DAY and i'm still not done.The new dark blue color makes it look better.Well,alot happened today so i'll fill you in tomorow.
Have a nice day everyone ^_^
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Right know i'm getting ready to paint my room.I'm cleaning off the walls cause they're actually pretty damn dirty.My brother got Evangelion platinum vol.5 and 6 yesterday and I stayed up last night watching those.And that's pretty much all that's happened lately.
EDIT:I fell like asking a question so here's one:Is anyone here Cathoilc like I am?It's just a question that poped into my head.
Have a nice day everyone ^_^
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Asked out.
I got asked out today by this girl today,well her friends asked me to go out with her,but the thing is I really don't feel like going out with her.
DAMMIT,I just broke one of my guitar picks,oh well i've got more.
Do you like the X backround?It's pretty cool.I have the movie and two of the mangas,but I still haven't seen the seris.
Have a nice day every one ^_^
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