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... hicktown, USA
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i dunno
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that's for me to know, and you to not
Anime Fan Since
The days of monster 1996
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INU-YASHA!!! bleach, FMA,
drawing my own manga
same as my hobby...
| otaku le fae
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/18/08:
Result Posted on 04/11/08:
Yeah! blue is awesome
Which Color Best Represents Your Personality?
Result Posted on 04/11/08:
...I don't think my ego is that big... Is it???
Which Gemstone Are You?
Your'e an Amethest!You have a great sense of humor, and love your friends to death. You have awesome drawing and writing skills. You like to keep on track when it comes to schoolwork and hate to get an F or D.Your'e purple, which means you have a free spirit and a great personality.You don't give up easily and have a very big ego.Your Friendstone-Ruby{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/08:
What Magical Creature Are You?
 You are a Were-wolf!!your wise stronge! protective. and loveable! your a wonderful partner and leader. your pack look up to you and come to you for help. even if you not lead! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/08:
um..weird.Not that i have some deep hatred of neji or anything but i really would rather he didnt like me that i dont want tenten killing me
What would the naruto characters think of you?(includes full profile)(well almost full profile...)GIRLS ONLY
Your name: AyumiYour BF: NejiYour BFF: HinataYour element is air so you get to use fans. You are very shy so you dont really talk to a lot of people. You arent very good at taking charge and you are the most brilliant person in your group. You can be clumsy when people startle you.. Neji has been teaching you to grow backbone.What do the Naruto characters think of you: Naruto: She is a lot like Hinata, she rarely talks to me.Sasuke: She is very strong but one time I tried to talk to her she nearly fell down the steps.Sakura: Every time I try to talk to her she just sits there and want talk back.Hinata: She is so nice to me and she helps me talk to Naruto.Kiba: Akamaru really likes her.Shino: She is nice to me and my bugs.Ino: She is to quiet for me.Shikamaru: She has watched clouds before other than that I dont really know anything about her.Choji: I have never really talked to her. Neji: I love her. I would give my life for her.Tenten: I hate her. Why does Neji even like her?Rock Lee: She has much youth!!!!!!!Tamari: She is pretty quiet I dont talk to her.Konkro: She is hot but I cant get her to talk to me.Gaara: I have never talked to her.Kakashi: I have never heard hr say a word.Tsunade: She is a quiet one Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/08:
um,wolves are cool. I don't know about some of this stuff though, ask my friends... The pix are so very awesome.
What Animal (real or fantasy) represents you?(deep and long)
 The animal that most represents you is the wolf. You love music, and being outdoors. Also, you can be very creative when you want to. As a pack animal you love to make friends the more friends the better. Although you have lots of friends you may only trust a select few that have won over your trust. As a pack animal you also believe in rank(not saying you believe in labels), I'm saying you have friends above you who you would do anything for, no questions asked. People below you who you hang out with but would do little for, and people at the same level as you who you tend to comprimise with. you are a very interesting and complex person. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/01/08:
Yeaaaaaaaaaah! shadows are awesome... and shadow dragons have to be the awesomest of them all.
Which type of dragon do you own?
Result Posted on 04/01/08:
sigh. not really all that mythical, am i. On the bright side, my friends will be happy, this is what they thought i'd get.
x::.XWhich Mythical Creature Are You?X.::x (Boys and Girls) With Pictures
Result Posted on 04/01/08:
hmmm, wellll, not the worst thing on earth... at least i'm powerful... according to the quiz
What color dragon would you be? Beautiful pictures!
 You would be a Spirit Dragon, which can change colors! You like or accustomed to change, and are one of the most powerful of dragons! You are wise and respected, yet you know how to have a really good time! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/27/08:
this is my little sisters. She's not amused. I am though. She got "Alex-Louis-Armstrong-The-Strong-Arm-Alchemist" wow, his name is long. ')')
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