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fashion designer, anime artist
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i have a few...but cant think. =)
Anime Fan Since
after i saw CCS!!
Favorite Anime
paradise kiss. xxxHOLIC. Tsubasa Resivor Chronicles. cardcapto sakura. Angel Sanctuary. Ergo Proxy (and alot moree.)
drawing, video games.
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Friday, July 8, 2005
the freewebs site
hi guyz!!
my freewebs (half done) site is running and i had put the otaku clubs up on it so you can get them eiasier!! (the url codes just need the scrolly code) i also made a button on ( it is in the scrolly thing) it is pink and says otakugirl03! if you click on it it'll take rigt to my frewebs site! ^^ i am so happy i did that!! if you do check it out culd you pleaz sign my gb?? i wuld appreciate it! lol
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
how was yur weekend?
sorry that i havent been able to post for awile!!
here is how my 4'th of july weekend went
Friday- i went over my bffs house like i always do! (so it was me, stevie,ashely, and jordan s.) but we had two more friends sleep over! it was a blast i tell you!! we were outside most of the time- over ashley's and her sista was tee w/ her friend... so we were talking and haning out- then i raced one of aslhey's sisters friend.. and i won, the little girl got mad- then my friends told them i was a track racer, and i was like yea!!
so later on we got a call from the little girl mom. the little girl said that i had cused her out and i was calling her names. (wich i wuld never do to a little kid) so we went to go and talk to the mom-
i took it serious and i was like i wuld never talk to a little girl like that and she has to be lying cuse i never even talked to the girl, my friends backed mre up tooo! then the lady was going to try to get in my face! "i was thinking if she comes in my f** face and try to get in my face i am going to call my dad and get him to cuse her out, because she has no right to friggon accuse me of doing nothing" but i backed and told her the basics... like i told her wat happend. she still was trying to accuse me! i was about to snapp! but my friends started to talk and tell her wat she wittnessed! thank god it was getting dark- cuse i was bout to unleash hell!
the rest of the night we had fun and let it go!
Saturday- we hanged out here at my house
Sunday- i woke up at two in the morning (tired from the othernight friday + saturday)- then we had went to a picnic- my nieghbors up the street... stayed there till 9.. then we wen to omedayz-- it is ike a carnival in our public park!
-- i seen alot of people that i knew!!
Monday- agian we stayed at the house- but we cooked outand then stayed in the air conditioning! we had went back to homedayz to watch the fireworks that they always have!! they were so awesome!!
well that is how my weekend was!!
g2g later!
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Monday, July 4, 2005
waaat ever

i thought that was funny! lol
happy fourth of july!! i'll tell you bout my weekend in the next post~!!
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Friday, July 1, 2005
summer sucks...
i hate the summer for one thng, and one thing only...... it is that i do absoulutly NOTHING!! i have a choice to play soft ball... but i hate summer sports.. then i cant go anywhere on the weekdays cuse i have to watch my brothers every single day- trust me if yu are around them all day and every day yu'll be at the breaking point!! ARR! i am aleady sick of the frickon summer, Then it is allways freakin tooo hot...and my parents never take us to te rec center to swim, they always say no, and they arent going to pay five dollars to let one of us swim... then i cant even listen to the radio because- the same shit is on all the TIME! then my mom keeps on making me or forcing me too do summer projects and enter stupid contests! (i like my dad more)My little brothers travels w/ his friend to places-- and i ahve to hear abut tht he is going to florida or somehting! Then that stupid brat--- dnt get myself started now!! T.T ahhhhh! i cant handle it anymore
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Tuesday was okai! lol
i got the NEW
conkers bad fur day live and reloaded!
that game rocks my freakin sock mann! it is a good game, i am glad we have a xbox cuse if we didnt i wuld have missed out on alot!

it the hot weather every where? cuse you guys are saying its hot where you live too, what wierd weather we are having huh?
how was yur day?
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
i am .....
feeling much beter! lol, thnk you to all who checked out my site! (on freewebs) yea i have nothing to talk bout but how friggin hot it is 'round here! it was hot until it stormed and became way kooler! that fell good, besides the hot weather! lol! who knows where to get animated picts or avis, well a good website or somthing! well g2g! later
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
hey guys
my mouth hurts SOOOOOOOOOOO bad, i dont know wat to do! V_V
that tooth that got puled monday hurts ike a B****
But i'll live though1 i have a site that is alost finished... here is tha url thingy
you can look at it, it isnt fully finished! i have to put club/banners up..... but make sure you sign tha gb please (if u do check out tha site) and look at mysite more than onc please cause it is kinda like the second myo. for me, that is all! lol
but i gota get some sleep now later!
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Monday, June 27, 2005
here is why i hadnt been on for a awile. i'll just tel you...
wel my brother had a b-ball game, they won, of course...... then after that we went to little dipper, its a ice cream place! i got an ice cream clled Birthday Cake.. i didnt like it that much it was too cream chezzy.....
well we went to tha dentist. i had this guy dentist, he was arabian or smthing.... he was talking so fast i culdnt understand him. it ws supossed to be a check up, but they took x-rays, and saw that i had 2 humangus cavaties, so he pulled one of my teeth, saturday, now i gota get the last one pulled, today monday... my mouth hurts so friggin bad, cuse they had to cut gum... ouch! then all day my gum was bleding, and i was tasting blood all, day! but i am okay now!
went to church, went to a baby shower, came home ate, came on the copmu, that is how my weekend ws!
so yea, it was okay!
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Friday, June 24, 2005
yea i kinda got bored! lol
well this is wat i can draw on the computer neways! i draw way better on paper! lol you can ask anime loser!

well do you like it? it is the best i can do on the computer! lol ^^'
i am currently making a website on! it is far from being finished though! today both of my brothers won there baseballgames, it is wierd they won on the same dy! and i for once actulay wacthed my brothers game! lol..... my little bro, beat tha brat, 27-5...... i was like wow! but it was funi! lol! well tell me wat you think!
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
hey guys!
nothing interesting happend tuesday..
i was suffering paronoia, wait it was a BAD hedache, from the brat and my bro arguing all day! but i survived!
then i ad went to my brothers game! it ws fun but exasting! lol, wel these little kids were having bef w/ me so i had broccali w/ them... (get it beef+brocalli= beef and broccli) well nevermind!
they were chaing me around like crasi! but it was fun! i think i lost sum wieght!
i changed my site stuff cuse it works better when i dont have music and a bg pict on it! i hopemy site still rocks! lol
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