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u.s. of a
Member Since
I've already graduated with my associates of arts and I am now going to an art school.
Anime Fan Since
My last year of high school....4 years ago
Favorite Anime
Le sigh.... had to ask this question ay? There are way to many to list.
To become an animator and an astronomer.
Art, otaku stuff, watching the night sky... being bored
Drawing, writing, making friends.... I don't know!!
| OtakuKandieren
I have thought long and hard about how to best tell you about myself, this is actually the fourth attempt. I just can’t really introduce myself in a way that I like. So I am just going to pour out my heart and soul at you. I’m 22 years old, female and I am located somewhere in the U.S. of A. I don’t really have any opinions that I freely give up at times but I will give you my mind regarding most anything. My life is currently centered on school and finding a job. I’ve been jobless for the past two weeks because I’ve moved out of my home state. Far, far away from home just so that I can pursue a dream that might not work out. I am currently attending an art school in a major city and I am studying animation. One of my main passions, among the many, is anything that pertains to an Otaku. If it wasn’t I don’t think that I would have even registered here. I like to disappear for long periods of times and sometimes I forget where I’ve even registered at various sites on the Internet. Pathetic, yes I know. But being an Internet Freak is just something that I haven’t really settled into yet. I like to go outside and mess with the squirrels… no, not really. But I would rather be laying on a freshly mowed lawn and gaze up at the stars, trying to count them until I eventually leave the total as a secret of G-d’s. So welcome to my personal listing, I hope that you enjoyed the visit.
*jumps off the side of sky piea and glomps the balloon octopus* nea!!
Friday, September 30, 2005
friday 093005
Okay, I've got to warn you. I am not very good at writting things like to so I shall just do my best and leave it at that, -k-?
I am trying my best to get used to my new life, denver colorado and all. I went from a city of just 40000 to 2.5 million. >.< yikes!! I like the city and all but I have noisy people outside my window at night and then I don't really get a good nights sleep. Classes start on monday for my animation course... wow, i am really excited and scared at the same time. I've heard that the dropout/fail rate or what ever rate is over 54%!!! I am going to make sure that I am not a statistic and that I will actually do really well and graduate and get an awesome job as an animator somewhere. I hope so anyway.... actually, so that I am absolutely positive, I know that I will do well and graduate.. I'm not kidding myself, I can actually do this!! I say this stuff but I am still very uncertain *says a really quick prayer*
Anywho, I have already posted a couple of my anime art here and I've been getting some lovely comments. So thanks everyone for the visit and I hope that you continue to enjoy my submissions.
Oh!! I got my first job here! I can't wait to start!
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Yeah it worked!! *laughs evily*
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some more testing, don't mind me

btw - this image is owned by me, as i drew it. don't steal please!
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this is a test, a test of the o.K. system for purposes of dicovery and exploration....
nothing new to report
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