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Monday, January 30, 2006
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Azure- Not.. Really. o_O
Instead of reading, or exercising, or cleaning my house, or finding a cure for cancer, I did this (careful, it takes a while to load):

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Sunday, January 29, 2006
ego pecunium non habet? Ita vero..
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Sara- I'm afraid "vague" doesn't cut it around here. *readies pitchfork*
Shin- They're to scale, too. The white one is four inches smaller than the yellow one.
John- That commercial freaked me out so badly when it came out, that I refuse to view it now. And goatse doesn't bother me.

So yeah, I'm broke now.
Ever since I acquired a few gift cards for Christmas, I've been trying to make a grand orchestral tapestry out of my using them, optimizing every dollar to reach complete awesomeness.
Tonight, thanks to my impatience and Gamestop's buy-two-get-one-free sale, that sort of went out the window, as I bought the three games listed above.
Disgaea I sort of hid in the back of the used bins so I could keep it for myself until I figured out how I was going to blow my gift cards. Metal Gear, I've been planning on getting as soon as I could find a copy.
I was going to get Killer 7 or Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (that is such an awkward title), but it was decided that my mom would beat my dad's ass with a comical rolling pin if he let me, so after finding a random third game (Harmony of Dissonance, which was sort of silly considering both GBA Castlevanias are being rereleased on one cart soon), we had a long conversation about ratings systems and how sexual content warps my fragile little mind.
Actually, he agrees that maturity, not age, should dictate access to "mature titles,", but again, he's afraid of saying anything to my mom, lest her head explode due to all of the demoralizing of women going on.
So these games shall have to wait for another day. Or until they're impossible to find, and I will always wonder what could have been.
My mom started working again this week. She has been a stay-at-home mother ever since I was born, and largely because of my grandmother's constantly putting her down because of her unemployment, and probably her own boredom, she's gotten back into work, starting with a part-time job at a department store.
It's sort of inconvenient for everyone involved, though. I've been bumming rides and food off of friends a lot more lately, for example, and when Track starts up I have no idea how I'll be getting home.
I mean, I could run, which is sort of the point of the whole thing, but that's kind of far.
If it makes her happy, I'm glad my mom is working, but I kind of wish it could have waited until we moved, so I could just go back and forth to school on foot.
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Why do the TV dinner boxes lie to me?
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Alex- Yeah, we'll he's directing the school's production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown," so stfu. :P
Lea- Well, I try.
Mimmi- That reminds me of The Simpsons, when they had a flashback to the premiere night of The Empire Strikes Back, and Homer came out loudly talking about the plot twist, pissing everyone in line for the next showing off.
If only they had had the internet!
Shin- Funny thing is, with my minor knowledge of the Latin language, I could probably write more fluid dialogue than the stuff found in Episode I OH SHI-
John- Well you clearly have a leprechuan in your computer.
Arcadia- The best thing about doing it in Latin is that everyone else gets nerdy-references.

Thanks, eBay!
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
H-Scroll Trauma
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oturan ikamuzu- Eh, I've adapted, and it's kind of nice now. Even though the monitor kind of looks like it's smiling at you, which is creepy.
John- Who said it wasn't?
Shin- I have truly reached messy valhalla.
And thanks for the suggestions. Should I ever use all of these free rental things I get from Del Taco, they shall be watched! :o
Lea- Are you sticking magnets all around it? If not, then it probably is.
Shin- Lalala.
Okay, so here it goes. DOODLY TIME!

It feels so good.
Keep in mind that for the sake of everyone's non-widescreen monitors, I'm only posting links to every drawing, because they are all quite large and would destroy most people's H-scroll.
IMAGE ONE! After hearing about the premise of Shadow of the Colossus, I decided to draw my own large living statue-y thing, only less hairy and with some sleeker, mechanical stuff thrown in random places. The clock was an unfortunate afterthought, which I think should not be there, but I'm leaving it there for reasons unknown.
DEUS! Early in the school year, our art teacher made us watch Bill Cosby's stand up comedy. I made this to cope with the trauma.
Also, I realize it doesn't look anything like him. This fact saddens me.
TREE! We're currently doing "cartoon characters," which apparently means superheroes and little else, so I went with a weird cyberpunk-Joker sort of thing, I guess. Considering I've never drawn this guy before in my life, and I had to turn it in at the end of the period, he has nothing too interesting about him, except I did intend to make his eyelids pinned open. It doesn't show too well in the actual drawing, but there's an example on the side.
SHI! A waiter guy who has cool hands, I think.
V! I've mentioned this one before on myOtaku.. Latin Star Wars.
Vader: I am your father!
Luke: Nooooo!
That's probably bad grammar, but this was a while back.
Six! This isn't a drawing, nor is it even my own article, but I found it sort of weird. I find great humor in my school's newspaper, simply because it's so awful. I actually know the guy who wrote this, in a very distant way.
7. Another newspaper clipping from someone I know. The good thing about this one is the list of band names.
I'm tired of thinking of different ways to list numbers! Some guy being tied to a cross by a bunch of computer wires. This one is a sketch of a more elaborate version I plan on "polishing up." I find it hard to think of other things to stick in there, though.
Don't know what the fuck! One of those "draw random crap and try to come off as deep" things. Another thing I'd like to "pimp out."
So there you have it. Nine scans by me, and if I don't get many comments, you can bet I will be pissed.
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
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Shin- They sort of mess up the vocals on "The Thin Ice," both parts.
But I demand artsy film suggestions from you, bitch.

My throne, as of five minutes ago.
My monitor's been rather iffy for the past month or so- it would occasionally fade and go black when starting up, and normally you can deal with it well enough, but today it stopped coming on entirely.
So, out with the old and in with the older, as I spent forty-five minutes disconnecting my old monitor and dragging it maybe five feet to the right. It sticks out a lot, but I don't have to lean forward as much.
If and when we do get a new monitor, I've considered getting a widescreen one (as I plan on playing 360/PS3 games on my monitor via VGA), but most wallpapers and websites don't seem to support such formats quite yet.
I think I might do a Superlative Scanning Saturday tomorrow, for the first time in probably a year. I've been feeling all artsy lately, so I've been doodling like a madman.
So look for that, I guess. [/whoreage]
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Friday, January 13, 2006
I'll pudding you >:O
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Azure- And I will forever suck until I put up nude pix for you, but then it will be a different kind of suck.
Tony- There's some awful voice acting, though. "IT'S WHOOPASS TIME!"
Thank God it's not constant.
Shin- But that will take at least nine months!
Alex- I don't know. PSX was supposed to be that crazy-amazing box with DVR and upgradeability, right? But I remember hearing PS1 being called that as well.
DDG- On the internet?
So I watched Pink Floyd's The Wall for the first time yesterday.
I don't think a full analysis would be appropriate, since most of it is fairly straightforward with some odd imagery thrown in, and then the zomg spoylerz issue.
But I enjoyed it. Maybe not as much as the album, but the animated sequences were great.
I think I need more pretentious, artsy films.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
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Shin- If I had to work on it for more than a day I would probably be just as angry as the rest of them.. It's intense down in the Rose Bowl.
So I bought a used Playstation 1 memory card for $2 yesterday, so I've been playing Persona 2: Eternal Punishment.
It's fun stuff, but it really makes me want to hunt down other high-quality PS1 games. I never had one, you see, and this is my first game for the console.
My second semester began with me being unable to sleep until 4 AM last night, so yippee. It's nice to have something to do with my day, though.
I'm itching for some Animal Crossing town-hopping, so if you're interested, give a time.
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Flowers and Swanky Portapotties
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Lewna- You too!
Shin- The only people that have come to my door since Christmas are my brother's eleven-year-old friend and the UPS man.
Was I supposed to come on to them? I didn't get the memo.
Des- Ah, okay. It just seems really dated to me.
John- But it needs more Flair!
So I worked on a float for the Rose Parade yesterday.
From what they tell me, it's a pretty well-known, internationally broadcasted event (I wouldn't know), but for the uninitiated, it's a big New Years Day parade in Hollywood where big companies make floats covered in organic materials to advertise for their shit. It's large, and maybe in charge, and so they need a lot of manpower to get their floats done.
So here comes the Kiwanis cavalry, here to save the day and tape poppy seeds to an elephant's ass.
Now to end the pessimism, kittens.

I really did have a nice time. I knew most of the people that went with us, so we whistled while we worked, and maybe a bit more.
From four o'clock to eleven in the evening we did their business, which took place in a large, colorful and pleasantly scented hangar. We were assigned to a float entitled "Photograph Safari." It captured the concept of its title pretty well, as there were African animals, and a safari truck.
Now there were two enemy forces that decided to grate on me throughout the day: The Kiwanis people, whom I will always hate with a passion because they take their community service way too seriously, and they come off as pretty condescending to the young'ns, and the Phoenix Decoration Company, because their asses are on the line if the monkey's left asscheek has a blank patch the diameter of a peanut.
So lots of criticism, and lots of bossing around. I expect some of that to be there, since we're so close to the deadline and everything, but it seemed really oppressive in there, rather than cheery and flowery like you would imagine.
We also got lukewarm hot dogs, salad fresh out of the bag and some cookies. So I guess we beat the system?
At one point the Los Angeles ABC News Team was filming the float right next to ours, where a simple 180 degree camera turn would have revealed us (I actually think I saw one of my friends), but that's probably for the better.
Us Rose Parade volunteers have the mouths of drunken sailors, you know.
So, if you happen to watch the Rose Parade the day after New Year's (They're doing it the day after for some strange reason), and you see "Photograph Safari," and your high-definition TV reveals a small patch on the elephant's left asscheek that was not covered in two parts golden seeds and one part poppy, take pride in knowing that you kinda-sorta know the person that left that patch blank, perhaps as a big "eff you" to
The man.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Everyone!
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Mimmi- No, running up a quarter-mile hill at a forty degree angle = good legs. ~_^
Solo- I bet really huge libraries are really cool. I've never been in one.
Man, I would kill to go to the one in Indiana Jones.
Des- So.. Why don't they just let you do regular save anywhere? Pardon my non-oldschool mentality.

Wow, that took me a whole fifteen minutes!
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Hotel time!
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Solo- We'll let the city be the judge of that. :x
Shin- Zany? Zany?
I don't really get why they have "quick save" and regular save.
It's strange how excited I can get from simply seeing a store with multiple stories.
Down in Los Angeles, almost every store is one story. There are very few condensed, high-rising areas, because everything is so spaced out.
Here in San Francisco (And in most major cities, I imagine), things have stairs, and the mere thought of this fascinates me endlessly.
I walked into a book store near our hotel room, and was rather let down by its size. Then I realized it had a basement that was huge, and it was a big "oh shit" moment.
And from my limited experience, the only thing that really "bothers" me about urban pedestrianism here is the constant stop lights, and how people seem to have such a delayed reaction to them.
Tomorrow we're "asploring" some, taking our crew down to the coast and infiltrating Japantown and the hippie-liberal district (Haight and Ashbury, I believe it's called). Amoeba Music is in there, and God help me if I don't find it.
Though you'd think the neon lights would be some sort of hint.
EDIT: Also, the homeless people are really friendly here.
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