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Ambassador of Dorkville
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Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
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.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Margarine on popcorn is awful.
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James- So Nintendo doesn't even have the right to redistribute Perfect Dark? If that's the case, I have to either hunt down an old cartridge or wait for the HL2 mod, which probably won't even come out. Sadness. :(
Shin- My favorite Star Wars movies, in order of crappiness to Godliness: I, II, III, IV, VI, V. Funny how they sort of organize chronologically.
Tony- I would be kind of uncomfortable doing that, though. Like, I'm walking down the street, and all of a sudden this creepy stranger asks me to play with his puppy.
Godel- OWNED.
Solo- Barbecue Pirates? NOOOOOO!!
Shin- That was the other thing I was thinking when I was watching it. I forgot to mention that I had to sit in the front row. It kind of sucked, except there was this little bar in front of us that I used as a very comfortable footrest.
I wasn't going to update tonight, but Shin has passed the proverbial baton to me, so I guess I'm obligated to do it. Damn you.
Total volume of music on my computer: 2.72 GB, but it's growing pretty rapidly. I don't know if I'll ever fill up my 20GB iPod, though.
The last CD I bought was: Technically, Etro Anime's "See the Sound," but I've bought a couple albums on iTunes since then, Pixies B-Sides being the most recent.
Song currently playing: "The Good Life" off of Weezer's Pinkerton. It's not a great song.. I just happen to be listening to it because "Across the Sea" just ended.
Five songs I listen to a lot (or mean a lot to me): I guess I'll go with "lots of meaning," since I'm tired of listing the songs I listen to a lot.
- "Yasashii Yoake" by Yuki Kajiura. This song reminds me of somebody very important to me, mostly because .hack//SIGN was on TV when I met the person. The lyrics still get me all sentimental when I hear it.
- "Counting Down the Hours" by Ted Leo and the Pharmacists. This was one of the first songs I bought on iTunes, right before I went off to Pittsburgh for a few weeks. I felt happy in Pittsburgh, for reasons unknown, and this song kind of became associated with those feelings. It was also the anthem of my painstaking 20-hour plane-hiking guide across the country.
- "Nothing Better" by The Postal Service. It's helped me deal with things.. Plus it's a very sweet love song.
- "Isla de Encanta" by Pixies. It's not my favorite Pixies song, but it was the first one I heard, and we all know where that went.
- "Bran-New Love Song" by The Pillows. Same old sentimental stuff. Plus, it's The Pillows.
There's lots of other songs, but I'm restricted to five, so >:O
..Wait, was I supposed to do this now? I don't know. ;_; And I don't know who's done the test, so I refuse to pass it on.
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
Mace Windu: One bad mutha.
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Kiowanman- For the uninitiated, this is one of my friends from school. Say hi, bitches.
James- After reading some stuff that you've said on OB, I've been wondering.. How much do you know that you don't say? You seem to be in the know. :P
Shin- I should hope Nintendo has the rights to Perfect Dark. From a business standpoint, it only makes sense.
Godel- It's a MONKEY. God, why would it be a dog? >:O
For you .hack fans out there, Cyber Connect 2 released a trailer for a new .hack game. It looks pretty cool, but I'm not going to buy it if they don't overhaul the gameplay. I own the first volume, and though the four-part INFECTION series was important to the complete .hack story, I couldn't bring myself to play it.
So, Star Wars. I saw it tonight, rather late (sorry, Ethan), and it was okay. The first half was pretty slow, and the acting (Mostly on Anakin's part) was sub-par, but the action was great. Overall, it was an okay end to the series. I don't know, maybe I would have liked it more if the fanboys didn't scream like Backstreet Boy groupies every time Yoda showed up, and the little girl behind me didn't start crying every time something inhuman was on-screen.
My biggest gripe (warning, predictable spoilers): At the end, when Sidious tells Vader he killed Padme when he was rampaging, and he yells (In the James Earl Jones voice, mind you) "NOOOOOO" at the sky. That totally ruined it. Awful.
There's really nothing else to say right now. That's too bad, Star Wars fanboy ramblings aren't worth a post.
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Spore Spore Spore Spore Spore.
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Tony- What exactly are they doing with the wireless? I kind of lost interest by the time I got to that part.
James- "What is possible" as in a launch-time sense, or "what is possible after there's six years of programming experience under a developer's belt"? I understand it now, but it's just frustrating. I just want to see some official, authentic gameplay footage.
Shinmaru- I saw some controller mockup on Penny Arcade Forums (my dirty secret is that I'm a lurker there), and it had all of these debated features, all presented in a way that made sense. The only problem was that I don't recall seeing any "normal" buttons, which would make it a pain in the ass for third party developers to make multi-platform games for Revolution, right?
Tony- It's between this and Bossanova for my next music purchase. On one hand, I can complete my Pixies collection (aside from Live at the BBC, which I plan on getting eventually), and on the other hand, I get something different.
satan665- Only $20 more. ;)
Godel- What's even more ucky is the thought of me shaving my legs daily for the wearing of the short shorts.
Lea- But perpetuating stereotypes is great fun!
Just read about Spore on IGN. God, I must know when this game is coming out. It's such an awesome concept.
I'm just worried that the variety of species types won't be as completely vast as people are making it out to be. I'm sure there will be a good deal of variety, but I want something that will keep me trying out new stuff for months.
So I printed out my favorite PS3 screenshots on one paper. I put it on my binder, and put some Xbox 360 shots on the opposite side. I definitely converted a few of the local gamers who had only seen the Xbox 360 MTV tragedy (There's an odd number of Killzone devotees in my class), but there are still a couple of outstanding Xbox devotees.
Someone who wanted to get 360 because they're "transitioning the Tony Hawk games from Sony to Microsoft."
Which doesn't make much sense because, you know, those games have been multiplatform since the beginning.
I understand where he's coming from with a different point, though. He's the kind of person who would get a huge kick out of Xbox Live, and honestly, I'm pining for that kind of organization myself. I'm praying that Sony's online plan will be up to the standards that Xbox Live has set for online console gaming, and if they don't.. Well, I don't know what will happen.
But it's still so pointless to deliberate at this point. They've done nothing except reveal specs and cases, as well as a couple of launch titles. Very few details. Dismay.
But that complete Nintendo backlog is sounding awfully tempting. I have an SNES and a Nintendo 64, but due to my age back in the day, my taste in games was.. Underdeveloped, let's say.
The only Super Nintendo games I have that I don't regret purchasing are Super Mario All Stars, Kirby Superstar, Yoshi's Island and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. My N64 library isn't quite that limited, but I never played Perfect Dark or Goldeneye, and I'm too lazy to hunt down old cartridges.
Of course, then we have mod teams planning Half-Life 2 mods for both of them. That would be schweet, and more importantly, free.
So I got smoked in track today. Of course, this is to be expected when you're grouped with all of the goddamn athletes in the school.
It wasn't that bad of a defeat, but I think I tied for fourth. I'm eliminated, sure, but the top three were from my class, so I can still bask in the glory.
A little.
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Backstreet's back.. :'(
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Tony- The scary thing is that that OurColony stuff was ten times more obscure than that.
James- What do you think of all this "Pre-rendered Killzone" business? Honestly, I don't know what to think.
Shin- I'm excited about the DS stuff, but I'll talk about that later.
satan665- Don't you get demos? That's why I would get PSM.
Of course, that's why I subscribed to EGM, but now I find out that you only get preview DVDs if you buy them OFF THE RACK. Grr.
Tony- Revolution.. *sigh* I was at least hoping for some sort of hint at what the revolutionary aspect will be, but if they're going to a humongous media blitz at next year's show (sort of like DS), that will probably be more effective, right? I'm just a sad little fanboy.
Godel- You.. Like the controller?
God, Canada must be even more fucked up than I had imagined.
Dagger- As am I.
..Though I figure it would be better if I actually watched the series first. I had a similar problem with the Cowboy Bebop movie.
Shin- That was incredibly Penny Arcade Forum-ish.
Tony- Omfg batarang lolz!!1
So, Nintendo conference. I was disappointed by the lack of Revolution stuff, of course, but I can't say that I regret not seeing anything. Once they perfect it.. That's when I want to see it. Not some lame-ass prototype that is going to be changed three times by the time it's finally released.
Like that damned PS3 controller.
But the DS stuff.. Man, I was so disappointed with my DS purchase until I saw the new footage of the sidescrolling Mario game and, perhaps even moreso, the new Mario & Luigi DS game. Then you have Advance Wars DS, or whatever the title is, which is apparently using the two screens in some sensibly cool ways (one screen for air, one for ground, for example).. Then there's Fire Emblem 2 for GBA, but considering how they're from the same studio and they're pretty much the same in gameplay, I'll probably end up choosing between the two.
But that Game Boy Micro.. Meh. MEH, I say. It's concave like the Xbox 360, which isn't that bad on a console, but I can't help but think it would be odd to hold in your hands.
Nintendogs.. Again, meh. I have a real dog. I don't need to dish out $30 for a simulation that lets me pick up virtual dog crap.
(Of course, one would argue that I already have a life and thus have no need for The Sims, but I love that series anyway.)
Apparently, Hideo Kojima is going to be writing and directing Metal Gear Solid 4 after all. A while back they that, along with the main theme of "No Place to Hide!" there was "No Place for Hideo!", implying that Mr. Kojima wouldn't be so directly involved. This trailer, however, corrected that, because there was such a demand from fans for him to not abandon his baby.
I would really like to see something new from him (as long as it isn't like Boktai), but I would hate to see Metal Gear wither without Kojima's input.
And then Zelda: Twilight Princess.. I'm excited and apprehensive at the same time. The werewolf thing.. I'm sure they'll do cool stuff with it, but I'm thinking that I'd rather play as humanoid Link thank a wolf, but I can't really say that until I've played it.
As for mundane everyday things, we no longer have that old crazy sub. Instead, we have a new crazy sub. He's this young black guy fresh out of college, and he was sensible enough yesterday, but today he had this big rant- all period- about how we have specific goals in our lives, but the commercials that the media pushes into our minds have absolutely nothing to do with that. He had this big mathematical equation about how we've spend one fourth of our lives just watching TV, when we could be doing something constructive with his time.
Then he somehow got onto the subject of how our society is entirely controlled by worthless green paper and that his interest in it stops at how he needs it to move himself further along in society.
So, of course, someone responded with "So.. Can I have that dollar?"
I think he gave it to her.
Then he ripped up a dollar.
Then he reverted back to the "work for your goal thing," and in a very enthusiastic physical example, got up on a table and held a book in the air. The book symbolized our offspring, whom we shall push up farther beyond we could ever reach if we just try hard.
Hilariously enough, the book he randomly picked up off of the teacher's desk was a book of world religion with a big Catholic crucifix on the front. That was priceless.
So yeah, he's better than the other guy (He doesn't have us turn in assignments because they're "for us," not him), but he's still freaky.
Today we started track & field in PE. I volunteered for the 50-yard-dash, much to the surprise of the teacher (he just doesn't watch.. I'm actually rather good at it), the high jump, and I got drafted for some relay. I don't really care the distance- I think it's a quarter lap a person, but regardless, I got put in rather low ranks by the teacher's judgement. Down with the fat kids.
Anyway, we did the 50 today, and I smoked the competition. These weren't fat kids, either, these were fit people. You could literally hear the rising chorus of "Daaaaaang, white boy can run!" throughout the campus.
He really doesn't watch.
I have a couple of friends who want to do track in high school.. I don't think I'm good enough to compete with district-wide groups of speed-demons, but maybe I would give it a shot, if it weren't for those questionable short shorts.
Then after school we registered for classes. Being in IB, we get first picks, which doesn't really mean much. We have to take a second language, and we only had Spanish and Latin, so I went with the latter. Because it's cool when you fit it into fantasy stories.
Then the electives were all music-related, except for drama and art. Even if I did have previous group-music experience, I still wouldn't do any of the music things, because you have to come to school an hour early for that, and we have to get up early enough as it is. That cut more than half of them out immediately.
So then that left drama and art. And what do you know, I dislike being on stage, so I got stuck with good old art again, for the third year in a row.
However, to take an elective when you are required to take a second language, you need to do summer school. It was between PE and Health, and I didn't really care which one I was in, as long as I knew people in it, but my friend got paranoid about sharing classes and organized it so that everyone we care about got the same health class.
Honestly, I'm not that excited about high school. Thrown back to the bottom of the ladder, for another year of freshman torment, more "thematic elements" like drugs, sex, etc.. And enough homework to take up an entire weekend. Maybe the clubs will be worth it.
Last thing: I sampled System of a Down's new CD, Mezmerize, and I liked what I heard. I'm considering buying it when I have cash to blow..
The funny thing is that when I think of SOAD I think of that video where they're all freaky looking. I saw them on Saturday Night Live last week, didn't recognize them, and I was very impressed by the song. Then I realized it was System of a Down, and I was surprised. They look a lot more mellow than in my mind.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I came, I saw.. I wet my pants.
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Tony- Since Family Guy came back to FOX, people have been shouting "Giggidy" all over the school. It's the new warcry of the punks.
Lea- :( I can't be 100% perfect all the time, you know.
Shin- $12? Hell, I'm there.
satan665- I never buy anime DVDs anymore.. Too expensive.
Godel- A Champloo movie? Cool.
And they'll only show Paranoia Agent once a week.. They would only need to run it twice to fill in Ghost in the Shell's gap (at least, the episodes they've shown so far). Besides, they've showed FLCL so many times over the words "Fooly Cooly" have lost all meaning.
Dagger- :( Sexy as in male, or female?
So, E3. I didn't realize it was this week. Once I was reminded ever so gently by the violent prodding of IGN, I got excited when I saw the PS3 design, and was moved to tears by the Sony Conference.
With all of their demos showing the system's capabilities.. I can't help but think it's a little overkill. I know they'll find a way to take up all of that space, but it's just crazy.
(The Doc Ock demo made my line between reality and fiction blur. It was like some sort of crazy acid trip.)
I didn't bother watching the Microsoft thing. I got what I needed to from Tony.
I'm way too tired and way too busy to go into this stuff any further, but I'll be sure to ramble about it sometime when I don't have school crap due the next day.
EDIT: Oh, yes, I forgot about this. Microsoft's next big alternate reality game dedicated to problem-solving so you can see things about a week before other people do.
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Monday, May 16, 2005
And now, the weekly Seth report.
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Shin- Yeah, I thought at first that Mugen and Spike were voiced by the same people, but apparently that's not the case.
Godel- That's the spirit.
I refuse to talk about that event any further, by the way.
Tony- I figured that the show would attract some sort of new fanbase (judging by the style and music), but after watching it I realized that it still had a lot of the quirky humor and character designs (Not Mugen, Fuu or Jin so much as background characters) that would turn a lot of new viewers off. That's not bad at all for veterans, but I was hoping to share this show with a few people. I won't be doing that now.
Lea- No comment. See my Godel response.
So, yeah, Samurai Champloo. Muy bien, though I will gripe that the first episode was more style and less substance, but that's to be expected. I'm glad that it's on so early- unlike Bebop, which is on at ungodly hours of the night.
What I was really looking forward to, though, was Paranoia Agent, which won't be airing for two more weeks. Of course, with the advent of Paranoia Agent comes the demise of syndicated Futurama, which is sad. I guess I'll have to buy the DVDs now.
After that was Metropolis, which I was looking forward to, but it never really caught my attention. There was an interesting story there, with some sweet special effects, but it didn't really grab me. I "watched" all of it, yes, but I only paid attention to about half.
I was under the impression that Metropolis was an older movie, like late-80's or something (I remember seeing it in Barnes & Noble and other places a while back), but apparently it's only three or four years old. Funny how my mind is stupid like that.
I had a friend come over today for a project.
Translation: We finished the ten minutes of work we needed to do and spent five hours watching taped episodes of Family Guy and other random stuff. It was fun, but I wish I could have had more time to familiarize myself with the two new Counter-Strike maps.
Tonight's Family Guy was my favorite out of the three new episodes so far. It had a lot of.. Nah, I'm not going to review it. I'm too tired to do that kind of thing. American Dad was good, too, but classic Quagmire was back, and nothing can beat that. ![](
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
I say, let us get her done.
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Mimmi- We got a couple of pictures, actually.. Nothing that great, though. Mostly of the play.
I would have paid ten bucks for a picture of my friend on the ground, cringing and protecting his crotch from further pain, though.
Shin- It was kind of funny how it went. I got kicked, and then I threw the ball at him, and all of a sudden my pain went away. It was if it magically transferred.
Tony- Well, I'm sure you've noticed that it's a variant. You know, like how there are two Vamoses. It's kind of a stretch to consider River Euphrates Version 2 a different song, since there's just a couple of added vocals and distortion, I agree.
And that screenshot really is awful. I am reminded of Unreal Tournament 2004 with nicer lighting.
Lea- That's how I feel every day.
So I got dragged to a monster truck show today. Bottom line, it sucked, and the blackmail (Pixies concert and Anime Expo) had better be damn good.
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Yeah, baby, move that castle.
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Shin- You've mentioned the second one before. I remember slow-talkey man. :P
Godel- Heh heh. "Mr. Ho."
Highlights of the day:
- No more baby-ness. That ended this week. I lost the little hat the yellow one wore, along with some scrunchie the red one wore as some sort of hat. Though neither was really my fault.
- Turned in my eleven poems. The teacher yelled at us for a while because she said that our poems were due yesterday, and that it was our fault, even though the sub did absolutely nothing to tell us this. I had them done, I just didn't know we were supposed to turn them in.. But I did an extra poem. That should make up for the five points off.
- Baby hackey-sack at lunch. My blanket got confiscated because someone took it and used it as a whip. Somehow my friend ended up with it at the end of the day. Even she doesn't know how it got there. I blame the blanket gnomes. Filthy little bastards!
- That crazy sub I went on about last time wasn't there the next day.. But he sure as hell returned on Friday. Once again, we stood outside our room for ten minutes, once again it took forever to be seated, once again he took forever to yell at us, and once again it took forever to get our work started. Today we did actual art.. If you can call copying a topography diagram out of history books art.
And we get him for the rest of next week, too! Hooray!
- Did the long jump in Phys Ed today. Apparently, when I do the long jump I lunge forward like I'm trying to kill some invisible meal ticket. My friends so kindly pointed this out to me, but I don't need to take that kind of thing from people who land like ballerinas. >:O
- The Drama Club did their big year-end production yesterday and today. My friend is in it, and has insisted that the play is absolute crap since she first got involved, which was only more motivation for me to come and laugh at it.
It was one of those "clever" reimaginings of classic stories- this one being Rapunzel. Such things were cute back in fifth grade, but by this point I think we should be beyond that.
Anyway, my friend played the evil witch, and another person I'm pretty close to was Rapunzel's mother. They were the only two you could actually hear.
It was a crap-play, for sure. The funniest parts were when people forgot their lines, and when people randomly ran onto the stage, prancing like they were at a renaissance fair, and throwing glitter everywhere. I was so out of it by this point that I had no idea what was going on. Just seeing people prance was funny.
Oh, and the guy that saved Rapunzel was black. The script, at one point, had someone say that the hero had "dark, rough hands." I'm pretty sure they didn't cast this guy because he was black, and that the script didn't mean to imply that the guy was supposed to be "of color," but I couldn't help but burst out laughing once that happened.
- We went back to my friend's house an debaucherized for a while.
- Voyeurism.
- Kool-Aid. The dog drank out of one of the glasses, and the person who had it didn't notice. That was great.
- Played Doom 3. I was bored.
- Locked everyone else outside. They, in turn, went somewhere else, so I caught up.
Dual air rifles in hand.
- Tossed around one of those nerf footballs. It became more of a bludgeoning weapon than a sport tool, though.
- My friend got hit in the balls four times. The first time he got punched there (I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not), the second time he got kicked (that one was intentional, fo' sho), the third time I threw the nerf ball at him and it hit him square in the private area. By this point he was lying on the ground in a fetal position, making noises that were neither laughs nor sobs. The fourth time we were carrying a ladder across the yard, it dropped, and hit him again.
Poor, poor guy. I only got pegged with the football once.
(side note: The entire time we were doing this stuff, we were out in the front yard, and all of these crazy Mexican cholo dudes were watching us and laughing. I don't like them very much, though at the time I didn't care.)
- More voyeurism.
- I came home and played Guild Wars for a bit.
- Bought the Pixies B-Sides album, after choosing between Bossanova and this. I decided to go along with Shin's opinion. I was leaning towards that one anyway.
- I wrote a rather long and pointless myOtaku update chronicling my day's events, which surely none of you care about.
EDIT: I just read's Perfect Dark Zero feature.. There's some cool stuff in the multiplayer. It got me giddy and excited, unlike that turd of an MTV special.
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Missed it by this much.
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Shin- Only if they have flipping sweet suits.
satan665- Think of Slaughterhouse-Five like a comic bookk..
Without pictures. :o
Godel- *does so* Ow, that hurt.
In English we've been doing poetry during testing. Normally that would be great, but I'm not in one of those moods that motivates me to write these days. Instead, I cranked out twelve tiny poems (we had to do ten different styles plus one we weren't taught in-class. I did one extra), and because we're presenting these in a little book, I decided to cover up the poems' ugliness with Adobe Photoshop ugliness. Yes, along with the uninspired poems come uninspired backgrounds to go along with them. For the most part I took random art off of Google and DeviantArt, resized it, threw words on it, and moved on.
There's only one that I really approve of. The rest are poop.
Along with this project, I have to finish our Baby Books for Health by Friday, and then there's some in-class thing for History that I just know I'm going to end up doing outside of school. Additionally, there's another project for English that's not due until the thirty-first, but we have to finalize our subjects by the sixteenth. That one's a two-person project, which I'll probably do with the person I always do projects with, but I might yet mix it up and do it with someone else. Someone equally useful to have around, and equally fun, but different.
So I guess I'm getting into the swing of relentless schoolwork that will be omnipresent in high school.
My friend who was planning on getting Guild Wars is all heartset on getting World of Warcraft now, for whatever reason. Something about riding tigers around. So we had two separate debates about it today, and after school I made up a list of 25 reasons Guild Wars kicks World of Warcraft's ass, along with visual aids that will strengthen the impact.
This person used to be online a lot, and though things are different now, I still miss her dearly, and would like to have her online again. Guild Wars can help with that, and WoW could, if it weren't for the monthly fee.
*stabs whoever came up with monthly fees*
We had this weird sub in Art today, who was actually quite hilarious.
First, we had to stand outside of the classroom for five minutes, complaining about where where the teacher might be. Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, this crazy short man with glasses opens the door and tells us to get against the back wall. The rest of the class, being the talkative little bastards that they are, kept chattering, and the guy kept rambling on about how he won't start until everyone shuts up.
Once they settled down some, he started going down the roll sheet. He sat everybody in "new" seats, for reasons unknown, entirely in alphabetical order. We tried explaining that we weren't technically students as much as teacher assistants, but he didn't care, so we went along with it.
Some kid said something smarmy, and the teacher went over to the phone and "called" the office and warned them about him. I put 'called' in quotes because he didn't really call. He pretended to push numbers and had a fake conversation. This was obvious from our angle.
Eventually, we all got seated. For whatever reason I wasn't on the chart, so I was last, and got to sit where I always sit anyway. The table happened to be covered in babies, though.
Somewhere around here he stated that he served for twenty-something years in the Air Force, taught at the school a while back, then went to the high school, then became a sub, and is "DEAF IN ONE EAR, HALF-DEAF IN THE OTHER, AND BLIND IN MY RIGHT EYE." He also informed us that the reason kids aren't learning as well these days is because of lack of discipline. He's good at telling people to be quiet, and he can say it in four other languages.
Though English obviously wasn't the first one he learned how to say it in.
So then we spent the rest of the period filling in the blanks of what he wrote on the board. Sample:
_ _ _ - The human quality of mimicking nature or life through painting, drawing, sculpting, or any other form of creative expression.
I knew what it was by the time he wrote "nature." This is, after all, an art class.
He wrote incredibly slowly, too.
Then it took forever for us to get out of class, but once we did, we ran a mile, took a two minute break, then another lap. Fast as we could.
So yeah, it was one of those days. The kind that was just strange enough to make you laugh hysterically the second you get your seatbelt on during the ride home.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
And the.. No, nevermind.
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Tony- British ones, obviously.
Mimmi- It's all over now. I'm not done working yet, though- there's another project due before I can slack off for the rest of the year.
Lea- I have a theory that the day a Boo-Bah baby is born by a human woman, it will be a sign of the end times.
Shin- But then I'd have to rummage through the dump and thrift stores, and that's no fun.
Godel- Hey hey hey. Hey. HEY.
They were just $2.50 each.
I went out and bought Slaughterhouse-Five today. I kind of got in on a whim for the sake of AR, but from the twenty pages I've read, it's interesting. It kind of reminds me blogs, simply because of the pointless, neverending rantings.
..What, after that, you were expecting me to make a pointless, neverending rant?
That's just what they would expect me to do.
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