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Ambassador of Dorkville
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Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
Favorite Anime
.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
See above.
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Monday, April 11, 2005
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Mimmi- All of my folders end up mangled like that surprisingly easily. The spines are all broken and decrepit.. I don't know why I just don't buy others.
Shin- Yeah, I was gonna say.. I didn't remember "Yo, hamma" becoming a term of affection amongst the 'urban' youth.
I finally contributed a couple of entries to the Digital Devil Database today. I feel all productive now.
It's late, but I have an entire bowl of popcorn in front of me, pretty much sealing my fate of staying up later tonight. That sucks, because I'm actually tired for once.
I spent all day playing Metal Gear Solid 3 without killing anyone and without being seen. I wasted, like, three hours trying to get through one sequence, and I got seen once, but at that point I was just like "What the hell. I'll settle for not killing anyone."
It's the unrealistic and pointless goals like these that separate the lame gamers from the even more lame people.
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Work those fingers.
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Mimmi- Well, it was a condition, yeah.
I don't really care about haircuts, as long as it's left relatively long in the front. I say "eyebrow level," and they hear "painfully raised eyebrows" or something. It's at about the midpoint of my forehead. It's not like it's shaved off or anything. :P
Lea- We should start a pool. You know, one person bets that my hair will be cut right before AX, and someone else bets that it won't be cut between now and then. Like the super bowl.
Lewna- Doesn't waist-length hair get in the way, though? It would seem.. Distracting, I would think.
Shin- Oh, Shin, you and your witty banter.
Okay. So, Sin City. I've talked about it so much with my friends that I'm kind of burnt out on the subject, but I still have a couple thoughts worth mentioning.
The Hard Goodbye was good, though lacking in emotion, The Big Fat Kill just plain bored me, and That Yellow Bastard was my favorite. It wasn't nearly as gory or sexual as everyone had made it out to be (I was expecting there to be some sort of orgie going on as you saw Clive Owen pulling out someone's intestines and defecating on them).. But I still enjoyed it immensely.
My dad wasn't thrown by it, evidently. He liked it, sure, but he wasn't floored. My friend definitely enjoyed it, maybe even more than me.
The white silhouettes were the coolest thing ever.. Especially with Bruce Willis in the end.
Afterwards, I went out and bought the poster I mentioned yesterday (It says "Hell of a way to end a partnership," but Hartigan had better quotes). It's in a frame thing, but it's not in my room yet. I don't know quite where to put it.
Today was pretty dull. I went on the computer, did my random crap, played a couple of games, talked on the phone, practiced guitar (I feel like such a lamer playing tab without recognizing how to play musical notation, even though that's how everyone seems to do it).. That's about it. My friend got Doom 3 for Xbox. I think she should have gotten Chaos Theory instead, but that's not my decision to make.
And with that redundant paragraph complete, it's now time for..

I was looking for my art folder today, looking for older things worth putting in there. These are mostly crappy sketches I've made that hold more sentimental value for me than eye candy value for any of you, but there's a couple of them worth noting.
Chain and Bass. I made this one when I was on my surrealist rampage. At the same time, I was on a bass guitar rampage, as well as one for Resident Evil 4. That's where this came from. I think this one's about mass murderers, though.. A man with weapons on his mind looking down upon the earth.
Poor guy. A kind of math joke that doesn't even make sense. Actually, why the hell did I draw this?
I like how the gun is sideways. I'm aware of his painfully long arm. When I started this one, I wanted it to be a dynamic piece with twisted perspective and anatomy, but that didn't go very far. I left his face blank because A) I was lazy and B) I didn't want to mess it up (further, anyway. His feet are all jacked up, too).
Grease isn't just a musical. There was originally a quote to go along with this one, but I think it would offend people a bit too much. Just think "Perverted jackalope with a video camera," and let your imagination run wild with that one.
Not really a drawing, but it's art-related. That's my art folder, and I have absolutely no idea why there's a giant E on it. There's lots of other crap on it, too, that didn't show up in the picture, such as Buddha jokes, the word "QUEERY" written in very big cursive, some sort of LSD lollipop, an ironic poem about one person's love for eggs, squiggles, the history of the Twi'lek race, "Cut Classes, Not Frogs," and Tagalog lessons. I'm sure this is enlightening to all of you.
Gamer madness.. I think. Seriously.. Why am I showing you people these things? The thing on the right is one of those typical Mario-is-a-shroomhead things, with the caption, "It's-a da good shit," which my friends insulted because it was a crappy Mario. So I drew the one on the upper-left side, which makes fun of my friend's hair being like an eccentric Mario cosplayer's, and name-calling got thrown in there, too. How mature I am! Also, fat people getting picked up by Katamari balls.
Definitely my crowning achievement. This was actually a joint effort between myself and four other highly skilled artists- nay, masters of crayon- capturing the human form in a stunningly beautiful and profound image.
The end. I think this is my worst Scanning Saturday yet.
Closing statement: Half-Life 2: Aftermath is coming out soon- well, not soon. More like "eventually." There's no media released for it yet, but according to Steam there should be something revealed next week. I'm hoping it's long, and not just some eight-hour distraction. Also, I want to buy it in a box, not over the internet. I feel safer with hard copies.
EDIT: Has anyone else seen this?

Seriously, how is that a good marketing pitch? One-hit wonders from the early 90's with cell phones? He didn't even endorse it, I'll tell you that much.
Wait.. Is this a different hammer? That doesn't look much like the MC Hamma I know.
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
I should probably update.
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Mimmi- Eh, why the hell not.
Tony- His pants threw me off, too. Sometimes I forget how smooth anime characters' legs are, regardless of gender. o_O
DarkMagician316- Truly luxurious.
Shin- Holy crap, you're right, it's only three months away.
Maybe I can blow my two hundred-dollar bills (been stored away since sixth grade) there.
And to think I was going to contribute it to my college fund! HAH!
Godel- Eeew, EB. Our EB sucks, and our Gamestop in the mall is fairly decent. The one I ordered DDS at just happens to be closer.. By a quarter mile. The only three Gamestops in the entire town are in the same two-mile radius.
Ken- Just do it now and get it over with. I need to get on with my life.
Sara- Gotta love the Japanese.
Lea- Well, you sure as hell aren't going to find out. :P
I finally saw Sin City today.. It was amazing. I bought a Hartigan poster in Spencer's after that, and my friend was going to buy a couple of the books, but he didn't. Cheap bastard.
Oh, and I got a haircut. It sucks.. So badly. It's not short short, but it's short enough to make me look like I'm six.
I'll elaborate tomorrow. It's late, and I'm tired. So go find something else to do, for God's sake. :P
EDIT: Oh, right, and the reason to come back tomorrow: I'll be scanning in random crap from my art folder. It should be mildly entertaining, if not unnerving (Seriously, though, there's no way to describe a couple of these things other than "..Damn, that's ugly").
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
I do not comprehend.
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Shin- I've used more italics. <_<
Lea- You don't want to know what I would have been named if I was female.
DDG- Is your minimum 5.7, by any chance? Because that seems to be the case for me (5.7-11.5).
James- I think Archibald would fit the bill.
I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday after piano (which went pleasantly.. By comparison). I've had a gift card for the place since Christmas. As much as I love Barnes and Noble, I never know how to optimize the use of a gift card there. I mean, I can just go to the library for most books.. And CDs are expensive there. Magazines are a waste, and why the hell would I buy a biscotti with plastic?
So, I kind of just looked around, hoping to find something worth buying. Of course, they had Sin City there (The Big Fat Kill and The Dame Wore Red), but of course I couldn't buy them.
(On a related note, though, one of my dad's colleagues told him that Sin City isn't that horrible of a movie and that it's all stuff that I've already seen on TV. This is good for me, but I can't help but wonder what kind of TV this guy watches.)
So I decided to browse CDs. I've been thinking lately that I should widen my range of bands.. Compared to a lot of people I know, I have a pretty narrow list.
As I looked around, I realized how much of the music out there totally sucks. I couldn't find anything, really, so I had the novel idea of having the store order POLYSICS OR DIE (it's in their catalogue) and call me when they get it in.
And I bought a journal. It's technically a sketchbook, but it works just as well. I want it to hold not only my writing but drawings to accompany them.. Things that relate to more personal issues, you know? It was only $7, but I hope I'll get my money's worth out of it.
I also went out to buy Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga today. The store called me with their happy little pre-recorded message last night ("Your game, DIGITAL DEVIL SEGA [wtf?], will be out tomorrow"), so I heartlessly dragged my sickly mother out of bed to drive me to Gamestop.
I went in and asked for it, as usual. They turned around, looked at the shelves, and said they would get it in tomorrow. I trusted them, and left. My mom decided to go to Target, so I quickly came back.
And Digital Devil Saga was sitting right there, in plain sight, on one of the lower shelves. I pointed that out to the guy behind the counter, and he turned his head, let out a "..Dammit!" that reminded me eerily of Napoleon Dynamite.
I liked making the guy feel stupid, but it kind of evened out when I accidentally gave him a 100-dollar bill in place of a ten. He was kind enough to not steal it, but karma decided to get a headstart this time around.
The game itself is impressive so far. I love the voice acting and the cutscenes (Seriously, though.. The blue-haired one's a dude?), though I can't help but dislike the demon designs so far. Maybe I'm still comparing it all to Nocturne, but these things look a lot more.. Childish than stuff in SMT3. It's not like they're all cute or anything, but they just seem a lot more simple, almost as if a small child first designed them in crayon form.
It's also philosophical, though in a much more linear way than Nocturne. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not yet. All I know is that Heat and Argilla are cool, Gale looks much cooler in demon form, Cielo confuses me, and Sera looks slightly cross-eyed.
And I'm sure that none of you care about this. Aren't I grand? :)
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Really, nothing to say.
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Godel- I keep my drawings nice and organized, so there.
Shin- That's my biggest beef with the system. Apparently I won't have to worry about that for much longer, though, because the high school doesn't really enforce the program.
I decided to read Heart of Darkness first, and then some Faulkner. No idea why.
You know that feeling where, no matter how much you try to stay warm, you always feel cold on the inside?
Yeah. It sucks.
End post.
EDIT: A screenshot of my friend's Xanga.. A quiz, of course.

The only logical explanation is conspiracy. Or maybe the two of them have very nice names. This isn't the first time I've heard people go on about how they love those two names.
..Yeah, I don't have jack shit to talk about right now.
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Monday, April 4, 2005
Well that was refreshing.
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Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I've written them all down, and I shall see if they are on our list or not (Well, I know Catcher in the Rye is, but it's below my reading level).
I got my memory card back last night. I got a call from my friend, asking if I could come over and pick it up. It was a bit late, but I did, and I also got my Invader Zim Volume 3 DVD back. Oh, it feels good to be in posession of your own belongings. I say this because I am constantly lending things to people.. Either that or copying CDs for them. I have one friend who is constantly borrowing games from me, and I don't really mind with him because I'm practically at his house every day and I can keep track of them easily enough. The person who had the Zim DVD and memory card is also pretty careful with these things, though I lent her sister Paint Shop Pro a while back, and I have yet to see it again.
And then there's a gaggle of other people whom I give things to more warily. I think I need to make a little list of things I have lent out, just so I don't forget something.
So, yeah, once I got my card back, I spent some long-awaited quality time with Devil May Cry 3. The level I had been stuck on for a long time was finally crushed. I had never actually gotten to the boss (Vergil) before, but when I did he was insanely easy. It only took me two attempts to whoop his ass.
And the following cutscenes were more than sufficient rewards. Seriously, they kick ass, and I think even my Dante-hating affiliates won't be able to deny their greatness.
So yeah, that's that.
School starts tomorrow. I don't think I'm ready to go back yet, but it's probably for the best. If I stay out any longer I'll forget everything I've learned in math this year, and we certainly wouldn't want that.
I began preparation for the twelve mini-essays earlier. I got four of them pretty much done, but those were the ones we already had notes on. I basically rewrote everything so that they were legible and therefore better studying materials.
Hm, I'm getting things done earlier than the night before. How odd, perhaps I'm slipping back into overachiever territory?
I was on a drawing RAMPAGE yesterday. I toyed around with realistic portraits, did one of my "sad anime girl in scarf with umbrella" things, and even did a one-page comic outline, which is insane. I haven't done comics outside of four-panel strips in a long time.. Not that this one was very good. I didn't even use a ruler for outlines, but a couple of the drawings were decent.
The rest were crap.
Apparently, one of the secretaries at my dad's workplace told him that Sin City is full of people getting shot in the balls and Bruce Willis ripping some guy's penis off. This makes my parents go "OMFG NO" even more before, which only fuels my desire to sneak in even more. Or I could just sit in Barnes and Noble for a couple of hours and read the graphic novels. Either way, karma will catch up with me.. But it should be worth it.
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Oh, right, this thing.
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Mimmi- The Saga of the Storage Space, in a nutshell: It's my dead grandma's stuff, technically. My uncle's commanding pseudo-wife (they're not married) wanted these items, but due to their constricted living space, they had to put it in storage space. Now, they've decided they don't want it anymore, and someone had to take it.
They expected us to pay for it, but that sure as hell didn't happen.
Shin- The funny thing is that, after Metal Gear Acid, I wouldn't be surprised if Snake dipped into the dating sim pool.
Tony- They plan for the next April Fool's Day, of course.
lunox- The angsty unfortune! Why, oh why, must I be cursed with this very expensive piece of technology, a status symbol if you will, with awful battery life!? ;_;
Marle- It made me queasy. Funny how that happened.
Godel- I missed the VGcats thing. What exactly did they do?
A rant about the whole "frat party" thing is a bit past expiration date, but I guess I can summarize.
Everyone arrived late, and by then I was in my angsty my-friends-don't-give-a-shit mood, but that cleared up eventually. They came inside, my mom forced food and baby pictures upon them.. We played Counter-Strike for a bit, and called people figgits. Then we went up to the Mystical Hills of Adventure and Rusty Discared Automobiles (patent pending), and yelled at cars on the freeway.
Then, uh.. More food. Got locked out of my own house. We broke out the oldschool Mario games, gave a three-second piano concert, accused my brother of being a Sailor Porn King (he actually looked up "sexy sailor" the other day), felt bad for him, and overdosed on fried chicken.
Highlight: When getting plates for food, my Asian friends noticed that there was a good portion of their plates left empty. We all noticed this, and stared for a moment, until one of them blurted out,
"Where's the rice?"
It was hilarious at the time, but my retelling of it doesn't do it justice.
My DeviantArt account is active now, for anyone who cares. For now, it's only recycled stuff that I've put on OB and mO, but I plan on putting more on it.
I finally got my memory card back today, along with Invader Zim Volume 3. Glee. I came home and then proceeded to get my ass beaten by fucking minibosses in Devil May Cry 3. I feel so ashamed.
Damn, spring break is almost over already. Literally, just on Wednesday, I was thinking "Oh, I still have plenty of time to enjoy myself. No worries." But now a specific classmate of mine has gotten me stressed out over this upcoming essay test in History.
On Wednesday, we have to write twelve half-page essays on pre-selected landmarks in American History. We took notes on some of them, but we have to come up with what to say on most of them. It's teh suck.
Also, the main problem with the yearbook being shit is gone, apparently. The teacher's daughter now goes to a different school, so now reasonably sane people are working on it. Here's hoping they don't keep it in a craptastic state. *clinks wine glass*
Not that I'm going back or anything. It's too late for that.
Oh, and it's that time again: Accelerated Reader frenzy. I have to take my test on Jurassic Park (I've been putting that on hold until third trimester, which starts on Monday), and after that I need to find a new book. Feasible suggestions, anyone?
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Another pointless update: Why do I even bother?
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Tony- I know somebody who had Mario Party 6, and they got very, very frustrated with the microphone.
Marle- Hm, I wonder which death is going to have a bigger fallout: Reagan's or the Pope's?
Shin- I don't even see much of a contest.
Ken- I think I'd look better in the frog suit, personally.
Rule of thumb: When going to San Diego, prepare for suckage. For me, at least.
Despite its coolness, we never go for enjoyment. It's always to clear out some dead loved one's closet, or storage space, plus hours of driving.
I brought my iPod this time, which was a nice change. I had it on decent volume, and it lasted me all the way to San Diego, which isn't so bad. Apple's statement that the iPod can run for 12 hours is still a load of crap, though.
So yeah, storage space. It's technically my slacker uncle's stuff, but somehow we ended up loading it on a truck and taking it home with us. Additionally, we visited relatives and spent ten- count them, ten- minutes in Fry's Electronics.
Which is stupid.
The entire day I kept going only for the far-away hope of actually getting in there.. But ten minutes is not enough. I was running from section to section, just taking it all in (you know, sobbing over the things I can't afford, and whining because I don't have the cash to buy the things I can).. I guess I could have bought a DVD, but oddly enough, nothing caught my eye.
And the second I'm out of the store: "..God DAMN it, the Pixies DVD."
So, yeah. It was a waste of a day. I'm going to go sleep now.
EDIT: I seriously thought this was real for a minute there. The only April Fool's joke to really work on me this year.
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Friday, April 1, 2005
The Pope: Not Quite Dead Yet
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Azure- Oh, you thought the headache was from being wasted.. No, it was just from some bum fried chicken. :P
Ken- I wonder if he has to pay for that.
Godel- There was no drinking.
..Although there was much deliberation, when they discovered my parents' closet-o-booze.
I know I promised a real update today, but I can't. We're going down to San Diego today (I said I would on Tuesday, but things changed).
I'll leave you with only one thing to reply about: I've become addicted to Super Mario Bros. 3 again, which always was my favorite of the NES Mario games. My favorite SNES Mario-related game was Yoshi's Island, and Mario Party has sucked since number two.
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Well, that was fun.
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James- That reminds me of the Holocaust.
Shin- *gasp* You can sneak me in!
..If only you had a driver's license. Grr.
Marle- I like sarcasm, too. :)
Godel- If only I had cool cousins like that.
lunox- I'm afraid that I need e-holy water.
Ken- Don't forget the omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that, eh?
Well, I just had friends over, and it was fun. I'd rant about it, but I have a stinging headache, accompanied with fatigue, and I need to clean.
Real update tomorrow.
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