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Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
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1996, the advent of Pokemon.
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.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I have no clue who's singing this song.
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Tony- Yeah, I guess what I said was stupid. The people who read 800-page novels about international conflicts aren't likely to start playing games because they say "Tom Clancy" on them- the people who already play the games are more likely to begin reading the books. That's how it happened to me.
Shin- You could probably just buy the country for the price of a 60GB iPod Photo, though.
Marle- Yeah, apparently we had PSP launch parties around here too, but I heard nothing about them. It wasn't some huge hype like when actual next-gen consoles come out.
Godel- Let's just form the Fanboys Against Georgia Society, and open a can of whoop-ass on that sorry state. >:|
lunox- Yes, you can be our secretary. You know, the one that keeps our.. Secrets.
My recent registering for DeviantArt has gotten me in a more artsy mood again. It's not just one of those things where I just do a bunch of my half-assed crap, though- I don't want to be scorned by these elitist freaks, so I've actually been putting time and effort into what I've been doing.
(In big flashing red letters: OMFG)
I'm trying other styles, too. Instead of my regular stuff, I've been dabbling with realism and painting. To be honest, I'm tired of pencil sketches. I want to find a new medium that suits me, and stick with that for a while.
That's not to say that I think I've perfect my pencil doodles. That would quite possibly be the most conceited and incorrect statement in my family's history, and my dad works in the used car industry.
Sin City comes out on Friday, and I need to get in somehow. I'm not sure how I can- my 17-and-up friends only have learner's permits, which I don't think count as official identification, and there's no way in hell either of my parents will allow me to see this one. Normally I'm against sneaking into movies, but for Sin City I'm not beyond it. :P
I forgot to mention that my parents bought me a new Bible on Easter, because I need some churchin' in me. This is something that I am not against- in fact, there are certain books of the Bible that I love reading- but I find this particular Bible funny.
It's one of those "teen outreach" kind of Bibles, with the devotion pages about various moral conflicts, which isn't uncommon, but this one also has full-color pages about the "important" questions, such as suicide, eating disorders, and, of course, homosexuality.
I have heard preachers talk about homosexuality in a decent way before, but this book is nothing like that. Basically, all they had to say was, "Yes, being gay is bad, but if you're sorry, God might forgive you."
Awfully preachy for a modern, on-the-edge Bible designed for the youth of the nation, isn't it?
Similar statements are made about the other issues. A lot of it is biased, as well, but I suppose that's part of the essence of religion.
Another interesting thing I noted: Somewhere in the actual Bible scripture I read that "no man shall change this book in any way, lest they be cast into hell." Or something like that. Anyway, as I was skimming through Revelations (my favorite book in there), I noticed that they failed to mention that the woman whose baby was to be eaten by the dragon was a prostitute. Come on, man, even my children's Bible said that(Come to think of it, my children's Bible was pretty racy o_O).
It might just be conflicting translations, or something like that, but I still find that interesting.
Wow, a religious rant. I must be a hoot at parties, huh?
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Haha.. That's funny. Shut up.
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Tony- My dad and my brother are on a "WE MUST BY CHAOS THEORY" rampage because they saw the commercial. It might work out nicely for me in the end, but at the moment, it's annoying.
Shin- Do you think that Splinter Cell would be as popular as it is without Tom Clancy's endorsing? Just a thought.
Azure- Seriously, this comic is shit. I mean, look at the drawings. SHIT.
Godel- Well la-de-da. ._.
Well, I haven't updated in quite some time. That's sort of odd.. Especially considering that I haven't been gone all of this time. I just haven't felt like posting, or I was too tired or busy to. The planets must be aligned.
EDIT: Oh geeze, accidentally hit the submit button. Sorry, I'm nowhere near done. XD
Anyway, on Saturday I went over to a friend's house, and an old friend from sixth grade was there as well.
This guy always was cool, and I was disappointed when we drifted in the beginning of seventh grade. We didn't have any of the same classes, and he became part of that ever-popular punk archetype. Very disheartening.
But one day, I was playing games at someone's house, and he calls, asking if he can come over to hang out. He did that twice last year, and once this year. That's what makes him so cool- despite his varied taste in fashion sense and friends that he's acquired in the past couple of years, he's still the game-playing, manga-reading maverick that he always was, and he hasn't forgotten his friends from way back.
Anyway, we did one of those things on Saturday. Initially I was planning on going to the mall, but that, of course, didn't happen, so I went over there.
I brought my PS2, Katamari Damacy, Devil May Cry 3, and a few anime DVDs. He had brought Alien Hominid, and when you combine this with friend C's slew of games (mostly borrowed from other people, but whatever), we had a jolly good time.
We walked over to friend D's house, and she had a bunch of family over for whatever reason. It was odd because every one of them was calling me Harry Potter behind my back, but I didn't really care, as I was playing Halo 2 on Live and messing around with some stupid Cardcaptor Sakura game that her little cousins made up.
It was one of those things where there are no definite statistics to any of the things you're doing, so it becomes a big bicker-battle over who wins.
"I have The Sleep and The Fire, which makes you fall asleep and then I light you on fire! I win!"
"Nuh-uh, I have The Shield and The Fight, so I protect myself and punch you in the face."
"You're both wrong. I have Little and Bubbles. I pwn you both."
And then there was Tarot Card reading, officially reserving me my place in hell. Good times.
As we were leaving, I let her borrow Katamari Damacy, which had my precious PS2 memory card on it, and I realized this when it was too late.
Oh, and I had to ride back on a pink bike designed for 8-year-old girls. It's amazing how empty a community can seem when you're just walking through, but the instant you're a 14-year-old guy on a pink bike, the place becomes vibrantly alive with jeering immigrants. It was.. Horrifying.
So yeah, for the most part, it was a fun day.
Sunday was Easter, and because of my mom's ongoing battle with crippling sore throats and fatigue, we didn't go to church, but we still visited relatives. I don't like visiting these relatives simply because I have nobody to really talk to there, but, being the well-off entrepreneurs (if I spelled that right I deserve Sainthood) that they are, they recenty bought the complete collection of comics from The New Yorker, so I read that. Oh, its high-brow metropolitan humor makes me chortle so.
We got home, and I watched Adult Swim. Robot Chicken was the highlight.. Now, I've always liked this show, but never before was its coolness as apparent to me as it was with this episode.
In one segment they were making fun of Star Wars.. They had a Darth Vader action figure, and a Luke Skywalker action figure (actually voiced by Mark Hammil) doing the typical Empire Strikes Back climax deal.
Vader: Luke.. I am your father.
Luke: That's impossible!
Vader: And Leia is your sister.
Luke: That's.. Improbable.
Vader: And the Galactic Empire shall be crushed by the might of the Ewok race!
Luke: That.. Doesn't make sense.
Vader: And The Force is actually a bunch of microscopic organisms in your system calls Midichlorians.
Luke: ..Wait, what?
Vader: And when I was a little boy.. I BUILT C3PO.
Luke: Okay, then, dude, if you're not going to be serious about this, I'm just going to leave, okay?
Genius. Pure genius.
Though I preferred the Peanuts segment where Linus summons The Great Pumpkin with a pentagram of chalk and blood-red candles.
Today I woke up around 10:30, and went to Gamestop to reserve Digital Devil Saga. I swear, the guys that work at this particular Gamestop are so stupid. I asked for Digital Devil Saga, and for some reason, the guy says that it's on Xbox.
So I corrected him and explained that it's Japanese, therefore it would be odd for it to be on Xbox.
"..Uh. Right. Here's you receipt."
I have this underlying feeling that he messed up the reservation and that I'll get stuck with a copy of Mechassault: Lone Wolf or something. Perish the thought.
Oh, and I saw two siblings with Playstation Portables in Target today. Seriously, how spoiled are these kids? They each got a PSP, and they were, like, ten. All they'll probably ever use it for is for crappy overhyped movie/tv games. Seriously.. What a waste of money. Those kids could buy college textbooks with that money.
I completed my first submission for DeviantArt today, but I felt like getting feedback from people on OB before putting it up there. It's in the Art Forum.. And the only reason I'm plugging this is because I get so little feedback anyway, and I'm just desperate. :P
The agenda for tomorrow: A trip down to San Diego for reasons unknown, and hopefully, a trip to Fry's Electronics. It's a HAVEN.
Though I'll be bringing my iPod. Odds are, the rest of the day will be boring as hell.
Happy happy news: According to several different sites, the new White Stripes CD is currently set to be released on June 14th. This means that a tour is soon to follow, and when it comes around to LA, I will be there. If only the Pixies/White Stripes concert were on the west coast instead of in Atlanta.. Stupid Georgia, I hate it so much.
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
The revival of an ancient evil: My stupid comics.
Shin- It's times like these I wish that updates had time stamps on them. :(
Tony- Does it heat up quickly like everybody said it would?
..Wait, there's going to be a Persona game on PSP? God damn it, now I have to buy one.
Karmi- I'm no longer an anti-Xbox fanboy, I think. I'm more neutral now.
Don't hurt me, please.
Shin- Unless you got live and I somehow didn't hear about it, I'm not impressed.
And why did you comment twice? You made my comment box look larger than it really was, and that's lying to the public. How dare you.
Azure- But what about the PSP Devil May Cry game!?!?11/
Yeah, if the update title didn't tip you off, I've been working on a new comic. Here it is:
I never really feel a need to make a rant related to my comics. They speak for themselves, most of the time.
It's now officially Spring Break for me (if you count the weekend as part of Spring Break). I really don't have anything that different to do. Last week I had ambitious plans to do something big and memorable, but now I'm tired, and I just want to sit around, sleep in late, and have 9 straight Saturdays.
I'd still like to have some friends over, but I can't help but think that it's not going to happen. Either my mom will come up with a reason to not let anyone inside, or they'll all forget (translation: not want to come). I don't know why they don't want to do things like this sometimes.. If they at least give me a real, honest reason, I'll be fine with it, but they always seem to hide things from me. It's frustrating.
But, let's not tread in those murky waters, yeah?
I realized a month ago that I hadn't gotten around to buying The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King on DVD. I mentioned it to my mom, not expecting her to buy it, but one day I came home and sure enough, there it was. It was the regular version, fullscreen, though. My copies of Fellowship and Two Towers are the uber-extended 4-disc versions, and though ROTK was more than long enough, I felt that I should still complete the collection and exchange it for the 4-disk version.
I did that last week, and I still haven't watched it. I figure that if I start watching it tomorrow, I'll finish it sometime around Wednesday.
Seriously.. 50 minutes of extra footage on a movie that was already over three hours.. Madness.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go sleep. Or eat popcorn. Or watch Conan. Or do something that involves laziness and stupidity combined.
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
If only I were more profound.
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Shin- Yeah, but mine was posted first, so I win. >:O
Tony- It wasn't drug-related or anything like that, to my knowledge. It was something natural.
Ken- Her mom came to school on Tuesday to pick up her PE uniform. From what I heard, it was very sad and dramatic and so on. There was a sort of vigil (or maybe just a large gathering of people) or something outside of her house that day, too.
lunox- I don't recall any students dying at my elementary school.. But one of the teachers shot himself in the head in sixth grade. It wasn't my teacher, but I now have a lot of friends who were in his class that year.
My friend and I were messing around with my brother's previously useless headset/microphone today, quoting famous monologues from movies and editing them to sound funky, which grew tired quickly, so we got on Counter-Strike instead.
Now, he and my brother have this mind-blowing obsession with talking on CS. My brother has the idea that people like it when eleven-year-olds harrass them online (be it a GuildWars beta or CS), but thus far he has also been unable to figure out which button is talk, which is good for me.
My friend has better intentions- his poor, poor mind is under the influence of Xbox Live (which he doesn't have- our other friends do), and from his limited experience, if you're online you must talk. As wise as communication is, most people around those parts are anti-minors and don't like in-game chat at all.
Combined, they somehow got me reported to Valve, even though they didn't really do anything. Valve has nothing against me, though, so I'm not really worried.
If there's one reason that I would ever get Xbox Live (or an actual Xbox, come to think of it), it would be for Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Of course, I haven't played it yet, but the new trailer for co-op mode (I'd link it, but my searches are turning up nothing right now) is absolutely amazing.
I'm assuming there will be a lot of asses dedicated to messing up games, and/or are too stupid to actually play it right. But that's what system link is for.
People are going apeshit over the PSP, but I have absolutely no desire to buy one. Seriously, they've even been promoting it on the KTLA Morning News, and yet somehow I can't help but think the people they interview about the product don't know anything about it. Half of the people at some celebrity endorsement party were just going on about the screen and how HUGE it is!
People seem to forget that it's a game console.. From what I've gathered, even Sony is hyping it as a simple Universal Media thing (though, with UMD, that's pretty obvious). A very expensive flash-based MP3 player, one could say. You can get an iPod with 6GB on it for the exact same price.
And let's face it, UMD is not going to become the brand-new way of viewing films. They're hardly getting any support for it, and if people want movies on-the-go they can buy portable DVD players starting at around $150. They might not be that compact, but whatever.
But even as a gamer, looking at the hardware, and how mind-boggling it is to see this level of graphics in a handheld, I still see no excitement in it. The problem is in the games. Thus far, the games have appeared as nothing but dull.
512MB iPod shuffle = $99
Initial IDM portable DVD player = $151.94
Same price, better buy, the way I see it.
I don't mean to bash it, really. If decent games are eventually released, and there's a significant price drop, I'm sure I'd buy one, but for the moment it's a big, indifferent "meh."
Well, that carried on for longer than I anticipated. I've gotta bail now.
EDIT: Wow, an entirely game-related update. I apologize to you non-gamers reading this.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Insert a random New Jersey insult here.
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Ken- Save the acid for Anime Expo. >.o
Shin- You must be the antichrist. Ready the holy water.
Azure- Si.
Someone at school died on Monday (not at school, but before). I didn't really know her, but evidently she was pretty popular, and she was in my old PE class.
She died in her sleep, and the only thing they told us was that there was a bunch of blood in her stomach. I heard of something just like this from someone else the other day.. Meh.
Even though I didn't know her, this kind of thing always helps put things in perspective. I made sure to tell all of my close friends that I care about them. I recommend you all do the same, too.
In much lighter news, I've been on a freaking rampage with Counter-Strike recently. It's freaking weird how far I advanced practically overnight- there is no way to describe it other than pwnage.
We had this evil final in English today. I mean, it wouldn't have been so bad if the teacher had actually taught us half of this stuff, instead of rambling on about her heavenly daughter. Instead we got worksheets that explained jack shit.
I think I did okay, though. Compared to my science grade, anyway. It was a B+!!11 :O How will I ever go on? I must survive by sacrificing baby cats.
And my parents STILL need to turn in my IB paperwork. I'll hurt someone if they forget to by the due date.
I feel otherwise uninspired to write right now. Sorry for the lack of proper updates, people.
EDIT: I don't get it. Are they trying to make a political statement, or explaining the meaning of life? Or maybe it's just predicting the local weather?
Regardless, it's a good conversation piece.
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Tennis is the game of kings and people with sweaters tied around their necks.
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Mimmi- Actually, that makes me feel worse. o.o
James- Oh well. At least I still have the chance to sneak into Sin City the day it comes out.
Azure- I don't think rationally when it comes to games. The physics-based puzzles in Half-Life 2 were probably some of the simplest to ever grace the industry, and yet somehow it was beyond me to figure them out for the longest time.
Ken- They call you Kenny? But why?
Aeleeiuh- Okay then.
Shin- I still love how I personally know the Tony from Tony's theme (or, at least, someone like him). It's the coolest thing ever.
Karmi- Wow, that really does suck. My thing seems stupid by comparison now. :P
What a waste of a weekend. Saturday was a complete blur. I seriously don't remember doing anything until leaving the house around 7:30 to go to Best Buy. My mom's birthday is coming up, and she's been wanting one of those little apparatuses that print digicam pictures directly off the memory stick without the hassle of those dad-gum computer thingies.
(And yet somehow, I can't help but think it's more for my dad than my mom.)
Anyway, my dad's owed me $40 for a while now, and I've had an itch to play Unreal Tournament 2004, so I used that cash to buy that. We searched high and low for this Barbara Streisand thing she was going on about after that, so I didn't really have a chance to play the game until today. It's quite good- I love the variety of vehicles and weapons- but I'm just not into it yet. At the moment, I'd rather play Counter-Strike, which is a horrible thing to say.
I still want an online RPG, though. I have a feeling that I'd enjoy one of those much more than just any shooter.
We did the whole Catholic Palm Sunday thing today. We got up, got dressed, went to the church that we so rarely attend (actually, we're church-jumpers. We only go once every few months at most, but we rarely go to the same church more than once a year), stood up, sat down, stood up again, and listened to the creepy Irish guy recite the same old story.
Honestly, I don't mind going to church, but Catholic churches are always really stuffy with stale air. Between that and the constant sitting/standing/kneeling transitions, I pass out or go blind temporarily a lot. It sucks, you know, being the only person sitting down in the entire church.
I guess I need to hydrate before I worship the Lord, yeah? :P
Oh, when we were driving to the crappy "Downtown Bistro" we ate at afterwards, I discovered that a game/comic book shop from way out of town recently moved close to the heart of town. This is very cool (though I always preferred the other comic book store).. But it's still weird to have more comic book stores than music stores.
Has anyone else seen Kelsey Grammer's sketch comedy show, aptly named "Sketch"? I watched five minutes of it earlier, and I found it to be.. Pretty stupid. It reminded me of Hee-Haw, in an indescribably strange way.
Yeah, completely random thought.
Most people love Saturdays, but I hate them because throughout the entire day I can't help but remember that the next day is Sunday, which is the last day of the weekend. All too often weekends seem to be too short, you know? Now, even though I didn't do anything productive over the weekend, I still feel as tired now as I did when I got out of school. And that's not good.
On the bright side, though, this is the last week before spring break, and then I can do whatever the hell I want for a week.
Speaking of Spring Break, I've always known that MTV's whole programming schedule revolving around this break was stupid, but I've never really taken the time to actually watch it and see why.
And now I know.
And I feel no wiser than I did before. In fact, I think I died a little inside.
Abrupt Ending.
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Fragility of mind.
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Shin- That owl looked awesome. I'd buy it, if he wasn't so attached to it.
Ken- Is it blasphemy to even mention Mindows ME, or what? :P
Femme Mystérieuse- Well how do I spell it, then? Now I feel stupid.
lunox- But California is the land of vain people. I can't really help it.
School was dull. Nothing much to report there..
But oh my God, I have to write about this one thing that happened at school yesterday.
In PE, there was a large-scale football game (boys versus girls, but the coach and some crazy huge-ass black high school guy were feminine for a day- guys got schooled by those two alone), but that's not why I'm talking about this. Most people stood off the field and messed around.
Normally I don't mingle with the people in my PE class becuase they're all idiots, but due to the situation I didn't have much of a choice. One guy, who is constantly messing around, was talking about how he tripped this one guy. He sort of pantomimed the act.. It was sort of humorous.
And then it happened.
This one stout kid, by the name of Martin, spontaneously runs across the field and trips himself at full speed. His feet rose three feet off of the ground, and when he landed he didn't get up for a couple of seconds.
And it was funny as hell. I'm not entirely sure why. It could have been the fact that it was so unexpected, or the jiggling of his blubber, or his general posture as he did it, but for whatever reason we loved it.
So my friend decides to give him a quarter if he does it five more times. Personally, I hold dignity above humor (in public), and I wouldn't have done it, but this guy jumped at the chance. It was consistently funny each time, until the third one, when he apparently hurt himself.
I didn't feel bad for him- not becuase I'm a bad person, but because he was stupid enough to trip himself at full speed on a grassy field with potholes everywhere.
I just wish we could have gotten it on tape. I'm telling you, man, if I put it online, it would overtake the freaking Numa Numa Dance. It was comedy GOLD.
But yeah, moving on.
I've been looking forward to seeing The Ring 2 with my friends for two weeks. I've talked about it a lot, and thought about it a lot, and I was naturally very excited (mall + friends + The Ring 2 = :D).. And as per usual, we were to iron out the time and meeting place and everything after school.
And then I find out that my parents had dinner plans with someone from my dad's work tonight, and they couldn't drive me anywhere.
As a wise man once said: "Well, shit."
So I tried to bum a ride off of my friends. I called one friend, but her line was busy. So I called my other friend. She couldn't talk long. So I called friend A back. Her mom picks up and says she went to friend B's house.
So I call friend B's house. They're doing God knows what, and I ask for a ride, give them my address and directions, blah blah blah, and beg them to pick me up.
And then they don't. If I may quote myself, "#@#$!&*#." A simple yet eloquent statement.
I've been stuck on Mission 5 since I bought the game over two weeks ago. It's not like I've been ignoring it, either. Oh, no, I've been playing for one to two hours a day trying to freaking beat that level. I could get to a certain point with much ease, but then came the elevator with the horrendous respawning demons.
I didn't understand why I could never get to the top for such a long time. Then I realized that there's a weight limit on the elevator, and I had to knock them all off and keep them off until I reached the top.
First time I did this, I was all like "Yay!", but then I had to fight the level's boss, and I then I was all like "...Motherfucker."
And now here I am, a week later, and I just now beat them. How satisfied I feel.
(The secret is in the Air Hike. Hells yeah.)
Unfortunately, I don't find the weapon you get from the battle that great. Maybe I'm just pissed because I just finished getting Rebellion just how I wanted it, and now I'd have to do the same for Agni and Rudra, but who knows how these things will change.
Keep in mind I was doing that while in an extremely sour, nasty, unwanted, self-pitying mindset.
Finally, around 9:00, I call one of the friends, to see how it was. I didn't get much detail, but apparently the driving mother didn't want to pick me up for whatever reason.
Dammit, I really wanted to go, too. Now I have to see it by myself. How sad am I- staying home on a Friday night for Devil May Cry and seeing a movie by myself the next day? Come on, scale from one to ten. Be honest, now.
Oh, one last thing. I bought Surfer Rosa on iTunes today. I'll put up opinions soon enough.
EDIT: Oh, and here's the kicker: My dad got home at, like, 8:30, and technically, I could have been dropped off AND picked up by the time he got home. That's what got me really pissed.
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Friday, March 18, 2005
iTunes slave since 2004.
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Mimmi- It's MY cat, and it's name is Callie. Because it's a Calico.
Apparently I was bad with names in second grade.
Shin- OHHHH, SNAP (at your OoT comment).
Ken- Aw, you beat me to it.
Alea- Because I am. I had one of the dreaded lame haircuts the day before I left for AX. And I was wearing vibrant blue and pink.
Godel- This lady didn't cut it straight across like a bowl-cut, and for that I am forever in her debt.
lunox- Somehow I can't help but feel like that's a veiled insult, somehow.
Karmi- April first. I'm going to abuse my 17-year-old friend's.. 17-year-old-ness to get in.
Karmi- I second that motion.
Shin- I find it hard to believe that it's actually all true.
Moeko's owl made me cry. ;_;
I want to do photography in high school. Or maybe film.. Either way, it would be creative in a different way from the same old art classes. Plus, according to what I've heard, you just get to roam around the school taking pictures. Not film so much, though.
I've been thinking about the future more recently. For a long stretch there I've just been sort of "meh" toward it all, but they've been getting us all pumped with assemblies and meetings and presentations.. Stupid propaganda.
Speaking of "meh," all of my friends have been getting emails confirming their passing of the IB test and I haven't, which is a big "wtf." Not to bash them, of course- they are all on the same approximate level as me- but I just find it odd that I haven't yet. Actually, I don't remember putting an email address down anywhere. To add to that, I generally delete email that don't have familiar or rather generic addresses. I guess I could have received something, but.. Eh.
Seriously, though, what are the odds of me not passing a writing / reading comprehension test? Second to none. *ego*
As great as your friends can be, if you spend too much time with them you can always get irritated. I went through a bit of this today. Normally I don't mind him being here for a while, but between his DMC3 and HL2 Deathmatch-bashing.. Grr.
The thing is, he's all about presentation. While presentation in a game can be a very good enhancer to a game, it's gameplay is its core. I personally find HL2DM to be more interesting than Counter-Strike (despite its limited weaponry and few maps), but he was complaining about the crowbar animation and the lag.
I could see him being a CS junkie, if he had a decent-running PC (he's the one with an old Windows 3.11. I like to laugh at it every time I go to his house).
And then he goes on and on about Dante's lame catch phrases, which I definitely agree with, but then he called the game "repetitive." The only reason it's repetitive is because of two things:
a) I was harvesting red orbs for new techniques and whatnot.
b) Wait. I forgot. What was the other one..?
Oh yeah.
It's ****ing hard. Parents are in the room. <_<
Closing statement: I'm getting tired of music. I need something to rekindel the flames.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I'm not sure if this is exactly popular or not, but regardless, you need to read these. Right now. I haven't had a laugh in front of the computer this big since I first discovered Legendary Frog.
If you're not in the mood for a laugh, though, there's this one, entitled "Moeko's Owl." It's a very very sweet story.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
A holiday of celebration and lobotomies.
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Mimmi- Well, I aim to please. (INFLUENCE GAINED)
Shin- Hey, that's right, you didn't comment.. Something must be wrong with the planets' alignments.
Tony- Yeah, I think I'd fall into the "terrible" category.. The stuff I've been doing recently has been disgustingly lame.
lunox- It's the simplicity, and the fact that so many artists fall into a huge stereotypical style. People seem to think that American cartoons / comics are more diversified.
Godel- If only the rest of society believed that.
Alea- That's only one of the things that image is lacking. There's no flashing red and yellow text, and you don't have to shoot any pirates / ninjas / cowboys with basketballs. It's a disgrace, I say, a travesty.
There's a lot to talk about. I'm bound to forget half of it, but I'll do my best.
I suppose I'll get Devil May Cry 3 ramblings out of the way first. There's no doubt that this is a good game, but I don't think of it as so ruthlessly difficult as so many other people seem to. It's more frustrating than anything. The lack of checkpoints combined with the exponentially increasing item prices makes for a difficult experience, sure, but I've had harder times fighting Legend of Zelda bosses.
Speaking of which, I remember going crazy trying to beat Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time. I sat there all weekend trying to take him down.
At the same time, DMC3 is oddly rewarding. Never before have I played a game that made me actually stand up, scream "YEAH, WHAT THEN, YOU FREAKING DEMONS!?" and do a little endzone dance.
And Cerberus > Rebellion. Grr.
We had this role-playing debate over Indian control in History this past couple of days. As a Senator, I didn't have to do any real debating. Instead, I had to ask questions to intentionally mess up both sides. It wasn't hard, either, if you set aside the fact that every time somebody brought up a good point everyone else would go "OHHHHH, SNAP."
..Did I talk about this before? I could have sworn that I did. I'm looking at the archives, and I see nothing, but.. Oh well.
My computer is being evil and I'm very tempted to reformat it. Microsoft Word isn't running, it takes forever to start up and shut down, and all thanks to my lack of antivirus stuff. The only thing holding me back is the thought of not knowing what to do after reformatting. Bleh, it sucks.
I've been noticing Sin City hype a lot more recently. They've been showing commercials on television recently, and there's a new trailer out. This is bound to make me excited, but the real kicker was when I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday and actually saw authentic Sin City comics. No plastic, no "DO NOT BUY IF YOU'RE UNDER 18" or anything like that. It was so, so exciting.
They had The Hard Goodbye, The Big Fat Kill and The Yellow Bastard. I skimmed through all three, let out a squeal of pure yay-ness, and then I realized I didn't have my wallet with me.
Not that I would have bought them anyway. My family was there, and knowing them, they would be intent on finding out why I was buying something entitled "Sin City" and why it was called that.
Oh yeah, I got my grade for that social studies project back. The one that I did in two hours and had absolutely no details on.. I talked about it a while back. Anyway, by some beautiful miracle, I got 47 / 50 on it, and I only lost points because I didn't include pictures.
Madness, I say. Pure happy, exploitable madness.
And now here's some pictures, because I have nothing better to talk about:
My cat on my desk. There's no real reason to put this one here- I just took it to make my friends jealous.
One of the greatest snack foods every created by man. I don't buy them often, but when I do they're gone. Very quickly. And then a sugar headache-slash-passout ensues.
Dolphins, or very slender, fast-moving rocks. My brother went on a whale-watching field trip last week, and I stole this picture from him. My whale-watching trip was really cool. There were, like, a thousand dolphins- seriously, a humongous pod- swimming alongside the boat. Screw whales, we got dolphins.
Me, pre-haircut. Note the.. Good-ness.
Me, post-haircut. Note the shortness. For the record, my hair isn't greasy there. The lady just put some gel-ish material in it, and you know what that does.
And that's it. What stupid pictures, huh? I kind of took them all on a whim becuase somebody requested that I just take pictures of anything. Looks like she got that wish.
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