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Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
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.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
See above.
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Touchy, touchy..
Let's get comment commentaries out of the way first.
Shin- Man-Faye's job is to be ugly and in drag. I don't think he has any other source of income..
DDG- It's so sad, it's so creepy, and it's so Anime Expo.
Sen- I already knew that, you bastard. God, get a life.
Mimmi- They say that if you stare at the bottle picture for more than a minute without blinking, you will die in seven days.
Aleia- It's better if you just block anything about him out of your mind for good.
Rata- I did not force you to read this, and I really didn't give any details away as to how Budd or Bill die. Did I "spoil" anything by saying Budd or Bill will die? I think not. Tarantino has called Kill Bill an "exploitation film" on Uma Thurman, which means that there's no way she'll lose in the end.
Besides, why should the opinion of one little fanboy influence your desire to see it?
James- Yeah, they really should put Shin on a billboard somewhere. It's mesmerizing.
Karmi- It wasn't enough to show us one picture. You just had to upload two, huh? >:|
Mal- I have no regrets. :P Go see it anyway.
I have been falling asleep at 1 AM every night, and waking up at noon for the past two weeks. Honestly, I don't understand how I can get so much rest, and the only way I can explain it is that I'm making up for lost sleep from the past school year.
And damn, is it great.
This is probably the most enjoyable summer I've ever had. For the first time ever I'm actually not bored out of my skull. I've got two or three long, deep games I'm playing right now that never seem to get old, the internet has kept me jolly, and I've been having more fun drawing in the past few weeks than when I began developing my first anime-esque story arc.
And that was a blast.
Actually, I've been developing a slightly more complex, interesting drawing style recently. It's nothing that ground-breaking (It's mostly in the eyes. I want to make cool eyes), but it's cool. I just haven't gotten around to doing anything really cool with it yet.
I had a friend over yesterday. He recently purchased an X-box with Ninja Gaiden, which I really was curious about. He invited himself over, and brought the console. It took a minute for us to plug it in (We had to travel into the jungle that is the back of my TV cabinet), but we began playing soon enough. I wasn't as impressed as I might have been, say, a month ago. The game showed a lot of Devil May Cry-esque features, but it was pretty enjoyable regardless.
DMC is still better, though. <_<
The main television event of my summer is VH1's I Love the 90's, which debuted on Monday. For those of you who don't know what the show is, it's just a show in which a bunch of comedians/celebrities reminisce about the great pop culture moments of a decade for ten one-hour-long episodes (One for each year). I've been a fan of the series since they began re-showing the original I Love the 80's constantly a year ago. Since then they have added I Love the 70's, I Love the 80's Strikes Back, and, of course, I Love the 90's.
It's just an interesting show. The first two episodes of the 90's set weren't that great, but they certainly picked up by mid-92. I highly reccomend watching at least an episode.
And with that said, I end this lame rerun of an mO update.
Comments (4) |
Sunday, July 11, 2004
I had a notion the other day.
"We should get a group of people together, with guns, and, uh.. Clear out the.. Ghettos."
I love Will Ferrel.
Three days ago, my family decided to drag me to go see Spiderman 2. On the way to the large, brand-new theater with larger, more comfortable, reclining seats and 22 different movies going on at the same time, we drove by the crappy, run-down dollar theater, and I looked up from my twiddling thumbs just in time to see "Kill Bill 2" as we passed by. I told my parents to screw Spiderman 2, and they didn't listen, but last night I finally got my dad to drive me over to the poor little theater to see the film in a small, run-down theater.
There were many.. Undesirable characters outside the building, but we simply didn't make eye contact and went on our not-so-merry way.
My father, for some odd reason, decided to leave thirty-five minutes before the movie previews even started. We're only about ten minutes away from the theater, and as sure as I'm sitting here we got there far too early, and had nothing to do but sit and watch the little pre-preview diversions (such as "Hollywood Trivia" and Can "You Find All the Coke Cans?") for quite some time.
The dollar movies, being very outdated and showing five-month-old movies, seems to continue that tradition by showing us five-month-old movie previews. It was around here I started getting irritated by the people around me. To our left was some guy and his mom talking about the movies they're seeing on the screen as if each one of them is the greatest achievement in the history of cinema, behind me was a young, horny couple laughing at anything and everything before them, and everywhere else people were just talking. I would love going to the movies so much more if you could just plug in a headset and listen instead of trying to decipher what's in the film and what I'm hearing from the freak "scratching" his crotch three rows back.
Anyway, the movie was as I expected. There wasn't as much action, but much more dialogue, which had me at the edge of my seat- not necessarily from exciting plot twists or the sticky substance that was farther back on my chair, but simply because it was interesting.
The action in Volume 1 was all fine and and dandy, but I didn't need more of it. Elle's tone and manner of speaking was great. Her little monologue in the trailer with Budd was perhaps my favorite part of either movie.
Of course, I can't go to a movie theater without idiots ruining the mood. There were so many instances which were hardly funny enough to receive a smirk, even if Mr. Tarantino intended for them to be funny, but everybody started laughing so many times. It sucked.
I felt Bill and Budd's deaths were a tad anticlimactic, but it wasn't too bad.
Anyway, moving on.
My brother has just become re-infatuated with PC simulation games, and I don't want him infringing upon my online-ness rights. Well, let's just say that I have finally found a purpose for that laptop that's been sitting up in my room gathering dust for several weeks now.
It is now the designated outdated-simulation-game machine of the household. I have no problem with my brother using it, especially because it has no internet access, or enough RAM to handle all of the crazy things I do on this desktop. *pats it*
Anime Expo Pictures Part 3- Assorted freaks and interesting sights
Not only do you have people dressed up as freaks at Anime Expo, but there are quite a few authentic, grade-A freaks there as well. Not to mention freaky sightings. Let us delve deeper into the enigma through visual aids.

I'm not entirely sure why I took a picture of this.. It was funny at the time. But look carefully at the shirt. There are two fuzzy, infamous legs there- the infamous legs of the elusive Man-Faye. *gasp!*

This was right next to the booth with all of the h-doujinshi. Just imagine what would happen if one of the sexually frustrated fanboys got a hold of a weapon near some nerdy cassanovas hitting on sexy cosplayers..

Glomping. KKC, if you're out there, this is in reference to you. :P

And finally, the biggest freak at the expo by far. I mean, look at him! A Pepsi, a brand-name CD player and a shirt from his college. What a freakin' sellout. >:O
Comments (9) |
Thursday, July 8, 2004
Finally.. I can rant some more.
Sorry about the wait. I tried to get this up yesterday, but my computer had a sudden spyware attack. It took a while to fix, plus I have become re-obsessed with Gundam models, so..
Comment Commentary:
Mimmi: ..No, I'm pretty harmless. :/
Shin: Pssh, Stratos 4 was only interesting when they were all running around in skimpy Chinese garb. I would also mention the way they were all sitting with their rears in the air, if it wasn't so blatantly fanservice-ey and entirely unnecessary.
Mal: I despise G4, and Man-Faye is just creepy. I really think you don't want to see him.
Ken: *grins at Ken's grin* I don't get it.
Aleia: Just go check Apartment Building C in the Adventure Arena. You'll find out who Emilio is.. *wink*
Japan: Don't you mean "but he was super-annoying"? >:|
Wondershot: Nah, I didn't get a picture. You can imagine it well enough, though, right? Think Pat from oldschool SNL, or Miss Swan from MadTV, only less feminine..
..Or any other weird, unisex person you've ever seen.
Anime Expo Overview Part 2- Alone in Anime Heaven
Our hotel room had a view of Disneyland, which also meant that the sun would glare at us violently until it got high enough in the sky. Well, lucky me, I fell asleep facing the window. It was 6:15 when my peaceful nap was shaken, and I was too excited about another day at Anime Expo to fall back asleep.
My dad was heading back to Palmdale around that time, I said bye to him, and waited for about two hours for my remaining family to get into a concious-enough-to-communicate state. They said we would check out and everything early, so as to be at the convention by 8:30. That happened easily enough, and I left my brother and mom to their own devices as I headed to the exhibit hall (Free Stuff Room), where I found a few people sitting around. I took a peek into the exhibit hall, where the large booths were still being put together. Turned out that I had approximately two hours until the exhibit hall opened, and hardly anything else was going on.
So I wandered. I walked around three floors of the convention center, using the stairs, not an elevator. I then sauntered over to the Marriott, watched some people play some more Bemani, and watched a bit of anime.
I believe the first show I watched was an earlier episode of Sakura Wars, which did not entertain me at all, apart from the god-awful voice actor for the little kid. That made me laugh so hard, and cringe at the same time. The next show was Tenchi Muyo, I believe, so I ran off to another room before I had to relive that show. A different room was screening a show that I did not recognize- it had some pretty background music going, with some lovely character designs. I sat down, and listened to someone tell the backstory of a traveler who walked about a town reciting his odd, depressing poetry, and how reciting it became a sort of ritual in the town. The flashback ended, and some kid was talking to his Vespa, whom he called Kino.
"Kino's Journey, of course! That series Dagger likes. I should have known."
Unfortunately, I came in near the end of the episode, and I couldn't enjoy any more of the series. It was about time for the Exhibit Hall to open anyway, so I crossed the construction site (I think they're putting a sort of courtyard between the Hilton, the Marriott and the convention center) again and found a large crowd of anime fans in a line along the inner wall of the lobby. They were quite obviously in line for the exhibit hall, and all of the last-day sales, so I walked to the end of the line. I was actually sort of surprised at how far it went back- by the time I got there it was already filling up an empty exhibit hall. I ended up behind a group of guys who spent their time in line teaching each other how to eat dry ramen, rolling around in chairs equipped with wheels, doing fancy swordplay with plastic weapons, and doing bullet-time flips.
They were.. Entertaining.
It was a while before the line moved at all, but once it started everything went quickly. The ornery security guards were actually checking us for badges before we entered, which surprised me. I didn't notice them doing that on Sunday.. No matter, though, because I had ID. Lucky me.
We didn't get a real, systematic sweep at the exhibit hall on Sunday, so my anal retentive-ness told me to do exactly that. I didn't see anything particularly interesting, except for a couple of cosplayers, and the ADV girls (Ooh la la).
I had been saving my money for Monday, so that I would know what was available, but I didn't end up spending any money period. The Broccoli Entertainment booth was selling FLCL Volume 3 with the box for $35, which was impressive, but I didn't even buy that.
Damn, those things are limited edition, too. Who knows when I'll find one for that cheap again?
Anyway, after wandering around some more, it was time for my workshop. Deleter, a popular manga-making material company, was putting on two demonstration/workshops of their two anime art PC programs: Comicworks, which is strictly for making manga, and CG Illust, which is what makes all of the really cool CG anime pics that are so popular on the internet (Check my mO intro pic for an example).
Comicworks was first, and I was a little early, so I just read some complimentary manga for a bit, as the SPJA (Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation) volunteers pulled out the computers and opened the programs. Eventually three Japanese women, two of them in cosplay, stood before the small group of people who had gathered in the room and began to read a list of names of people who had signed up for using the computers beforehand. I had just walked into the workshop, knowing nothing about pre-registration, so I just continued reading Hot Gimmick (Sue me). Oddly enough, I was the second person they called, though the first never showed up, so I got the very first computer, right next to the one that was hooked up to the projector. I toyed around with the digipen and pad for a while (I had never touched one before), and it took a while to get used to. You see, to move the pen without leaving any marks you have to hold it just above the pad and reposition it. That lead to a lot of fumbles on my part..
The program was pretty cool. It comes with six sample images that you can practice techniques on, which we did, but I was particularly interested in the screentones. You see, I'm rather clumsy with tone sheets. I got some for Christmas last year, and wasted a whole sheet trying to get one frame right. This program, however, works it just like a paint bucket tool. In the end, however, I concluded that buying it would be rather unnecessary. If I wanted to, I could hand-craft my own little screen tones and put them into PhotoShop, or just use the paint bucket tool to put in different shades of gray.
..Not that I ever want to rely too much on screentones. I would like my series to be mostly just ink, like Dragonball or One Piece.
The best part, though, was when they accidentally hit the button that hides all windows and tool boxes. They were all running around cursing away from their mics in Japanese, but eventually they found out what happened. I actually knew what was going on the whole time, but I didn't want to say anything.
The fruits of my labor were all basically crap. I drew a few little freak-out faces, a couple Excels, all saying weird little phrases. The last one, however, was a really boss Deathbaby picture, drawn in lots of unorganized brush strokes, which made for a cool JTHM-ish effect.
Sadly, though, we couldn't print any pictures or save them to any discs.
I then wasted some more time in the arcade, looked for more good anime, with no success, and was dissed by some fat Asian dude who pointed out that the schedule I was reading was slightly outdated. I simply walked away, and he said "Well excuuuuuuuse me, princess," in reference to the Legend of Zelda cartoon. God knows if it was directed at me, but he was a dork either way.
Eventually I met up with my family, and we left the glorious convention. My mom didn't have enough cash left to pay for parking, so I had to take care of that, as well as the McDonald's we got on the way home. I still haven't been paid back for the parking..
Anyway, I came home with a bag of free stuff, and a Gundam model my brother happened to nab in a buy-one-get-one-free sale. My mom happened to get two of the shirts ADV was throwing at the hourly mobs, God knows how, which turned out to be of RahXephon, if that's how you spell it. They're rather simple, just a picture of the mech from the series in orange, and the logo. Still cool, though.
And now for the second wave of pictures- Cosplayers!

The costumes are simple, but they were probably the best group cosplayers I saw at the con. Plus, you can never go wrong with schoolgirls. *wink*

My favorite cosplayer of the convention- Ayame from Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven. I saw her several times over the course of the con, and she always remained in character, in her voice, her walk, and she would do cool little moves with her daggers as she posed for pictures.
This is probably the only time I saw her out of character, and I'm glad I got a picture. It's priceless.

The best of the few FLCL cosplayers I saw. The Mamimi has everything down perfectly, but Haruko's bat's a bit.. Wooden. Oh well. Mamimi's expression makes up for it. <
Fancy cosplayer
I honestly have no clue who this is, but I was impressed.
Next time: I still have a lot of pictures I haven't shown yet, so I have to get on resizing those. Other than that, I think I'm mostly done with Anime Expo ranting. I'll get back on to more recent happenings soon.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I think I should probably explain why I haven't shown more yet. Well, it's mostly because 250Free is a bitch and I'm too lazy to resize all of the pictures. Also, the Kodak program is not cooperating, so I have to go into the memory stick, sort through all of the pictures, which seem to be in no specific order, which wouldn't be as much of a problem, if the stick doesn't also have pictures of two weddings and other crap. Good enough excuse for y'all?
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Tales from the crypt.. Of cult subculture.
Yes, I am back from Anime Expo, which was the time of my life.
I woke up around eight or so on Sunday, shaking out of excitement (which lead to hitting my head, but whatever). My brother woke up when I poked him with a stick, and my mom was already up drinking her coffee. My dad needed some coaxing, but he got up easily enough.
We got out of the house easily enough- I still had to get my stuff together, which really didn't take long, and I had to decide between my .hack//Quarantine shirt and my Super Mario Bros. Poison Mushroom (Game Over) shirt.
The drive down was surprisingly easy. We must hit the freeway between really early traffic, and the noon traffic.
Apparently, my dad couldn't get the time off for the con, so he was coming down to Anaheim between shifts (They have rather long shifts down there), and God knows why he bought a pass for the exhibit hall and panels. It was a waste of money. We went down in two cars so his back-and-forthness, and I ended up in the van with my mom. I basically ranted on and on about stuff like Resident Evil 4, Tsukhime and, of course, Anime Expo, but it felt good to talk.
The only thing that seemed to be against me in being on-time was checking in to the hotel. My parents decided to go check in, give them our baggage, and otherwise seem to stall for a good amount of time.
Perhaps I was just over-excited, but it seemed to take forever.
I finally convinced my parents that registration was in one of the halls- not the Hilton like last year. We spent maybe five minutes in line, and a little under ten actually registering. Last year I had a Hamtaro ID because I was under thirteen, but this year I got two stylish new cards- a Cheeky Angel (I read a bit of it- guy gets turned into a girl, wasn't that bad), one for Sunday, and a Bleach (new Shonen Jump manga) one for Monday.
It was a great improvement above the abomination that is Hamtaro.
I was hardly out of the little area where they give you the ID holders when Karmi walked by. We paused for a second, she recognized my shirt, and greetings were exchanged. My family gave the okay, and we ran off to find Shin and Kat.
We stayed by the meeting place for a while, just talking about AX so far among other things. After a short while we both got bored, and decided to search for them. As we made our way down the convention center lobby, we saw many cosplayers, many geeks (I take pride in knowing that I am not a true geek, compared to them), and many Kuronekosama backpacks, hats and plushies. Shin was sitting with his sister by the bathrooms where the Naruto guy flipped me off last year, and Kat joined us a few minutes ago.
Let's just say my Mr. Sparkle Shirt was a godsend.
We made our way into the exhibit hall, which I like to call the "free stuff room," and made our rounds. Karmi, Kat and Kat's friend were mostly talking and shopping around, while Shin and I mostly stayed quiet and followed them, while taking more pictures of weird sights than ourselves.
There are a truckload of crazy people that turn out for Anime Expo, and we got caught in the way of a lot of them.
Sight A: Crazy Yaoi heckler. There was a booth that had lots of doujinshi, most of which I didn't touch because you needed ID (They had the FLCL doujin I've been searching for- turns out it's 18+). There was a guy standing on top of the booth's table with a paddle that said "Yaoi" on it, yelling at passersby to purchase some Yaoi doujin. He yelled "Hey, you! You need some hot guy-on-guy action!" at Shin and me, and we just ran.
Hugging Cat Guy. One of the people that you would have expected to grow up by now, but seems to have no sign of maturity whatsoever. He had a sign that said "Pet me, I'm a cat" or something along those lines, ran up to us, meowed, and ran off. This happened to us two or three times, actually, and each time the cat freak eluded Karmi and her desire to hug.
Man-Faye! Yes, Man-Faye seems to reproduce by mitosis. There's at least one at every convention- a fat 35-year-old dude in yellow hot pants and a very skimpy top. This year they had to take him away for indecent exposure (Saturday.. I didn't see it), but he was back on Sunday. Karmi got a picture with him, which I had the displeasure of taking.
Other cosplayers in drag. God, they're everywhere.. There was even one Chii whose gender seems to be unknown. If it's the same one that I saw in line for an anime showing later in the day, it's a she, but the pictures make her (it?) seem very.. Masculine.
Random fanboys who think looking at slightly outdated video programming schedules is a horrible thing to do. God, I didn't think there were this many of them. There's one that won't leave me alone at school, but there were hordes of them here, ranting on and on about their gripes with minor errors in everything. It got me angry.
A real life Emilio! Yes, we found a real Emilio, playing DDR and everything. ...Not much else to say about it.
We sat down for a bit, went through our already-acquired goodies, which I found to be pretty scarce in comparison to last year. They gave us free stuff just for watching previews at Bandai last year, but the only way I got a shirt this year was through my mother, who happened to catch a couple shirts that the ADV people were chucking at their crowd of worshippers. The thought of Dippin' Dots around the corner was alluring, though, so we got up, ate some, and went on our merry way.
We then had to temporarily split, due to conflicting schedules. Karmi went off to do a panel with Crispin Freeman, a rather prestigious voice actor, and the rest of us went to the Marriott to watch some anime. Shingetsutan Tsukhime was the main reason we were there, but we had some time to spare, which we blew on an anime called Stratos 4. It was so-so, really. Parts of it were interesting, but the characters seemed rather shallow. In the end, it seemed like dumbed-down Evangelion with a crappy opening theme and bolder, more gratuitous fanservice. They sat in the cockpits laying down, with their asses in the air. Watching anime like these really makes me wonder how short most Japanese school uniform skirts really are.
They then showed this weird little animated short about these little.. Goddesses, or something, that sort of resmbled characters from Ah! My Goddess, who were playing The Game of Life.. There were a couple funny parts (A Love Hina reference was thrown in there), but most of us thought it was actually replacing Tsukihime. Fortunately, the thing was only ten-or-so minutes long, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
The show was as I expected it to be: Mysterious, intriguing, beautifully animated with somewhat interesting dialogue. We were only shown the first two episodes, but what I saw of it made me want to buy the whole series the day it comes out in box form. Badly.
I think the atmosphere was a big part of it- the music, the colors, and the directing.. It was just interesting.
After that we watched some people do open mic Karaoke for a minute, but we had a bit of time before we had to go back and meet Karmi. Well, lucky us. The Marriott had an arcade. And in this arcade was one of the best selections of arcade games I have ever had the privilege of witnessing: Two DDR Extremes, one Guitar Freaks, one Drum Mania (Or whatever it's called.. You know, the drum game), Bemani IIDX (Keyboard game), and Para Para Paradise, a game where you wave your hands around sensors instead of hitting pads on the ground with your feet.
Of course, I didn't play any games, but it was fun to watch. I had never seen any bemani outside of DDR in person before, so it was cool.
We then re-joined Karmi, sat down for a minute where all the cosplayers had gathered, and took pictures of Man-Faye, who was being interviewed by G4 (May God cast his mighty fury upon their heads). We then wandered around a bit more, with nothing in particular to do. The Console Gaming hall was open, we watched some people sit in a dimly lit room play F-Zero GX, Mario Kart and Halo. Shin shouted "Halo sucks, you fools", and we had to make a very quick escape.
Shin and his sister then had to leave, so we took a group photo, and they were off. Kat's friend left soon after. The remaining three of us then walked around more, wasting more time. It was getting to be around 7, and Karmi had to leave at 7:30. Problem was, we couldn't find her mom. Their bus was leaving in an hour for the airport, and an hour later they were leaving for South Carolina. We ran around searching, and eventually I had to leave, without any closure to the Find-Karmi's-Mom scenario.
Let's hope she's not sitting outside her hotel room right now, begging for quarters so she can call her mom. <_<
And, with that said, here is the first wave of pictures.

Karmi and Kat..


Yes, it's me, with a god-awful haircut and lameness galore.
I'll continue this wonderful spew of information tomorrow, as I talk about Monday's misadventures. Keep in mind I still have many, many pictures to show, and I'm afraid my 250Free will suffer drastically because of it, but I shall find a way. Bye for now.
Comments (7) |
Sunday, July 4, 2004
It's here, it's here!
Yes, the day of Anime Expo has finally arrived. We're all getting ready to head down to Anaheim right now, so I can't talk long. I'll be sure to give an extensive review of the events of AX on Tuesday.
'Till then, I say farewell.
Comments (2) |
Friday, July 2, 2004
No time to put up the little Anime Expo Rant image..
It's 11:30 right now, on Thursday (despite what the date thing says), and we're all getting ready for this wedding. This thing, it turns out, is only a few miles from Anaheim. That's right, if I play my cards right, I may be able to make a bit of AX on Friday, and perhaps a tad on Saturday.
We don't have a hotel room, though, but I think that's already taken care of.
Time until Anime Expo meet: 50 hours, thirty minutes.
What I'm currently doing that's AX-related: Well, I got a really crappy haircut at the mall earlier. -_- I didn't want to, but it happened, and I'm afraid I won't look my best at the Expo.
I'm going to be packing up my stuff tomorrow, after the morning ceremony thing, though, just in case we do end up staying down there all weekend, I'm doing that as soon as I get off the computer.
Current AX memory: That guy dressed up as a Ninja from the Villiage Hidden in the Sand that flipped me off while my family was on a bathroom break. >:| He was a jerk-off.
Comments (3) |
Thursday, July 1, 2004
Whoa, man..
Wow, 8 comments, and none of them are like "omg click here to view my site lol".. Interesting.
This calls for me commenting on the many comments.
Shin- Eh, I've been to three or four weddings and three funerals. None of them have really had me interested. I'm always just there.
Karmi- Oh, I'll be changing in one of the many bathroom stalls. Just set a camera up in every one of them on Friday and Saturday, but be sure to install Obese Fanboy Blocking Sensors.
Mimmi- Yeah, he's wearing armor and such. Originally, when I first drew him back and third grade, he highly resembled FFVII's Cloud, but became a bit more original when I became inspired by Fire Emblem, The Lord of the Rings and Golden Sun.
But this picture does look somewhat Cloud-ish, in the hair. :|
Aleia- Jealousy is a tool of Satan. Don't worry, though, we'll collectively take enough pictures so that it will seem like you were actually there.
Arcadia- Badass hair that I initially stole from Cloud. ._.
Kat- Yes, I've squeezed more conversation out of that shirt this year than anything I've ever owned. It's weird.
Mal- I will. :D
Des- Whoa, signature and all? That's pretty nifty.
The problem with your signature shirt being a joke is that, eventually, once everybody gets it, you have to find a new, original one. :/
Well, we were in San Diego yesterday going through boxes upon boxes of my "passed" grandmother's, which mostly contained photo albums and pictures of a lot of different stuff..
Mostly, we had pictures of her with family in Kentucky, or here in California, but there were a lot of pictures from her trip to Europe. It was sort of interesting going through all of it.
As I've said before, I have a 9-months pregnant aunt who's having a hard time coming to terms with the death of her mother, who's.. Pretty big right now, heh. Yesterday I was in our car listening to Yuki Kajiura's Fiction, when my mom ran out in a rush. She told me that my aunt was having the baby (two weeks early), and that we had to get everything ready.
I went inside, where my aunt was rather frantic, asking where my mom was. I started gathering up the little children, as my uncle, who is very laid-back and Californian-ey, even then, helped his wife into the car. They called the doctor, who said to wait an hour.
We went to Fry's, I bought Devil May Cry, and read my instruction booklet as everyone paced back and forth. It turned out that it was false labor, which got me sort of down.
I would have enjoyed being in the hospital for hours and hours, waiting. I've never done that before, and it may be boring and/or dramatic, but I think it would be an interesting experience.
We got home around two, and I fell asleep quite quickly, insanely giggling at the thought of finally meeting Shin, Karmi and Kat in real life.
And I woke up and played Devil May Cry. :D It's a pretty wicked awesome game, but I haven't destroyed that orange lava-ey spider yet. I got him down to about 25% health, but he caught me off guard with those weird lava pillars (I thought he was going to shoot one of those projectiles at me).. Eh, I'll try again later.
My parents left earlier to look at.. Houses, or something, and came back a few minutes ago ranting about buying a house on a lake over here.. Eh. We're on the list. I have no opinion on it.
Oh, and Excel Saga volume four just came in the mail. I wonder where that came from.. I couldn't find a name or location.
..But where's the mouse..? :P
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
An update!
Yeah, I've been a bit busy the past couple of days. Mostly, I've just been gaming and drawing, but I'll get to that later.
Lately, I have been falling asleep at 3:30 AM or so every night. I won't be tired, I'll end up with my right to internet access threatened unless I get in bed by 1, so I sit in my bed, thinking about stuff.
Most of the time, it's not really deep or anything. Maybe I'll be thinking about a song, or a conversation I had that day, or maybe a video game, but it's a really boring time. My mind runs out of topics by 2, so I look at my clock for an hour and a half trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in.
Last night I couldn't stop thinking about the uber-awesome mouse that is being sent to my house some time this week, along with Excel Saga manga volume 4.
<_< If I tell anyone the story of the Santa, I fear that that person may get angry, so I shall not go into further detail on that.
But I'm not paying for it, and that's what counts. :D
Oh, and while we're on the topic of deep thinking, I've been thinking a lot about my many social anxieties while playing DDR lately. The game holds a lot of memories for me, some good and some bad, and my mind just thinks about, maybe, that time when I went to the mall without adult supervision for the first time and played it with a good friend, or maybe just last week when I got introduced to a really nice guy through Dance Dance Revolution by a close friend.
But mostly, it reminds me of a former comrade of mine, which gets me rather depressed, so I don't play as much lately.
But I beat Afronova, a particularly difficult song, on Heavy Mode, finally. :D It's a big milestone for me. Next stop, Max 300 on Standard..
Today I woke up at 10, instead of 12:30, and heard my mother yelling at my dad over the phone about unexpected visitors. Apparently, our family from Kentucky was in California, and they were to come and visit us, unexpectedly, today.
So we cleaned. We cleaned like madmen for hours and hours- my brother dusted the entire house and reorgainzed all of the wires sticking out of our TV cabinet which belong to various game controllers, light guns and other gaming peripherals. God bless that kid's soul..
I, however, had the enormous task of gutting out this office/computer desk thing. My dad does all of the bills in here, and there's little notebooks of budgets and stuff everywhere. I just stacked it all in a neat little pile, went through all of our CD-ROMs, sorted the little papers I have everywhere, and crap like that.
They got here, we went to a restaurant, and I had an extremely unfilling portion of steak and shrimp (God, there were, what, 6 small shrimp and maybe 3 ounces of steak).
When we returned, my brother entertained the cousins, who seem to really enjoy playing Time Crisis and Super Smash Bros. Melee. I just walked around, eating Jolly Ranchers (They give me a buzz) and playing DDR when the three little children ran upstairs to do God knows what.
They're gone now, off in San Diego, staying with my 8 1/2-months pregnant aunt. Between the only parent she ever knew dying, this roller coaster pregnancy, the drastic swelling she's going through, and playing inn-keeper for everyone, she really has a lot on her plate.
We will probably be in San Diego tomorrow as well, where we shall hopefully bring back the long-sought after TV and DVD player. It seems that we may not end up with them, now.. My parents don't think they can trust me with a TV (I don't even need cable, just give me A/V cables and a monitor), and we already have two DVD players, including the computer.
My uncle's Xbox-playing TV seems to be overheating, so we may just let him have it. I don't want to spend another day over there without any gaming because the TV makes an annoying screechey noise after it's been used for fifteen minutes.
I submitted a drawing to TheOtaku a few minutes ago, which I am really proud of. I spent three hours drawing God-awful sketches, and eventually I came up with this.
..Obviously, the background is PhotoShopped, and I had to fill in some un-shaded space, but it's still one of my best drawings ever.

Not much to talk about today. Instant Ramen is offically going to be at AX, and I finally decided what I'll be wearing on the day we all meet.

Fear the shirt.
I decided to wear this simply because it's bright and that it will stand out. Not to mention I don't think too many people will be wearing this shirt.. I'll probably change into my signature shirt later, because I refuse to wear that much pink for an extended period of time.
And I'll probably wear my Poison Mushroom "Game Over" shirt on Monday, but that doesn't really matter, since I won't be seeing anybody there.
I put together a folder of all of my Anime Expo papers today- maps, schedules, cell phone numbers at which I can contact Karmi and Shin, and other stuff. I'll probably be putting my backpack together tonight or tomorrow, because we'll be attending a two-day wedding thing on Friday and Saturday.
Damn my cousin! Why would he want to get married during Independence Day Weekend? It's insane.
The bride's not even going to be wearing a patriotic wedding dress. :/ No red or blue.
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Monday, June 28, 2004
Good times, good times..
Well, the little graphic I posted yesterday grew on me enough to overtake the O-Ren Ishii scheme.
And other than that, I have nothing else to say, so let's get on with the..

Don't worry, you only have a few more updates with this post in it before its ugliness leaves for good.
Karmi informed me yesterday that she won't be at AX on the fifth (Monday), which means that I will be all alone, able to do whatever I want.
In a sense, it's a mixed blessing, because on one hand I won't have to negotiate with anyone about what to do next, but I'll also be alone.
Which can be so depressing in a convention hall full of anime fanboys. But what can you do? I'm sure I'll live.
If you read Karmi's latest post, and then head to the comments, you will see Solo mentioning Karmi meeting Shin and Shy. This has already caused some confusion as to whether or not Shy is attending Anime Expo and meeting us there.
He and Syk were planning on meeting up and doing a cross-country road trip (This was months before The Simple Life 2, so don't sue), and ending up at Anime Expo, where they would meet Shinmaru and myself. However, they couldn't do that, and that part of the meeting was slashed.
Things regarding AX calmed down for a while, and a couple of weeks ago the topic of Karmi being in California came up. I asked her if she could make it to Anime Expo, which she ended up being able to do, to meet Shin and myself (along with other people who may or may not be there).
The thing is, I have no clue if Shy will meet us there, or if he'll even be at Anime Expo at all. I haven't had the oppurtunity to ask him about it, but.. Just thought I'd clear that up.
*sits* I may edit this later, if I have more to talk about.
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
Smile through the sorrow and win a free T-shirt.

A new little myOtaku intro I made out of a lack of anything to do. I'll explain where this came from later.
Last night my mother and father went to some sort of charity dinner, which was held by some sort of business club that one of my dad's subordinates runs. My brother and I stayed home, I was on the computer doing my regular shpiel, and my bro was watching TV or something. After a few hours of quiet, my dad suddenly called and told asked my brother to come to the phone as well. He then told us that he was going to help his coworker unpack a fireworks booth early on Sunday. My brother immediately went into happy-optimistic-sure-I'll-do-it mode, while I heard "morning," felt that my right to sleep had been infringed upon, and said I would have to "think about it."
Well, somehow my parents dragged me into it, and I was brought out of my happy little nap at 8 AM to go into the mall parking lot, wait for a truck of fireworks to come, and then put all the boxes inside of a metal shack-booth thing. When we got there, the truck had not arrived yet, so we just stood around for a minute. It was not too long until the truck came, and two greasy stereotypical truck-driving people took inventory of the oddly titled fireworks. Some that stood out in my mind were "Screaming Willy," "Dragon Breathes Fire," "Exploding Balls" and "Bunker Busters." Who names these things..?
Anyway, they spent about fifteen minutes making sure everything was there, and there was a surprisingly large amount of explosives in the middle of the mall parking lot by the time they were done. Some boxes were surprisingly light, but most were painfully heavy. :/ Somehow my brother got away with carrying the boxes two feet into the booth, and I had to put the boxes on the highest shelf. He hardly did anything, by his own decision, and now he's complaining about how he feels he didn't help enough.
I don't plan on selling any of the fireworks when that all starts tomorrow. In fact, I'm hoping that we won't buy any fireworks. We're going to be in Anaheim (At Anime Expo, hooray!) on Independence Day, with a view of Disneyland from our hotel room.
Hmmm, now let's think for a moment here.
Disney is a big theme park. Theme parks tend to have big shows. A lot of them are at night.. Now what sort of show would a major theme park with lots of money do on the Fourth of July, and I wonder if we'll be able to see it from outside the park?
Sparklers suck. Major theme park explosives are where it's at.
We went to the mall for a short while after that, and I just read some manga in Suncoast and Waldenbooks for a while. Normally, I just look at manga for a minute and move on, because I have to meet someone or the people I'm with don't want to stay, but today I was pretty free, so I just stood in there for a while and read various manga.
And now for today's..

:} I like using that picture.
Last night I looked at the revised AX Film/Video Programming Schedule and found that they're showing the first two episodes of Shingetsutan Tsukihime, a series that Azure particularly enjoys, and one that I would like to see. According to what I have read, the series has been liscensed (By Bandai, I think, but I'm not sure) under the name "Lunar Legend Tsukihime." It should be out in October, if I read right, and the viewing is going to be in subtitles, not dubbed, thank God. It's true that I've never heard the Tsukihime dub, and I'm not sure if they've even started it, but I don't want to take my chances. :/ I haven't trusted dubs ever since Evangelion.
Also, while in Waldenbooks today, I picked up the manga version of an anime that I had downloaded once- Comic Party. From what I gathered, it's about a guy who didn't make it into art college, but is determined to become an artist anyway. I don't think he originally wanted to do anything manga-related, but it seems that he eventually becomes a doujinshi-writer. Doujinshi is an "underground fan comic," in case you don't get it.. CLAMP and Rikdo Koshi (The creator of Excel Saga) started off as doujin-writers and went pro, which is pretty cool.
Comic Party takes place at a doujin convention named.. Well, Comic Party, or Comipa for short. The beginning part of the first volume seems to poke fun at fanboys, and the general musty-grossness of non-industry conventions. Heh, I thought parts of it were pretty funny, but I don't think I'll buy the series.
The art in Comic Party is pretty damn inspiring. The color art especially moves me. It's high quality CG anime pictures.. Bliss.
..And now I realize that a lot of that had nothing to do with Anime Expo, but eh. Whatever.
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