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Ambassador of Dorkville
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Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
Favorite Anime
.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
See above.
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
Today had good potential to be awesome, but didn't get the chance. But I shall get to that later, for I have to rant about what I did after I updated my mO yesterday.
"I was playing Splinter Cell until 11:00 last night, which was when Adult Swim started, and I haven't had a chance to play Psi-Ops yet. In fact, I'm going to do that right now, and edit this post later."
And play Psi-Ops I did. Ohh, the Psi-Ops I played.. That game is great fun. The only thing I really knew about the game before I played it was that it was a third-person shooter with psychic powers thrown in.
Well, I certainly had no idea that picking up enemies and smashing them into oil barrels could be this much fun.
I haven't really gone too far (I'm supposed to get into the odd Michael Jackson-esque guy's office right now), but it's just enjoyable.
I would do more of an in-depth, reasonable review, but I am tired. Let's move on.
Anyway, after watching The Andromeda Strain while playing Psi-Ops during commercial breaks for a while, my brother went with a friend to a local minor-league baseball game. We live twenty-something minutes from the local baseball field, where the Lancaster Jethawks play. Honestly, LA Dodgers games suck compared to Jethawks games. At Dodger stadium you have cramped seating, horrible views, and you spend more time watching commercials on the screen than actual baseball being played. The first time we went to a Dodgers game my dad got tickets for those really cool box/booth seats from our bank, which basically meant that we got our own private room high up above anybody else, people would go get our food for us, and we had a television, just in case we got bored. If I'm not describing it well enough, think of the episode of The Simpsons where they go to the hockey game, without the sushi and massages.
That's hardly all that makes the games good, though. These guys are our there trying to get into the major leagues, which generally makes for some pretty good games. Every time there's a home run fireworks go off, and on Sundays they have Dippin' Dots, the greatest ice cream to ever grace this planet (:D).
I, however, have Pandora Tomorrow and Psi-Ops to play. I didn't need any stupid baseball games. >:|
My dad then went out to get some El Pollo Loco, because my mom wasn't feeling well (he hates cooking, and I hate when either of us cooks). During general dinner conversation, with The Simpsons on in the background, I once again brought up the topic of reserving a hotel room for Anime Expo (You thought I could go a post without mentioning it, didn't you?). My father said we would, went upstairs, and didn't come down as I waited for him and his wonderful credit card. I eventually had to go upstairs, get him out of bed by force, and order the tickets.
You see, my father does not like to spend money. He's one of those cheap types, you know? This highly contrasts my mother, who loves the high life and fancy stuff. So my mom wanted to stay at the Hilton, while my dad wanted to stay at the Motel 6.
Well, guess who won. We ended up ordering the cheapest tickets for the Hilton (A fair compromise). Sorry, Karmi. :(
Today I woke up, played some Splinter Cell, the phone rang (I didn't bother picking it up- I was in the zone), and, oddly enough, my mom shouted down the stairs that the phone was for me.
It was the sister of a close friend (who is also a close friend), who invited me to the mall at 2. I asked my mother, who said that I could stay until 3:30, because she had some sort of formal affair to take care of at 4. That's hardly enough time at the mall with these fun-to-be-around people, but it's better than nothing, right? Well, then the friend calls back a few minutes later and says to change the meeting time to 2:30. I agreed, but went to the mall at 2 anyway to get some extra video game window shopping done. At about 2:20 I went over to the arcade, and found something very odd. Some regular arcade-goers were playing DDR, as usual, but the machine was different.. The sign said, in a very plain logo (compared to DDR Extreme or Max2), Dance Dance Revolution Megamix. Now, I have never heard of this version before, and the disturbingly blinding blue that was rampant on the song select screen. This led me to believe that it was an earlier version of the game, which would also explain the cheap logo- but the song-select system was identical to DDR Extreme's. Puzzled, I didn't bother playing, and decided to look into the matter later. When I got home, I checked, and found nothing on their Machine List page about any Megamix. I then did a Google search, and found that Megamix is just a hacked bootleg variation of DDR Extreme with variations in some animations, and that my arcade was stupid enough to "upgrade" the tried and true Extreme to this cheap knockoff.
I'll be sure to complain.
Anyway, by the time everybody met up, it was 2:45, and we spent most of our time checking out anime and manga in Suncoast. We also stormed Hot Topic, and spent a bit of time in the arcade watching my friend's friends (Who are much older than me, and are also strangers) play DDR. There was some Air Hockey, and some Time Crisis 2, but by that time I had to go.
;_; It would have been totally awesome if I could have stayed for several more hours. Every other time I've been to the mall with these people there were also bothersome people who I would rather not hang out with, or friends-of-friends that I do not know. This time it was just the cream of the crop, and it was cool.
And now for my Anime Expo update.

Hey, I talk about it enough. I think the better question is why not make a graphic out of it? :P
Well, actually, because I talked about the hotel booking thing earlier, there's not much else to rant about today, except for my mom being in "OMG THESE ONLINE PEOPLE AREN'T 13 OR YOUNGER?!?!" mode.
This came up while we were driving to the mall today, when my mom was being a "good, concerned parent" and asking me who I was meeting at the mall. I explained there were two classmates of mine, one older sister, age 15 (She's really sixteen, but my mom doesn't need to know that.. <_<), and possibly some of her friends. My mom got freaked out when she heard fifteen, and was talking about the huge difference between a thirteen-year-old and a fifteen-year-old. I explained that they're fine, and that they're not goths who shoplift painkillers from the back of Vitamin Barn, and she simmered down.
But then she asked me about the people I'm meeting at Anime Expo. I said one's 15, and one's 18, and she began screaming about me meeting people who say they're 18 on the internet but really aren't. I explained that I have pictures, I've talked to them over the mic ("WHAT? YOU'VE TALKED TO THEM!?"), and that they're both respectable members of society who aren't psychotic pedophiles. She asked about the 18-year-old and if he's heading off to college, and what he's majoring in, and I explained it all.
She seems fine with it all now, as long as she and my father "survey the situation" when we get there. I'm guessing my dad won't really worry about it much, and want to go back to the hotel room and relax by the pool, but my mom will be a bit more.. Let's say thorough about it.
I shall now go off and play Splinter Cell. Later.
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Friday, June 25, 2004
Must.. Keep.. myOtaku alive..!!
I have absolutely nothing to talk about right now. I woke up two hours ago, ate some horrid breakfast concoction which can be credited to my father (He knows I despise eggs), which tasted like something out of Crazy Otto's, which is quite possibly the crappiest breakfast joint in this town. With sausages. Argh.
It was certainly not waffles, I can tell you that.. I tried saying I was going to be a veagan for a day, but he said that because I'm not 18, I cannot make that decision.
..The hell..?
So, when he wasn't looking, I took half of it, threw it away, and ran.
God, I love lacking any trace of morals and dignity.
I rented Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow and Psi-Ops both for the PS2 last night. I plan on buying the Gamecube version of Pandora Tomorrow when it comes out, but I needed my fix of stealth, and would tolerate the "dumbed down" levels and cheaper graphics, at least for now.
I was playing Splinter Cell until 11:00 last night, which was when Adult Swim started, and I haven't had a chance to play Psi-Ops yet. In fact, I'm going to do that right now, and edit this post later.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Update.. Update.. Downdate.. Down with the date? The date is down?
This enlightening update title is brought to you by Sen's brain, which is not officially awake until two hours from now.
That picture that I posted yesterday.. Well, it's a bit of a preview of something I want to do with this myOtaku. However, I'm not sure if I can do it yet, so I'm still in the testing / thinking-about-it phase. I don't want to start anything that big if I can't follow through with it.
I don't have much else to talk about today, so I'm just going to rant about webcomics. Lucky you!
A few months ago, I was introduced to the world of webcomics by a friend (I believe it was VGcats, which, as the name implies, is a comic about video gaming cats. For the longest time this was the only webcomic I read, simply because I found the game parodies to be so deliciously satyrical.. But then, once I had read through all of the comics several times and needed my fix of too-hot-for-the-newspaper comical goodness. I went over to the links page on VGcats, which has many, many links to a nice variety of webcomics. The first one that caught my eye was Megatokyo, a cheery little manga-style comic about the zany misadventures of two American gamers named Piro and Largo who end up stranded in Japan. Not exactly comedy (anymore), but it's an interesting story that's rather inspirational to me. American gamer dude makes a webcomic that people often mistake for an official Japanese comic. Piro is to manga as Eminem was to non-oldschool rap (Damn you, Vanilla Ice..! *shakes fist violently*). I would like to do something that someday.. Except in Japan, of course.
A few weeks later, I then bought in to the major hype- I began reading Penny Arcade. The series started out a tad dull, unlike VGcats (Which was hilarious from the get-go), but by now I laugh like a crazy man on pot at 95% of all new comics.
One day I was searching for Kill Bill pictures on Google (for a banner that never got off the ground), when I came across an interesting little comic. Click here, if you want to see it. And so, out of another day with nothing better to do, began reading Movie Comics, which turned out to be an awfully dull, predictable, piece-o-crap knockoff of Penny Arcade without the social commentary and good humor. It was only then I realized something very important- Most webcomics start off as Penny Arcade knockoffs. It was a trendsetter, it set the bar for all other comics- it seems that unless you're trying for a serial series like Megatokyo, you're gonna end up with two guys on a couch playing games or talking about something. It's odd.
And yet I just began reading Ctrl + Alt + Del, a comic that has some interesting, close-to-Penny-Arcade-but-not-in-a-bad-way moments. I wouldn't care about all of the comics being Penny Arcade-esque, if they would put some interesting commentary on their sites, as Gabe and Tycho do on their homepage.
So now I take my leave, and in my passing give you the formula for a general webcomic:
One crazy fanboy + One analytical, down-to-earth person + A couch + a television + a computer + an Xbox = potential money-getter.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

A glimpse of things to come (probably)...
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Monday, June 21, 2004
Ah, the once lost coolness of chats has returned.
With the glorious return of Karmi and Ken comes a new wave of Karmilicious and Kentastic AIM chats. Things have been kind of boring around AIM without 'em, and I just realized how empty it's all been last night while talking with them about unintentionally sharing sex toys and the deep bond such things can bring for two people.
So I've been spending more time online.
The past few weeks have been more about DanceDance Revolution and Final Fantasy X, but now that the most interesting people on the internet are back and better than ever, I have trudged back to this crappy delapidated chair, got out a popcorn bowl, and have returned to the novelty that is AIM Chats.
...Not to mention DDR and FFX have been a bit dull the last few days.
I've been giddy-as-a-schoolboy the past few days, for multiple reasons. I feel, for I have nothing else to talk about, a need to list these giddy-isms and rant for a while.
Reason 1: Anime Expo. Well, I bet a few of you could see this coming from a mile away. Anime Expo 2004 is just two weeks away (Less for some people, because they will be there on Friday and Saturday, *cough* Karmi), and I really can't wait to meet up with some of you OBers. That's right, you know who you are. *wink*
Last night I couldn't fall asleep because I was reminiscing about AX 2003, which was not only my first trip to a big convention (Anime Expo's the biggest anime convention in the US, I believe), but it was my first convention period. I had never been to any sort of convention, and I only learned about this one because of a thread on OB back when I was a little n00b of only 40-something posts. This happened, like, the night before Juuthena, Shy, and some others were all meeting there. Being an oblivious n00b, I thought I may fit right in with them, and ended up convincing my parents to take me to the Anaheim Convention Center.
I had everything planned out- what I wanted to do (Mainly the Yuki Kajiura concert), what I was going to wear.. All that stuff, you know? Well, unfortunately, I ended up waking up late. I found no point in going, considering the Kajiura concert was over and I knew nothing of the Trade Room, but we ended up abandoning my visiting grandmother alone in our house in favor of an anime convention.
I listened to the .hack OST on the way down, and found things to be rather hectic when we got there. I remember a gathering of a huge amount of cosplayers, the one sticking out in my mind the most being a really impressive Kakashi, Make-Out Paradise and all, but we ignored them and ran around for an hour trying to figure out where to get admission. We eventually got to the room, I put OtakuSennen on my little ID, which, because I was under 13, had Hamtaro on it, and we were on our way to the Trade Room.
I was in a state of ecstacy when we got there. Anime paraphenalia (God, am I spelling that right..?) as far as the eye can see, and a huge Evangelion poster thing hanging on the back wall. Right as you entered, there was the Viz booth, which had a little manga-reading nook, along with a ton of free sample manga, which got me hooked on Excel Saga. To the right was the Bandai booth, which was probably my favorite. They had demos of Grunty Racing in .hack//Mutation (I ended up talking to a nice girl cosplaying as Elk), a little table where you could learn to play .hack//Enemy, the whole Karaoke schtick, a big screen that was showing a medley of scenes from upcoming Bandai anime.. It was a really cool booth. I got a Witch Hunter Robin shirt for watching their little anime demo thing, and a really sweet Helba shirt for doing the .hack//Mutation demo.
Next to that was the Pioneer booth, which I don't remember having anything cool except for free decks of playing cards with Chobits, Lupin the Third, and many other popular titles on them.
On the other side of the Viz booth was the Tokyopop booth (You could just feel the tense rivalry between the two booths), which had a small little book of manga (Not as good as Viz's), but they were mostly just selling manga. Behind that was the Suncoast booth, which was doing drawings and contests, as well as selling DVDs.
There were tons of little website booths that had lots of cool free stuff, along with the Funimation booth (My brother got his Krillin action figure and DBZ manga signed by the US Krillin voice actor), and a place that sold extremely pricy import CDs that are probably the wrong regional coding to play on my walkman anyway, but it was a totally awesome experience.
I didn't go to any panels, though. I'm looking forward to that, but I still can't wait to hit the trade room and meet Karmi, Shin, and possibly Instant Ramen.
Don't forget to bring your cameras, guys. :P
Reason 2: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I don't really have anything new to say about this, except for that I hope that the stealth gameplay won't stay as outdated as MGS2 was, compared to Splinter Cell or Riddick or, hell, even Tenchu to some extent. The always-overhead-view thing bothered me, and I see that won't be too much of an issue in Snake Eater, but the AI doesn't seem as... Logical as it could be, with the stealth issue.

I mean, it's sort of obvious that Snake's there, isn't it? I'm just hoping that a guard won't see the shiny buckles on our hero's pants, walk over to you and admire the buckles without noticing you're there, leaving him open to a good bullet or two to the brain.
The camo is still going to be an awesome feature, but unless things are very close to perfect I won't be 100% satisfied with the game.

I'm afraid I'm going to lose track of where Snake is and accidentally try controlling one of the guards.. >.>
Reason 3: Shinmaru's new RPG- Apartment Building C. Once again, Shinmaru has risen from the grave and created another rare comedy RPG that's actually going to be good. It's such a simple backstory, but it has so many possibilities.. I really can't wait for it to start. Even if I don't get selected, I'm looking forward to just reading it.
And so, my friends, I leave you with an old Sennenese proverb: He who eats the last biscotti gets attacked by the rest of the Starbucks-addicted yuppies.
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
Sing a happy song.
Yeah, I devised another new myOtaku scheme. I personally really like this one, but if a lot of people miss my old one, I'll change it back.
In case you don't get it, this scheme is made up of screen shots from my favorite scene in Kill Bill Volume One- The Origins of O-Ren Ishii, more commonly known as "the anime scene" around here. Production I.G. makes some pretty kick-ass stuff, such as Blue Submarine Number Six and FLCL, and what they did for Kill Bill is no exception. The first time I saw the sequence I thought the visual style was rather.. Quirky, but it definitely grew on me. In fact, the way O-Ren was drawn in the Matsumoto death scene was very, very inspiring to me. I plan on attempting some fan art about it later.
..Anyway, moving on.
I had a friend come over here yesterday, simply because there was nothing else to do at the time. We played a bit of Soul Calibur (I swear, that game never gets old), watched some Flash cartoons, and he ended up spending the night over here. We went to Albertson's, rented Kill Bill and The Ring, bought a bag of chips, and ended up watching DVDs and Adult Swim until four in the morning.
This was the first time I had seen The Ring, and it was slightly different than I expected it to be. I thought that it was going to be more blatant, kill-one-person-after-another scary, or something like that, not pseudo-psychological thriller/mystery scary. I wasn't really scared at all during the course of the film, but it left me thinking afterwards, and that's when I got a tad creeped out. If I were to make a horror and/or thriller movie, that's how I would do it. Blatant surprise-you-by-jumping-out-from-somewhere-while-a-loud-screechy-noise-plays films are all too common, in my opinion, and very few can distinguish themselves from the crowd.
"Post-film creepiness" movies, however, especially when seen in a dark room at 2 AM, are really awesome. Your mind can come up with what scares you the most, and one's interpretation of, say, the sort of crazy stuff that happened on the island when the girl (Samara) was still alive, and what you think may be entirely different from someone else's idea. This gets more people scared in a wider variety of ways.
And that is awesome.
However, while watching the movie, I noticed that one of my little one-shot manga things was an unintentional ripoff of The Ring, at least with the creepy girl never sleeping in a mental hospital thing. I suppose I'll have to revise that, because I really liked where that story was heading..
We woke up this morning, ate some pancakes, played Time Crisis 3 for a little while, and went to go see Dodgeball starring Ben Stiller. I enjoyed it, because of Ben Stiller's character, but I felt that that was most of what made the movie funny. There's practically no story to it, I didn't even catch most of the characters' names, and the rest of the viewers laughed every time somebody got pegged with a dodgeball, which made me wonder if that's what they tried to do while making this movie.. Honestly, slapstick sucks.
But none of this is what one should expect from a Ben Stiller comedy, is it?
Seeing Ben Stiller's jerk-ass character in Dodgeball, however, got me even more excited to see The Anchorman starring Will Ferrel. I had no desire to see that Elf movie he did, but this one seriously looks good. I love self-absorbed jackass movie characters. It's sort of a guilty pleasure of mine.
There's something else I wanted to talk about.. Some sort of crazy rant about something about most people that angers me.. But I've forgotten it, so I'll have to cut this post short. G'night.
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
Every time a Sennen chokes his brother for messing him up in DDR..
..An angel gets kicked in the balls.
Well, summer's officially on now, and I'm not really bored yet. Between the internet, DDR and Final Fantasy, I'm pretty sastisfied with repetitious days. I do hope to go to the mall with some friends in the next week or so, to see a few movies that I feel like would be a good time waster (The Chronicles of Riddick, Spiderman 2, Dodgeball..). Hopefully I won't end up sitting dumbly on the couch with a stare like that of a lobotomized person begging to go back to school, like every past year.
I "killed" Seymour in FFX a few hours ago.. God, is he supposed to be Square's revival of Sephiroth? I haven't even noticed a real, vile, despisable character in the game so far (The way I see it, unless I'm forgetting some rather important information, Sin is a victim as well).
But, yeah. I still like the game, though I see hardly any plot, and I'm twenty hours in. Even my brother, who plays Time Crisis 3 and calls it the greatest game of all time while there's hardly any plot and all of the dialogue is something out of a sadistic Blue's Clues episode, asked me fifteen hours in: "So.. When does the story come around?"
The battle system kicks major ass, though, so I have no reason to really complain.
I'm still debating about whether or not I should do the unlimited-game-rentals-at-Blockbuster program thing. By the time I'm bored this summer, between my current three obsessions and a probable trip to Pittsburg, there probably won't be that much time left to take much advantage of the card. I could probably go to Gamestop and spend those fifty dollars at Gamestop and get several used games permenantly.
As I sit here right now, I'm reading Shinmaru's myOtaku post from yesterday, and I'm realizing how superficial I can be sometimes. I mean, just look at what I've been writing so far in this mO update. Is any of it relevant? Will I really care about Metal Gear Solid 3 ten years from now? It's all so trivial. I want to do something important, something that will be worth doing.
The internet, video games, my drawings, Photoshop.. In the end, it's all irrelevant. Of course, knowing all of you is a great thing, but when I think of AOL Instant Messenger the first thing that comes to mind is "Crappy substitute for real conversations and relationships." I don't mean to offend anyone by saying this, but this odd tear-yourself-down feeling is setting in because of listening to this particular MP3 that reminds me of someone, which in turn led me to reflecting on my social life, which inevitably ended up making me think about all of the mistakes I've made with that particular person.
All because of the damn internet.
I hope to do something important. I would like to win a writing contest, or some artist contest or something, but I'm not good enough at anything to do that. There are always superiors, always people far better than me. What is my particular gift? If we're all good at something, as we're all taught as children, what is my superior talent?
And now I feel like I'm moping and complaining to people. I hate it when people do that. Self-loathing really sucks.
And now that I have that out of my system..
I think I need a more personal journal or something, so I can write the depressing stuff in there, and you all can read the happy little bouncy things that give you all that warm fuzzy feeling. But then, years from now, I'll look at that journal, say "God, what an annoying little depressed idiot I was back then." And that certainly won't be a good thing either.
..Somehow, this post feels like a rerun. Every time I do something like this it feels like the same thing- "Oh, I'm whining about how life is a horrible experience, and yet I don't know real pain and sorrow!"
I'll make up for this sorry excuse for a post tomorrow.
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Monday, June 14, 2004
*shoots the damn computer*
I had a much longer version of this post almost entirely typed up, but the computer decides to do an illegal operation on internet explorer while I'm eating dinner.
So now I'm angry and I'm going to be brief.
The San Diego trip was as I expected it to be- we got there, stayed at my dead grandmother's house, my dad got all irritable, and we went to bed.
The next day we woke up and went to Fry's Electronics, which, as I have stated before, should be considered Mecca for anybody who isn't Amish. It's such an awesome electronics store- they have a section dedicated to computers that's probably as big as half of our entire Circuit City. However, that wasn't the focal point of today's visit to my favorite place in the world. We headed over to the video game section (as usual) and picked up DDR Max2 with a good pad. My brother bought Time Crisis 3, or Duck Hunt for a new generation, as I like to call it, but we didn't have a chance to play either one until after school today.
We went to "Grandpa Allen's Family Restaurant," ate some corn dogs, doodled on the backs of the crayon game paper things they gave us (I drew DeathBaby, whom most of you don't know.. Yet), and I saw a gamer guy with a shirt about 8-bit gaming. He noticed my Poison Mushroom "Game Over" shirt, but that was about it.
It's nice to see a gamer in public who's not alone or on a computer. He was with his girlfriend, or wife, or something, I believe. He sort of reminded me of Tycho from Penny Arcade, but it couldn't have been him. Do they even live in Southern California?
We then went to the La Jolla Aquarium, where we saw an exhibit entitled "The Mysteries of the Seahorse," though there wasn't that much intrigue around seahorses, and there were stupid boy scouts running around tapping the tanks, right next to a sign explaining that tapping disrupts the fish and that they go crazy and run into each other, resulting in pretty bad injuries.. And the little children, pressing all the buttons and giggling with glee. "Whee, look, mommy, I made the lights on that map of the US Pacific Coast light up, but I don't give a crap about what any of it means!" I mean, I don't expect little children to really care about jellyfish care facilities across the country, but it just bothered me for some odd reason. Maybe it was because I was never like that- even when I was six we'd go to the Natural History Museum and I'd read the little plaques next to the dinosaur skeletons.
After that, we visited family, and went back to our home in Palmdale, DDR in hand and laptop in.. Well, lap. We got home at around 12:30 AM, and I fell asleep very quickly.
School has been bittersweet as of late. Every day, every period is just free time, and we all talk. It's great to talk and everything, but most of these people have no idea that I'm moving. I wonder what will happen tomorrow, our last day, when they find out..
Either way, I'm thinking about bringing my camera. I'd like to remember these people in a more natural state than the forced smiles as seen in the crappiest yearbook ever conceived (I blame my partner- I only made good pages).
I've listened to De Stijl by The White Stripes God knows how many times now. I just can't get tired of this CD, haha.. Weird. I now have an urge to buy every CD of theirs. I'm suspecting subliminal messages in the simplistic drum beats..
Oh my God, how did I forget about the laptop? We have my dead grandmother's laptop, which was basically as good as new (only two files on it that aren't required), but it has only 18.6MB on its hard drive and 128KB RAM on a Windows Millenium Edition OS. I'd really like to upgrade it, but I'll still use this desktop for most of my internet affairs. My dad's all crazy about "not getting this laptop all junked up with Spyware like our computer." Like the laptop isn't ours now? She's dead, she never used it anyway, get over it.
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Friday, June 11, 2004
Superliminal Messages- HEY YOU! JOIN THE NAVY!
This myOtaku has exactly 1,666 visits. Interesting.
Anyway, I didn't bother with editing that last post. May as well start with a new one, eh?
This was the last full week of school for us. We still have Monday and Tuesday, but I don't think everyone's going to show up. I'm going to be there, though- I still don't know if I'm ever going to see these people or not. I'm going to try and enjoy every second of it.
Except for Monday's supposed to be the second day of the year in which the graduating students do their random-beatings of seventh graders. One friend of mine got attacked last time (Friday the Thirteenth), but my mom kept me out of school, so I didn't have to worry about that last time.
But whatever. I'll hide in my English teacher's room at lunch, assuming she doesn't decide to kick us all out, and I'll just rush out of the school at the end of the day. There shouldn't be a real threat, but you never know.
The yearbooks came in on Monday or Tuesday, and I must say, it was quite a waste of time on my part. I was there fixing typos and setting up pages for an hour after school every day, all alone in that cold little room, and the teacher's daughter is in charge of doing.. The rest of the stuff. And she has no sense of design.
She resized the art for the art page, and it turned out like pixelated crap. You can't tell what most of it is. I have no idea what she did wrong, but it's depressing. All of the art's very small, too. She wanted to mix the poetry and art pages together, "So we can have more signature pages! ^.^".
God dammit, I wasted at least 60 hours this year working on this thing when I could have been.. Um.. Doing something else.
Whoa, Ronald Reagan is dead? Seriously? Why didn't I see it on the news? Oh, I guess there are more important things out there, and we shouldn't dwell on one's death.
..My God, will they ever shut up about it? 75% of the KTLA Evening News was Reagan for three days straight- I thought I would get relief when the sports segment came about, but they just had to plaster him all over that as well.
Don't get me wrong, Reagan was a good man, and a president. But one of the men who spoke at the funeral said the following (Though I am heavily paraphrasing): "He was not just a figurehead, but an American." If he, like all of us, was just another American, why won't I get my funeral to be nationally televised?
And I'm sure I've made quite a few people angry just now. Don't hurt me.
I don't have too much to look forward to over the weekend. We're going down to San Diego to clear out my grandmother's house, and we'll be bringing her hardly used 25" flatscreen television and her DVD Player back to our house, because my dad technically bought it, so he gets it now that she's dead.
As greedy as it sounds, I've been trying to figure out a place to put our old, smaller television in my room. I was, and still am, hardly phased by her death. As far as I'm concerned, she was dead on Christmas Eve when she stopped being her old self.
..Wow, I have a twisted opinion on death.
EDIT: You want this MP3. No, you need it.
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If practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect..
Then why the hell should you practice?
Just checking in.. I bought Final Fantasy X on Tuesday, so that's what I've been doing.. Almost eight hours now, and I'm loving it.
I'll go into more detail later- I'm being kicked off. I'll edit this when I can.
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