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Ambassador of Dorkville
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Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
Favorite Anime
.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
See above.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Oh, the irony..
I finally remembered my Hexidecimal font color without looking at a sticky note. Cool.
Anyway, I turned in my I-Search project on Friday, which was three times longer than anyone else's. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten them back yet. My teacher might never return them to us, heh.. She stalls with these things.
And yet I can't help but think that I've talked about that before.
Anyway, this weekend was dull. I sat around on Saturday, doing nothing in particular. Later in the day I ended up playing Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on hard mode, and all I have to say is "..I don't even want to look at Extreme." I mean, I spent two hours trying to get through the first room, and they only give you a frickin' Socom to ward off twenty guards when you first meet Meryl. It's insane, and I've given up on it already. Heh.. For now.
I woke up on Sunday with a sore throat and heavy congestion.. I was in a fairly poor mood all day, yelling at my brother (more than usual) for making his stupid little joke comments about the guards in Metal Gear over and over and over.. And over and over. Seriously, people are so predictable. Maybe that's why I don't talk to family anymore in mundane situations- I know what they're going to say.
For example, we got Panda Express last night. I could have mapped out everything my mother said during that hour beforehand with an accuracy rating of 80% or so.
"Mmmm, it smells so good!"
"Do you want my drink, Nick?"
"Ooh! This shrimp is so spicy!!"
"Mmm, this is good."
"Ah-- I need more water."
"Mmm, this is so good!"
"Yes, Jake, you can have my fortune cookie."
"What's with that look on your face, Nick? You're always so depressed.."
I mean, maybe it just means I know people, but if that's a case, then I don't want to. It makes the intrigue of getting to know somebody seem so irrelevant.
Like everything else in my dull existence.
Anyway, I plan on reserving Snake Eater soon. I want to be the first on my block to have it! ..Well, actually, I'll probably be the only person on my block to have it, ever. Nobody around here has a PS2, I think. Either way, my fanboy senses tell me to go to Gamestop and reserve it. Right now.
Hmm, I wonder why..
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow is coming to PlayStation 2 on the twentieth of June, and I cannot wait. I don't know how I'll get the money for it.. Heh, I'll probably just do Blockbuster's unlimited game rental thing and rent it for for a while.
I wrote my entire speech yesterday, but ended up getting out of school today for this sore throat.. Honestly, by noon, everything was completely tolerable, but I still feel so tired. Oh well, there's only six more days of school, so I can sleep all I want after next Tuesday.. After writing depressing poetry about moving across the country.
However, out of the blue today, my mom said she had "this funny feeling" that we aren't moving to Pittsburgh after all. I don't know what to believe anymore, heh.. I was just coming to terms with moving, and this comes up. And now I'm not sure if I want to stay in this godforsaken valley. "Either way, we're moving this summer, whether it's to the west side or out of the state." I don't really care anymore. Nothing seems important.
Well, I bet I sound like an ass right now. *laughs* Later.
Oh, also: Check out my new wallpaper and OB avatar. I got bored on Saturday and had nothing to do.
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Friday, June 4, 2004
1600 visits.. Cool.
Yesterday I went over to a friend's house, took fifteen minutes to shake up a can of Dr. Pepper, got out his pellet gun, and pulled the trigger. :D That was fun.
..After that, however, I took a short nap (two hours), and finished my I-Search project. All I really had to do was add some more content into the third segment, and do the bibliography.. Not too much, really, but I still spent an hour doing it.
I woke up twenty minutes before school started, again.. My excuse this time was that I was re-reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We have, maybe, one more week before the school stops letting us take Accelerated Reader tests, and I just need maybe ten more points and one book to get an A and 100% of my goal. I've pretty much run out of sources for books, as I am too lazy to go to the public library, to find an epic novel to read, only to find out 1,000 pages later that it doesn't even have an AR test.
Actually, for some odd reason, I hardly remembered anything about the third Harry Potter book. I just remember the mailman bringing a box from to our door, and reading maybe the first chapter before going to a local outlet mall.. It's actually much better than I vaguely remember it being. Plenty more darkness in it, and Black is one of those characters that I enjoy. I ended up reading five chapters of it last night, simply because I couldn't find a good (i.e. the end of the book) place to stop. Heh, I bet I sound a tad strange talking about Harry Potter like this.
I also ended up seeing the movie version after school today with some friends. It was pretty good, I think, though the first half seemed rather rushed. Also, I thought that there was a bit too much comedy mixed in there. Either that, or the audience was so high that they would have laughed at anything. That's the odd thing about movie audiences. No matter how many times they see a gag in a commercial 1,000 times in a day, they still laugh at it in the theater. I only chuckled at one thing, and even then it was hardly there. Either I'm strange, or everyone else is.. It was good, regardless.
I have a piano recital tomorrow, and this is the first time I've felt any ounce of nervousness over one. I lost a bit of the memorization over the past week (We aren't allowed to have the music onstage with us), and my teacher went rather testy over it. I'll talk about it tomorrow.
Plus: And again, I didn't update for a day, and my popularity rating went up. I wonder if I could get in the top fifty if I went away for two weeks..
EDIT: Oh, yeah. I was wondering about applying for Fan Art Moderator. If anybody has any opinion about me doing such a thing, please say it now. I'm rather torn between "innocent bystander of the community" and "inactive on the boards yet working behind the scenes." Either way, I probably won't get selected, but I shouldn't say that. Not optimistic at all, eh? I should deny my initial feeling about the topic and go for the happy goal.
Also, I found a banner of mine that I never used, for some strange reason.. It was the initial attempt at the Apprehensive banner, and I'm pretty sure I like it more.
Oh, and if you're wondering why I haven't shown it yet, it's because 250Free and PhotoBucket aren't cooperating tonight. I'll fix it later, maybe.
I think I didn't like it at first because I was hoping for a more "realistic" water background. It still looks better than what James described as "a microscopic view of worms or cells or something."
And I'm done now.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
It's not stupid, it's.. Advanced!
I keep telling myself the title of this post, mentally, over and over, but it's not helping my hatred for this computer. But I'll get to that later.
Today in English I learned that I have been going about that big project all wrong. In my little rendition of the "I-Search," I talked about where I searched for information followed by what information I found from doing so.. My teacher informed us today that we have to talk about how we searched in one section of the report, and what we learned in a different one. To me, that really doesn't make sense, and I'm too stubborn to go and change everything now.. Oh well. This teacher is the one that employed me as yearbook designer.. Person. She might just change my grade anyway. Oddly enough, she seems like the type who would do that..
Oh, and the yearbooks finally come in this.. Wednesday, I think. This is going to be one piece of crap yearbook, a waste of thirty bucks, that I created. What a wonderful memory of what's quite possibly my last year in California. Great.
I beat Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance last night, and I say that the ending definitely could have been worse. There were enough conspiracy plot-twist things to keep me interested, though they were not as strong as those found in MGS1, but I was left scratching my head. And I like it when that happens. I didn't feel that way at the end of Twin Snakes, except for the whole "Third Les Enfante Terrible" thing.
And I got an Elephant codename again. >:O According to Code Name guides, you get that from using too many rations, but I only used 24. What the hell?
Solidus was too easy, I think. It was a cool fight, though. Metal Gear REX was sort of dull, now that I look back.
But I still don't get how Rosemary was all traitor-ey one minute and Raiden's wife the next. That is, unless Rose was just an AI replica throughout most of the game..
Oh well. All I know is that I want to get Snake Eater even more now.
Dude, I'm probably getting a Dell. I found one of their notebooks on their website, upgradable to 80GB hard drive and 1GB RAM. My initial goal was 100GB, but I also plan on getting an external hard drive.. For my music, and BT files and such. That way, if any friends of mine ever want to borrow anime, I can simply loan them the external hard drive and still keep my computer.
..Oh well. The stylin' Alienware has eluded me. Someday, though.
Only eight more days of school.. Heh, it's bittersweet. I'm probably not gonna even be at this school next year, and none of my classmates know it (except for a few).. And yet, at the same time, my mindset is mostly "I can't wait to get out of this hellhole" right now. Today alone, three people called me Harry Potter, one got on my case when they accidentally bumped into me, and two annoying ghetto people were pushing each other around in the locker room, and ended up knocking over my friends, which lead to a catacalysmic incident where the entire locker room was staring at us.
..And in Pittsburgh they don't have sales tax on food. :D
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Damn you people! Every time I make a long post, two people post comments, but when I leave a three-sentence update, I get four comments and my popularity rating jumps. :p What's up with that?
Anyway, I've spent all day working on that computer "I-search" report.. Well, not the entire day. I woke up at 9:30 this morning, decided to play some more Substance, set an alarm to go off in thirty minutes, and then I would stop playing and start working. However, I got to the climax of the game (more or less), and ended up playing until 3:30. Fighting three Metal Gears at once.. It's insane, lol. If I had more than two rations when I started fighting them it wouldn't be so difficult, but it is. The way Colonel Campbell is acting is weird, along with a lot of the backgrounds.. If Hideo Kojima pulled something out of his ass like "It was all a VR Simulation" and that's the explaination, I'm gonna be very, very displeased.
But it'll make me want to buy Metal Gear Solid 3 even more, in hopes that it will have a more "Solid" ending (Heh.. Solid. I'm hilarious).
As of right now, this report has tallied up to sixteen pages- Sixteen whole pages, excluding table of contents and bibliography- of mindless rants regarding the specifications of computers. Well, that and an AIM conversation between Azurewolf and myself.
Anyway, I was informed by a friend that it was due tomorrow. I didn't log on to AIM all day, so I wouldn't get distracted, and guess what. I log on a few minutes ago, and a friend tells me that our teacher Instant Messaged her saying that the project's due Friday. How wonderful. I wasted a whole day copying and pasting specs of Compaq Presario Notebooks. >:O
I've been sort of hyped up about Anime Expo these past few days.. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I had a dream the other night which was basically a flashback to the Bandai booth at AX 2003, or the fact that I checked their website to see if they have any new information on the proramming schedule, but either way I'm all giddy. Giddy like a schoolgirl. Or, rather, giddy like a schoolboy who's about to see a bunch of people dressed up like schoolgirls. Whee.
I'll probably meet up with anybody that's going to AX on that Sunday, and I'll be running around on my own on Monday. I plan on getting a garage kit there, which means that I'll have to start saving up now, if not three months ago, heh.. And maybe a shirt. Shirts are always cool.
Last year was simply a trial of conventions, to confirm my guess that I would like conventions. This year's gonna be the real deal, you know? Last year was just the hall with all of the stores. This year it's going to be anime screenings, panels, contests (maybe), taking pictures of attractive cosplayers when their backs are turned.. Yeah. It'll definitely be cool.
Karmi, where are you? I was reading through my copy of The Karmi of Oz an hour ago and got all sentimental. Things have been way different without you. ^_^ Come back soon.
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
Isn't it weird that whenever I don't update very often, my popularity rating goes up?
Anyway, it turns out that my father didn't take this computer into "the shop" a few days back. You see, whenever he used the computer, the Explorer-shutting-down issue wouldn't pop up. The computer remained here, but where was I? Why, I was playing Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. I sacrificed my precious online time to unintentionally make Raiden slip in bird poo over and over and over. And it was good.
Actually, I've been spending more time playing the VR Missions than doing the actual Sons of Liberty stuff, heh. The reason I play Metal Gear games is for the sneaking, and so as not to ruin the experience by playing some constant boss-after-boss killing spree, like in the last half of Twin Snakes, I ended up simply doing all of the Eliminate All and Stealth missions. It's good stuff, heh. I plan to buy the game eventually.
I also rented Rainbow Six 3, which, surprisingly, isn't too impressive in my opinion. Sure, I've only finished one mission, but still. If it doesn't grab me early on, I generally don't continue playing if I rented it. And there's no respawn in the multiplayer.. What's up with that? I watched my friend beat an entire mission on his half of the screen because he hid behind a box while I did all the shooting in a firefight.
People (*cough* AZURE *cough*) have been telling me that Raiden is a rather annoying character.. Well, he certainly isn't as cool as Snake, but he's at least tolerable. I'm glad that Snake is more important in the game than I had expected.. It wouldn't really seem like Metal Gear without the badass bandana.
And now, for some odd reason, my computer isn't being as stupid as it was before. It's starting up without me having to close RunOnce. That was rather worrying, actually. I'm glad that's over.
The "Which computer should I buy" project is due on Tuesday. Tomorrow and Monday will be filled with lots of typing outside of AIM.. Oh well. At least I have most of the research done, and it's not a miserably dull project. I'm going to enjoy flipping through consumer reports tomorrow, heh heh..
The only problem with that is that it gets me all obsessive compulsive with computers. For two straight weeks I talked about nothing but Alienware. Fun for me, yes, but not for those around me, who know nothing outside of HP and Dell.
I hope to get a customized Alienware Area 51 desktop computer with 1GB DDR RAM and 100GB Hard Drive.. But that's a rather obscure dream, if this computer is going to be nobody's but myself. With accessories and everything, the end total was around $2,500. That's quite a bit, eh?
Today I ended up going to the mall with friends.. I was the only non-Asian there, actually, and for quite a while I was the only guy there. We went to a wide variety of stores (well, it is the mall, after all), including many that I've never been in before, such as the Dickie's store, Sanrio Store, and the new Waldenbooks. It's technically not a new store; they just changed locations. I liked the original one more, though, because all of the manga wasn't crammed against a wall there, and you had room to actually sit down and read stuff. Not here, my friends. It took only two obsese thirty-year-old guys to take up all of the manga space today.
We also saw The Day After Tomorrow. It was.. Pretty good, I suppose. It didn't seem as cliche as people have been saying, though there were some scenes that were obviously leading to different scenes. The one person cut their leg, it was obvious they were going to almost-die by the end of the movie. They can't kill the love interest, after all.
And now I'm back here, at my computer, getting ready to go back to playing Substance. Good night.
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Yep, our computer is going down the toilet very quickly. My dad's taking it in to "the shop" tomorrow.. It may not be back for a day or two, so if you don't see or hear from me, you'll know why.
..I'll make up for this totally lame post as soon as I can. Sorry.
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Monday, May 24, 2004
So much to talk about.
I was going to update yesterday, but just as I was about to begin typing, my father called saying that he won tickets to "Arena Football" at the Staples Center. It turns out that I have a lot to talk about today, so my non-posting yesterday may be considered a good thing.
That is, if you like to hear me complain about stuff or praise things.
First off, you get a rant in which I complain about the idiocy of organized professional sports. Lucky you.
We drove down to The Staples Center counting all of the meth-heads as we passed them. I counted five, my brother counted two, and my dad found three. Two of them, both living on a hill by the 110 freeway, and one pulled down his pants and took off his jacket. We speculate that he was trying to show that he wasn't armed, but either way it was strange. We ended up at the home of The Lakers, The Clippers, and The Avengers (The Arena Football team) just as the game was starting, as the sun was setting. All of the real whack-jobs were coming out, from creepy gangstas passing out advertisements for their new albums (I got one for a CD called "Third Degree," and I threw it away not much later) to drag queen prostitute midgets. The delay while getting our tickets accepted took so long that they upgraded our seats to "Premium".. We went up an elevator to where all the sky boxes are, thinking we were going to get one of those, but it ended up being just high-up but good view seats. We probably could have snuck into a sky box, but [sarcasm] we certainly wouldn't want to miss the rest of the game. [/sarcasm] Seriously, though, it sucked. The players could hardly catch, the field was so small that I could probably throw the football from the endzone straight across to the other side, and every little "gimmick" such as having everybody "STAND WITH THE AVENGERS" or the thing where they distorted the faces of random audience members on the big screens.. It was all very predictable, and the half time show was even worse than our school's recent talent show (Which really, really, seriously sucked). I was very glad to leave there.
On the way back, we passed right by the Los Angeles Convention Center, which reminded me of E3 and how I can't go to it, followed by the Disney Concert Hall, which reminded me of the Final Fantasy concert held there a week or two ago which I didn't go to.
Today we went to the mall because I was getting tired of wearing the same five shirts to school every week. When we got there, my mother gave me forty dollars to spend on whatever shirts I could find. The first one was a Mario in-joke shirt that says "Know your mushrooms," followed by pictures of every mushroom found in the first three or four Mario games and their descriptions. I lucked out, somehow, and the shirt ended up being on sale, and the desk guy gave me a 15% off coupon. The total came to $6.48. The second shirt was found at Hot Topic, a store that I have only dared to set foot in on one other occasion. Fortunately for me, no "hardcore" Hot Topic-goers were there at the time. Just a bunch of obese people in bright colors laughing at all of the rude shirts. After much debate, I ended up buying a Family Guy shirt that says "There's an angry monkey in my closet" for eighteen bucks.. It's too bad they didn't have a good Zim shirt. I should have just bought a Nail Bunny shirt off Slave Labor's online store instead.
The highlight of the day, however, was in Albertson's, where I finally convinced my mother to rent Kill Bill Volume One. When we got home I immediately popped the disc into our sucky DVD player in our living room (the good one's in my parents' room). Right from the main menu I was amazed. I mean, I knew that Kill Bill had a distinct style to it, but it was pretty mind numbing to see more than just ten second clips of it. The opening scene was pretty shocking, and incredibly gripping. Even my mother, who is so anti-Tarantino, paid a lot of attention to the movie after seeing that first scene.
My favorite fight scene was the Gogo Yubari battle, of course, though the whole anime sequence was pretty impressive. I haven't seen a single sequence from Production I.G. that I didn't like. Ever.
I suppose Yubari was my favorite character overall, for some unexplainable reason, but I suppose it could most likely be traced to her disposition. The part where she asks the guy if he wants to screw her was funny, in my opinion. In a very sick and twisted way.
Only one movie theater in our town is showing Volume Two now, and I don't even know where that is. I suppose I should wait for it to come to the dollar theater, but who knows how long it will be until then.. I want them to un-bleep The Bride's name now. Even though I already know her name.. *ahem*
Oh, and I got the first Invader Zim DVD.. The first nine episodes are on two discs. It only cost fifteen dollars, which is a deal. I'm sure to watch at least the episode with Ultra Peepi twenty times more before I get bored of it, heh.
I have a book report due on Tuesday and I don't even know which book I'm going to read. *shudders*
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Wow, an update.. It can't be!
Yeah, I changed my entire myOtaku scheme today, colors and all, excluding my update font color.. I had everything done (more or less) last night, but the actual intro image turned out to be too large, so I had to resize it today and put it up. The avatar was up last night, but.. Nothing else was too different at the time.
I call this little scheme "Tokyo Pacing", though I'm not entirely sure why. I originally meant for the girl to be standing still while everything else is blurred from moving so quickly about behind her, but I couldn't find anything that worked well like that. So, I guess you could say that the pace of life that people take can vary from person to person. Some people move very quickly, and others take things slowly to take everything in. Unfortunately, most people today are worrying about getting to places on time to stop and notice the subtle, natural things. Japan, I think, is an interesting example of that. You have one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world in one place, and a few hours away you have really ancient, unchanged cities.
So, um.. Yeah.
I've noticed that, compared to a lot of members, I change my myOtaku theme a lot. I pump them out, sacrificing my normal attention to detail for some odd reason. Oftentimes I'll do something, keep it for a little while, get tired of it, and try to make something better, though I only end up making something worse.
This is why I ask you, my friends, to tell me what your favorite theme of mine (that you have seen) is. I just feel like getting some feedback would be good, so I can try to please the 'fans' a bit more.
..Yes, as you can tell, I'm very bored.
We did the high jump in PE the other day.. I was absent on the day of the preliminaries, and I still had to do it, so I ended up [trying to] jump over 3' 9" high poles. The second time I ended up landing on my hand, spraining two fingers on my left hand. It was rather painful the first day, but a few hours of physical therapy, aka typing, made everything much better. I still had to go to my piano lesson, though.. *sigh*
In other news, I seriously need to get a new computer soon. This poor little 98 HP could barely hold any more anime in it if it tried, and my campaign against the Spyware is starting again. I would appreciate some suggestions on what computer I should get next, if anybody has some valuable information.
Last night, for the first time, I truly realized the genius of Chappele's Show. "Trading Spouses", a parody skit, was something that even made my mom laugh. Dave Chappele is certainly a funny man, and his various voices just make everything even more hilarious. "Racial satire" is something that I seem to enjoy, just because of all of the lame stereotypes that frequent my school. When I watch this show, Homer Simpson's phrase "It's funny because it's true" comes to mind.
Of course, this doesn't mean I have a twisted conception of every single person of every single race. I just see certain individuals at my school through some of that show's characters, and it helps me just laugh at them. It's a good stress reliever.
I have three major Language Arts projects due in the next three weeks, so I had better start getting on that.. Argh.
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
It's been a while, eh?
Well, I wasn't on the computer for the past three or four days because we were at my grandmother's funeral in San Diego. On Thursday my dad spent hours waiting for my mother to finally get done with all of her makeup and such, and I spent most of the two-and-a-half hour trip listening to the FLCL soundtrack. Strangely enough, though, I fell asleep while listening to Advice. If you know what song this is, you know how strange that was.
We ended up getting there one hour before the viewing was over, sat around for a while, and I talked to crazy relatives who I don't even remember, and then left. The rest of that night was kind of a blur, actually- I think we went back to my aunt's house, ate some really good delivery pizza, and I got owned by my ten-year-old cousin at Madden 2004. That little Kentucky resident sure knows how to trash talk for someone so young..
On Saturday the actual funeral services were held. We drove about half an hour to a small, traditional, almost Puritan-style church with very plain wooden pues and such, and everything was rather short. The coffin was not actually brought to the church, because lugging it from the funeral home, which was right next to the graveyard, about 30 miles uphill over to the church and back seemed rather tedious.
We all headed over to the grave site, but waited for about half an hour because two of my uncles were caught in bad traffic. I don't exactly know how they spent thirty minutes in traffic. We really weren't that far away..
Anyway, when it finally started, my father, my uncles and two of my cousins carried the casket (on a little rolling thing) about twenty feet to the site, the priest man did his thing with the "holy dirt", we all dropped flowers in. My mother, who basically despised my grandmother during most of their in-law-ness, was crying, which surprised me.
Again we were back at my aunt's house, playing Xbox (And some PS2. I brought it with me) and doing nothing in particular. My father was very testy most of the day, probably because if we breathed or weren't taking the dog out for a walk we were distracting him from his thinking. We ended up going to Fry's Electronics (Two times and counting), and I exchanged the expansion to Age of Mythology for store credit. I couldn't really find anything to buy.. Maybe I should have bought a new mouse or something for this computer. I was in a rather pissy mood for the rest of the night, considering that Fry's has the thick foam DDR pads for 70 dollars instead of 100, and the stupid tax refund hasn't come yet (It's been three or four weeks now).
On Saturday we went down to La Jolla, a jolly little area by the ocean where my father allegedly spent his high school days. At first, when things were sunny, I was bored and angry. Then, as the clouds started setting in, I got in a more jovial mood and watched my father and uncle jump the fence to "Dead Man's Cliff", remembering their scuba diving around the area.. The entire area was covered in seafood restaurants, but we ended up eating stupid sandwiches at some deli instead. I swear, we ate so many sandwiches between Thursday and Saturday, I couldn't eat one more.. So I refused to eat one, my parents got angry when I bought nothing but a cream soda (a good one, too), and we went on our merry way. My cousins, brother and aunt all watched Spiderman and Big Fat Liar on a portable DVD player in our car, as I sat there reading Foxtrot anthologies..
When we got back people were heading out to get some food from Panda Express, and I felt a very strong obligation to go along. Mostly in the stomach region. But I won't get into that. I had to share a three-entree plate with my two cousins and my brother, and they all shared my drink. I never quite got enough food there. After all, they actually wanted their fortune cookies. That was a big shocker for me. Nobody I ever eat with wants the actual cookie.
And so we went back, played more Xbox, I picked up Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 relatively quickly, and had one hell of a time. We ended up leaving San Diego around midnight, and we got home at three in the morning. I immediately hit the proverbial sack, waking up seven hours later to catch up on all the things I've missed on the net.
It seems that all of my myOtaku posts end up being about stuff in real life. Does that bother anyone? Should I try to put more rants about things that bother me on here, or should I continue with these real-life summaries? I'm sure they get boring after a while..
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
It's Christmas in May..

..Yes, this is essentially how I feel right now.
I've spent almost all of my time on the computer for the past two days on the looking at all of the new developments and such from E3. This is the first Electronics Entertainment Expo since they first announced the "Nintendo Dolphin" all those years ago that has gotten me all giddy.
I think this is mainly because I only purchased a PlayStation 2 a few weeks ago, so I have a wider variety of stuff to look after and anticipate. All of the sequels and continuations coming out, such as the new Legend of Zelda, and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, are also exciting me. I've had a very happy, giddy feeling about me for two days now.
One of my biggest excitements, for some unexplainable reason, is the PlayStation Portable. Something strange about it is really intriguing to me. Maybe it's that handheld game consoles have finally made the transition to CDs, or that the graphical capabilities have skyrocketed.. Either way, I'm certainly hoping to buy a PSP a little while after they're released. The technological specs are good, yes, but according to IGN, many of the titles in progress are.. Puzzle games. *shudders* Square Enix is making one, though there are absolutely no details about it, and Metal Gear: Acid is shaping to be interesting. Card-based RPG-strategy stealth.. It'll be cool.
Nintendo Dual Screen is turning out to be somewhat of a letdown for me. The Super Mario 64 port and Metroid Hunters seem like a continuation of what Final Fantasy started with Nintendo- Games with very little to them outside of multiplayer. They may just be little games created to show off the multiplayer capabilities of the DS, but I'm still not very pleased. From what I've seen, only the Dual Screen Wario Ware has relatively impressed me.
Ever since I first came to IGN, I thought that all video files were exclusive to IGN-insider members. Late last night, however, I finally realized that only the Quicktime files are. The Windows Media Player files are open to anyone. And now I am very happy.
..Okay, time to exit crazy ranting gamer mode. I know a lot of what I have just said is simply stuff I assumed, but I don't quite have too much else to go off of, now do I?
I get out of school tomorrow and Friday. I'll write about it later. G'night.
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