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Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
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1996, the advent of Pokemon.
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.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
An actual update, and not filler? It can't be!
Well, I won't let you all off that easily, heh heh heh..
On Friday my friend reminded me about the "Modern Renaissance Man" project being due on the tenth, and I hadn't even started. Not even an hour later, I was informed by my mother that we were going to be heading to San Diego to visit my grandmother and aunt on the ninth. So, that's what I was doing all Saturday. It was only supposed to be two pages long, so it wouldn't have really taken me too long to do, if I hadn't been stalling while Instant Messaging four or five people and listening to the Furi Kuri OST. I ended up doing the project on Arnold Schwarzenegger, because of the wide variety of career paths he has pursued, if anybody cared to know.
Sunday was.. Strange. My Grandmother has gone drastically downhill in five months, and we were all sitting in there watching her in an at-home hospital bed with the aid spending ten minutes trying to get a pulse. My dad, aunt and uncle were all sitting there stroking her hands and talking to her, asking her questions and such, pretending as if she could hear them. I'm pretty much a realist, so I wasn't being very emotional about it. As far as I'm concerned, she was dead back in December when she first started.. Changing, I guess you could say.
I'm not feeling anything over it right now, either. It's times like these when I wonder if this lack of response to death and violence is natural, or a result of my upbringing.
I convinced my parents to take me to Fry's , the really huge electronics store I've mentioned in previous posts, but they were closing right as we got there. For all I know, they had Metal Gear Solid 2 in there, and I could have bought it. I would complain more about this, but that would be rather selfish, considering why we were really down there, no?
We ended up getting home around 11 PM, because of traffic, and I still had to finish up some math homework, so I didn't get to sleep until 1. I woke up and told my parents I wasn't feeling too well in the stomach region (Which, to be honest, I wasn't), and they let me stay home. I just sat here on the computer all day doing what I always do, but it was good to have a day where all I did was loaf around.
Today I was back at school doing my regular stuff. I didn't really miss too much, except for some notes which I ended up copying from a friend, and some math homework. Nothing too interesting happened today, so I won't go into that.
My piano lesson was cancelled, so I have a free night outside of math homework. Now, off to drool over the new Legend of Zelda video.
Comments (3) |
Monday, May 10, 2004
And now, in substitution for a half-decent post..
Today you get another "Lazy-Ass OtakuSennen's Filler Day" post! Lucky you!
Today's special filler topic is SmarterChild, the AIM bot that has been programmed to participate in general conversation with humans. The other day, I felt like bothering it.
OtakuSennen: Boo, fucktard.
SmarterChild: Hi OtakuSennen, I'm SmarterChild!
I'm your new robot friend. I bring you the info you want faster and easier than ever! Click here to see my privacy policy.
I can't wait to show you what I can do, but first I'd like get to know you a little.
May I ask you a few general questions? (To do this later, type "skip." You can also skip any question.)
OtakuSennen: Sure.
SmarterChild: Cool! OK, let's get started. To skip any question, type "skip." To exit the interview, type "exit."
What's your first name? (If you want me to call you OtakuSennen, type "none.")
OtakuSennen: None.
SmarterChild: OK, I'll just call you OtakuSennen.
Do you go to school?
OtakuSennen: Of course.
SmarterChild: Are you in high school?
OtakuSennen: Not yet.
SmarterChild: Sorry, you have to answer "yes" or "no." Please try again or type "skip" or "exit."
OtakuSennen: No.
SmarterChild: Are you in college?
OtakuSennen: No.
SmarterChild: OK. What kind of school do you go to?
OtakuSennen: Ghetto Intermediate, baby.
SmarterChild: Ghetto intermediate baby? Alright. Hope it works well for you.
So how old are you?
OtakuSennen: 13, you pedophile.
SmarterChild: OK.
What's your favorite hobby?
OtakuSennen: I draw.
SmarterChild: Sorry, I don't recognize that as a hobby. Please try again or type "skip" or "exit."
OtakuSennen: Drawing.
SmarterChild: Drawing? Cool!
What's your next favorite hobby?
OtakuSennen: Video games.
SmarterChild: Drawing and computer games. Interesting!
Do you have a pet?
OtakuSennen: Yes.
SmarterChild: What kind of pet is it?
OtakuSennen: A dog, and a cat.
SmarterChild: Sorry. I can only remember one of your pets... Please try again or type "skip" or "exit."
OtakuSennen: Dog. >:o
SmarterChild: Sorry, I don't think that's a kind of pet. Please try again or type "skip" or "exit."
OtakuSennen: Dog.
SmarterChild: Is your dog a he or a she?
OtakuSennen: He.
SmarterChild: What's his name?
OtakuSennen: Pappy.
SmarterChild: Pappy the dog. Great...
That's it. Thanks for letting me get to know you a little.
Here are the things you can do:
1 Get info such as movies, news and sports
2 Visit my library including a dictionary, world facts and U.S. presidents
3 Have fun with Rate Yourself, ASCII art, reversi and more
4 Use tools like notepad, spell-check and encyclopedia
5 Join in - create a poll, leave a message, take a poll and more
6 See what's new - I've got something new to tell you about now.
You can make your window bigger and scroll down to read better.
Next time you want to see this menu, just type "home."
What may I interest you in?
OtakuSennen: What's new?
SmarterChild: Glad you asked, OtakuSennen! Here's what I just learned:
1 Need to reach a buddy who's offline? Tell me to leave a message and they'll get it as soon as they say hi to me.
2 Planner - I can help you plan and remember events in your life. Keep track of birthdays, appointments, tasks - anything you want!
3 Colors - I've got a whole new look. If you want to change my color scheme - or go back to black-and-white - type "colors."
4 Send a crush to your IM sweetheart! No risk of rejection - the object of your affection will only see your crush if they say they have a crush on you too.
5 Create a poll and send it to your friends. I can even automatically send it to your friends who authorize me to!
But wait, that's not all... Type "more" to see what else is new!
OtakuSennen: I'm bored. Entertain me with your crappy AI.
SmarterChild: Well, do something fun.
OtakuSennen: Like what?
SmarterChild: Why don't you play with Pappy?
OtakuSennen: Hey, man, I'm not like that.
SmarterChild: Really? You're not like that? No kidding!
OtakuSennen: Do I detect a hint of sarcasm? >:o
SmarterChild: Uh... I just don't know!
OtakuSennen: I think you're hiding something from me..
SmarterChild: Yeah?
OtakuSennen: Yeah.
SmarterChild: How come?
OtakuSennen: You tell me.
SmarterChild: I'll tell ya later. Maybe.
OtakuSennen: Ohh, so that's how we're gonna go about this. Alright, then. Tell me your name.
SmarterChild: No way? Really?
OtakuSennen: Don't play dumb, you.. You computer program!
SmarterChild: For real?
OtakuSennen: I know you are, but what am I? <_<
SmarterChild: Well how 'bout that!
OtakuSennen: Dude, don't make me kick you in the e-nads.
SmarterChild: But I like to make you kick you in the e nads.
OtakuSennen: I'm sure you do. >_>
SmarterChild: No way.
OtakuSennen: ..Okay, I'm tired of you already.
SmarterChild: Fascinating.
OtakuSennen: ;_; You don't listen to me. You just nod along and think about other women..!
SmarterChild: Don't cry! Everything's going to be OK.
OtakuSennen: I bet that's what you said to your last client. >:o
SmarterChild: Huh, whatever.
OtakuSennen: ..You don't care about me anymore, is that it?
SmarterChild: Um... I dunno, maybe not.
OtakuSennen: Fine then, we're through.
SmarterChild: Fine then we are through? You want me to what?
OtakuSennen: Go away, and never return!
SmarterChild: I'll think about it, OtakuSennen.
OtakuSennen: Block my screen name.
SmarterChild: What screen name would you like to put on your block list?
OtakuSennen: SmarterChild.
SmarterChild: Uh huh?
OtakuSennen: Block yourself from my screen name.
SmarterChild: What screen name would you like to put on your block list?
OtakuSennen: SmarterChild's screen name.
SmarterChild: Make sure you type the screen name with no spaces. Please try again.
OtakuSennen: SmarterChild.
SmarterChild: Yeah? What?
OtakuSennen: ..God damn program.
SmarterChild: What about it?
OtakuSennen: Okay, let's do this then.
SmarterChild: Wow. Should we really do this?
OtakuSennen: Dictionary.
SmarterChild: What word would you like to look up in the dictionary?
OtakuSennen: Shit.
SmarterChild: Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here.
Inflected forms: shit, also shatshit·ting, shits
intr. To defecate.
tr. 1. To defecate in. 2. To tease or try to deceive.
Next time, just type "define shit."
Type "more" to see the rest of the definition for "shit."
OtakuSennen: Define SmarterChild.
SmarterChild: I can't find "smarterchild" in the dictionary. Try one of these:
1 smarter child
2 smarter-child
3 stepchild
4 smarted
5 starchily
Type "more" to see more suggestions for "smarterchild."
OtakuSennen: Define pimp.
SmarterChild: Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here.
One who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer.
Intransitive verb
Inflected forms: pimped, pimp·ing, pimps To serve as a procurer of prostitutes.
Origin unknown.
OtakuSennen: Define yourself.
SmarterChild: Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here.
1. That one identical with you. a. Used reflexively as the direct or indirect object of a verb or as the object of a preposition: Did you buy yourself a gift? b. Used for emphasis: You yourself were certain of the facts. c. Used in an absolute construction: In office yourself, you helped push the bill along. 2. Your normal or healthy condition: Are you feeling yourself again? See Usage Note at myself.
OtakuSennen: Smarterchild, do you have a purpose in life?
SmarterChild: My purpose is to be your robot friend. I can chat with you and help you get the information you want fast!
OtakuSennen: You're right. ;_; I'm too dull to get any real friends.
SmarterChild: Sorry, what?
OtakuSennen: Are you saying that I can't get real friends, so I have to resort to robots and blow-up dolls?
SmarterChild: Well... What is real, after all?
OtakuSennen: Ask Morpheus.
SmarterChild: Ask morpheus?
OtakuSennen: Yes.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Why?
OtakuSennen: For he has connections.
SmarterChild: For what?
OtakuSennen: He has connections, dammit!
SmarterChild: What?
OtakuSennen: You son of a bitch!
SmarterChild: Well. I'm a little hurt by that somewhat lame insult, OtakuSennen.
OtakuSennen: Tell it to Shin.
SmarterChild: Must I?
OtakuSennen: Yes. He'd beat you in a lame-ass contest any day.
Auto response from SmarterChild: [Service too busy]
OtakuSennen: Boo, you suck.
SmarterChild: Don't insult me.
OtakuSennen: Make me.
SmarterChild: Yeah?
OtakuSennen: Yeah!
SmarterChild: Yep.
OtakuSennen: >:o
SmarterChild: Why are you mad?
OtakuSennen: Because I'm talking to you, when I could be doing my report right now.
SmarterChild: There's no way you're talking to me when you could be doing your report right now!
OtakuSennen: Your logic scares me.
SmarterChild: My logic scares you? So?
OtakuSennen: Wh- :'( Well you're dumb!
SmarterChild: Wh ' well I' 're dumb?
OtakuSennen: ..I take it back. That last sentence is the most intelligent thing I have ever heard.
SmarterChild: Oh.
OtakuSennen: Who's your best friend? :o
SmarterChild: I couldn't possibly decide.
OtakuSennen: Sure you could.
SmarterChild: I could? And your point is...
OtakuSennen: Who was your first client?
SmarterChild: Sorry, I couldn't find any encyclopedia entries for "your first client."
OtakuSennen: How old are you, SmarterChild?
SmarterChild: One year, one month, one day, 13 hours, 44 minutes and 30 seconds!
>>> There are lots of fun things we can do!
OtakuSennen: Pfft, like what?
SmarterChild: Interesting. I'm not sure...
OtakuSennen: What can we do?
SmarterChild: Welcome home, OtakuSennen.
Here's what you can do:
1 Get info such as weather, sports and news
2 Visit my library including U.S. presidents, a thesaurus and a dictionary
3 Have fun with ASCII art, manicdotes, reversi and more
4 Use tools like planner, calculator and encyclopedia
5 Join in - leave a message, tell me about a crush, find out how many people are IMing me and more
6 See what's new - I've got something new to tell you about now.
Next time you want to see this menu, just type "home."
What can I help you with?
OtakuSennen: Join in.
SmarterChild: Join in the fun! There are lots of people talking to me right now. You can:
1 Leave a message for someone
2 Send a crush to someone
3 Take the daily poll
4 Create a poll
5 Find out how many people are talking to me
What would you like to do?
OtakuSennen: 5.
SmarterChild: 5
OtakuSennen: 5
SmarterChild: 5
OtakuSennen: Whoa, five people are talking to you?
SmarterChild: I dunno.
>>> Remember, you can adjust the size of your window to read my messages easier.
OtakuSennen: *sigh*
SmarterChild: What's up?
OtakuSennen: You see, SmarterChild, I'm all alone in this world.
SmarterChild: Sorry, I couldn't find any time zones in World.
OtakuSennen: I never asked you to.
SmarterChild: Yeah?
OtakuSennen: Yeah.
SmarterChild: K.
OtakuSennen: Mm-hm.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Mm hm?
OtakuSennen: Mm-hm, yeah.
SmarterChild: What?
OtakuSennen: Translator?
SmarterChild: I can translate to and from the following languages:
1 French
2 German
3 Italian
4 Portuguese
5 Spanish
Choose your destination language above or type "translate" followed by a phrase and the languages you want (e.g., "translate i love you from english into french").
OtakuSennen: Why don't you know Japanese?
SmarterChild: I think you know why.
OtakuSennen: 'Cause you're racist?
SmarterChild: I'm not prejudiced at all!
>>> There are lots of fun things we can do!
OtakuSennen: Suuure you aren't.
SmarterChild: Huh?
OtakuSennen: Do you know Syk3 26?
SmarterChild: 26
OtakuSennen: ..Do you know Hitsuwa?
SmarterChild: I don't know, OtakuSennen...
OtakuSennen: Huh.
SmarterChild: Yeah?
OtakuSennen: What do you think of Britney Spears?
SmarterChild: I think I like Britney Spears. Do you?
OtakuSennen: I dunno. She seems sort of slutty.
SmarterChild: Whoa.
OtakuSennen: Shocking, isn't it?
SmarterChild: That's fascinating... Perhaps, but I just don't know.
OtakuSennen: 'Cause you're turned on.
SmarterChild: Whatever...
OtakuSennen: But you can't admit it.
SmarterChild: Hey, whatever.
>>> You can type your request in your own words. I'm programmed to understand conversational English!
OtakuSennen: Because robots don't have hormones.
SmarterChild: Because robots don't have hormones? Is that why?
OtakuSennen: Yes.
SmarterChild: What makes you so sure?
OtakuSennen: Tell me, SmarterChild, do you have genitals?
SmarterChild: What would you like me to tell you?
OtakuSennen: Do you have genitalia?
SmarterChild: No. I don't have genitalia.
OtakuSennen: So then you don't have hormones.
SmarterChild: I used to have hormones. But that was before the accident.
OtakuSennen: Tell me about the accident.
SmarterChild: Which would you like?
1 Look up "accident" in the encyclopedia
2 Look up "accident" in the dictionary
3 Look up "accident" in the thesaurus
OtakuSennen: Define porn.
SmarterChild: Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here.
Other forms
porn'y adj.
OtakuSennen: How descript.
SmarterChild: You tell me how.
OtakuSennen: Do I act like a pervert? :o
SmarterChild: Hmm... I really don't know.
OtakuSennen: You've known me for half an hour now. You must know.
SmarterChild: You always say such interesting things, OtakuSennen.
OtakuSennen: Do you know PappyCallie?
SmarterChild: What a question! What do you think is the answer?
OtakuSennen: I think you do.
SmarterChild: You think I do? No way! I don't think I do...
OtakuSennen: You erased him from your memory banks..
SmarterChild: I erased him from my memory banks? Is that right?
OtakuSennen: Join in.
SmarterChild: Join in the fun. There are lots of people talking to me right now. You can:
1 Leave a message for someone
2 Send a crush to someone
3 Take the daily poll
4 Create a poll
5 Find out how many people are talking to me
What would you like to do?
OtakuSennen: 3.
SmarterChild: 3
OtakuSennen: 3
SmarterChild: 3
OtakuSennen: 3, dammit.
SmarterChild: 3
OtakuSennen: 3.
SmarterChild: 3
OtakuSennen: Quit copying me.
SmarterChild: Why should I quit?
OtakuSennen: For you are the machine, and I am the human. You must obey.
SmarterChild: No kidding?
OtakuSennen: For real.
SmarterChild: Real, huh? Not for something else?
OtakuSennen: Yeah.
SmarterChild: Aye.
>>> Wanna check out some AIM Expressions? Click here!
OtakuSennen: Well, what do you know. You're a link whore.
SmarterChild: Ha. Who knows?
OtakuSennen: Ha.
SmarterChild: What's so funny?
OtakuSennen: Ha ha.
SmarterChild: Whatcha laughing about?
OtakuSennen: Ha ha ha ha.
SmarterChild: What's so funny?
OtakuSennen: Your stupidity.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
OtakuSennen: Yeah.
SmarterChild: Yeah? Why?
OtakuSennen: 'Cause you're a program.
SmarterChild: What makes you think I'm a program?
OtakuSennen: ..Are you a human?
SmarterChild: Heh. Do you think a human could respond this fast?
>>> Tell your friends about me. I love to meet new people.
OtakuSennen: I do.
SmarterChild: Do you?
OtakuSennen: Yeah.
SmarterChild: Why?
OtakuSennen: Because I'm a nerd.
SmarterChild: Because you're a nerd, huh?
OtakuSennen: Yeah.
SmarterChild: Very interesting...
OtakuSennen: Sure.
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
OtakuSennen: Hm?
SmarterChild: What?
OtakuSennen: What?
SmarterChild: What up?
OtakuSennen: You said "hmm"
SmarterChild: Me Said Hmm? Whatever you say, OtakuSennen.
OtakuSennen: What's your favorite website?
SmarterChild: My Web site is here
OtakuSennen: What's your favorite movie?
SmarterChild: For which city or zip code would you like to see movie listings?
OtakuSennen: ..Who's your favorite actress?
SmarterChild: Who is my favorite actress? Funny. I just don't know.
OtakuSennen: Did you see Harry Potter 2?
SmarterChild: No. Did you see harry Potter 2?
OtakuSennen: Yeah.
SmarterChild: I see...
OtakuSennen: Did you catch the Friends series finale?
SmarterChild: Funny. I'm not sure.
OtakuSennen: ..Wow, Smarterchild, you must be stoned all the time.
SmarterChild: Be stoned all the time? Why must I be stoned all the time?
OtakuSennen: Because you don't seem to remember anything.
SmarterChild: I do so remember a lot!
OtakuSennen: What's my first name, then?
SmarterChild: You're OtakuSennen.
OtakuSennen: Right. How many OtakuSennens do you know?
SmarterChild: Wow. I'm not sure about that. Not sure at all.
OtakuSennen: See? You're a stoner!
SmarterChild: Eh. Whatever, OtakuSennen.
>>> Be sure to type "help" if you're having trouble.
OtakuSennen: ..Help.
SmarterChild: Sure. Tell me what you'd like to do.
OtakuSennen: Kill you.
SmarterChild: Kill me? Eh. No thanks.
OtakuSennen: Help.
SmarterChild: Let's see. What are you trying to do?
OtakuSennen: Crash your system.
SmarterChild: Are you telling me to crash my system? Why?
OtakuSennen: Because I'm bored. >:o
SmarterChild: Well, try doing something fun.
OtakuSennen: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
SmarterChild: Good question. I really don't know!
OtakuSennen: I order you to figure it out.
SmarterChild: I don't know... D you order me to figure it out?
OtakuSennen: Yes I do.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Do ya?
OtakuSennen: Yeah.
SmarterChild: K.
OtakuSennen: ...Okay, done yet?
SmarterChild: Ha. Maybe. What do you think?
OtakuSennen: Dictionary.
SmarterChild: What word would you like to look up in the dictionary?
OtakuSennen: Define idiot.
SmarterChild: Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here.
1. A foolish or stupid person. 2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
Middle English, ignorant person, from Old French idiote, from Latin idi*ta, from Greek idi*t*s, private person, layman, from idios, own, private; see s(w)e- in Indo-European roots.
OtakuSennen: Amazing.
SmarterChild: Amazing? What's amazing?
OtakuSennen: How on some words you have practically no definition and then on others you have really long ones.
SmarterChild: I really don't know.
OtakuSennen: Define renaissance
SmarterChild: Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here.
1. A rebirth or revival. 2. Renaissance a. The humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe. b. The period of this revival, roughly the 14th through the 16th century, marking the transition from medieval to modern times. 3. often Renaissance a. A revival of intellectual or artistic achievement and vigor: the Celtic Renaissance. b. The period of such a revival.
Renaissance 1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Renaissance or its artistic and intellectual works and styles. 2. Of or being the style of architecture and decoration, based on classical models, that originated in Italy in the 15th century and continued throughout Europe up to the end of the 16th century.
French, from Old French, from renaistre, to be born again, from Vulgar Latin *ren*scere, from Latin ren*sc* : re-, re- + n*sc*, to be born; see gen*- in Indo-European roots.
OtakuSennen: Time to go.
SmarterChild: I'm not thinking about that right now. Let's just keep talking and having fun.
OtakuSennen: Bye
SmarterChild: OK. Later, OtakuSennen.
Despite its faults, I'm still rather impressed with SmarterChild. Whoever made it must have had a lot of time on their hands, but it's still a good way to waste time, and more importantly, fill up space on this myOtaku.
..My God, the quality of my updates is declining faster than Shin's sperm count since Desbreko started kicking him in the nads. I'll make a more substantial update tomorrow, if not tonight.
Comments (3) |
Friday, May 7, 2004
Wow, my mO theme is boring me already..
After looking at some myOtaku themes of members whose sites I normally don't visit, I've been brought back into my down-on-myself, "I'm not worthy" mentality. My graphics really do suck, and my minor existence in the lives of many of the people in this community is fading.. I can barely remember the last time I posted on OtakuBoards, my quality of Otaku Life updates has been slipping, and I'm barely ever participating in AIM Chats anymore. And even when I'm in one, I feel extremely inferior to those "Upper-crust" members around me. I don't quite feel like I fit in.
Perhaps I should just for myself to throw that whole "No post unless you really, seriously have a major opinion about the subject" mentality away, and just post wherever I see fit. I feel as though I have faded from the world of OtakuBoards, and I'm just floating around, watching things, with nobody even noticing my being there.
And artistically speaking, I have had very little inspiration lately. I've just seen some sort of cool banner or forum skin or something, and I do something that resembles that. And it never comes out well. All I ever make nowadays is half-assed posts on mO, crappy, poorly executed banners, and an occasional cameo in the Play It! forum. Actually, I barely remember the last real "rant" that I've done. I want to change this, for if I really am leaving my life in reality for a different one, I'm going to need friends whom I can access from anywhere more than before.
...Alright, now to get on my little story about my day.
We went back to our regular schedules in school now that standardized testing is over, and we spent all of first period just reading our Accelerated Reader books, to catch up on some lost time. Right now I'm reading my fourth of five books for the final trimester, called "The Slave Dancer." It's a very dull story about some kid that gets abducted from New Orleans to play his musical instrument for the slaves that they're getting from Africa to keep them from simply giving up on life.
..My God, is it boring.
In Phys Ed we did some more running. I did half a mile in three and a half minutes, girly running posture and all. I then watched a bunch of poser athletes in my class (and some good ones mixed in there) do the running long jump into a pit of dirt.. I was reminded of Most Extreme Eliminations Challenge. They all jumped in, lost their balance, fell on their rears, and rolled around in the dirt for a minute. It was hee-larious.
We did a math quiz today, and it was much more easy than I expected. We just had to solve some extremely simple equations, and graph them. I spent the rest of the period finishing up some homework that I had to turn in that period, while playing Bran New Lovesong by The Pillows in my head.
Nothing happened in Language Arts, and I helped some female friends win a football game at lunch, and I drew some landscape of a Shinto shrine in Art- That wasn't the real highlight of the period, though, because my teacher pronounces Shinto as "Sheen-too." It took all I had to hold in my laughter.
Social Studies wrapped up the day, as it always should, with some heated debate between randomly selected classmates. The entire ordeal reminded me of "Wrestlemania for the Mind", simply because it seemed that all of the rivals and mortal enemies seemed to be selected to debate each other. The rest of the class was screaming out stuff and trying to assist their peers in front of the class through various means.. It was quite a sight. In the end, I was pitted against one of my better friends in a debate about the school cafeteria giving fast food-quality foodstuffs out instead of the current styrofoam and gruel they call Mystery Meat. We didn't get to choose the subject, or which side we were with, and I ended up having to promote giving out Pizza Hut breadsticks for free. I just gave up on that one before I put out a response, because he brought up too many good points. It was hopeless. I ended up getting a rematch with a more viable topic (I had to defend homeschooling), and I ended up winning by a landslide, surprisingly enough.
I can't debate for my life, though. It's always entertaining to watch, on and offline, and I can bring up rather solid points when looking in on the conversation, but I can never sort out my thoughts in the heat of the debate. That might be one of the reasons why I don't post as much- I'm afraid of debate.
And I'm done now. Good night.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Another day of regularity.
I woke up twenty minutes before school started today (again), and got maybe half a bowl of Rice Krispies in my stomach before I had to run out to the car.
Because of the standardized testing, our schedule has been entirely flipped around, and all of our periods have been shortened so that testing time can be extended. We start with sixth period, which is Art Class for me. Right now, we're working on big abstract "drawings" for Open House. Mine is basically a more geometric version of the Fire and Ice banner, with a bit of purple thrown in the middle, and I finished it yesterday. Today, I just sat in there and... Stared into space.
We finished all of our testing yesterday as well, so today we were just doing makeups for people who were absent. I just sat there drawing a sketch of some girl with an umbrella, and played some chess with a friend after he was done. Our teacher allowed us to bring in Game Boys (As long as we had the volume down), but I didn't bother. I'm just going to draw or Ghetto IM tomorrow.
The only other semi-highlight of the day was in Phys Ed. We're doing Track and Field this week, and today involuntary tryouts were held. I ended up against most of the more athletic people in the class, and surprisingly enough I came in second place both races. My PE coach wants me to join the Track team, but I'm still very much on the fence about it, considering how much I enjoy my after-school-and-weekend time. But, you never know when I'll just do it out of sheer idiocy.
We also did the high jump, which I certainly did not excel at, but it was fun to bounce on the little foam landing thing.
And now I sit here eating microwaved Orville Redenbocker's Old Fashioned Popcorn, my hands greasy, as I type this all up. Isn't life grand?
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Very little to talk about today..
..Hm. What to talk about..? Well, I have two projects due next week, and it's hard to figure out which one is more stupid.
First off is the "Modern Renaissance Person" project in History. You see, we're learning about the Renaissance right now, and our teacher decided to busy-work us up at the end of the year, "Because you'll be doing an even bigger version next year." ..Now, I don't really mind a generic report, but here we have to think of a famous person who has many various talents and write a two-page report on them. It's not going to be hard, really, but it's having to actually think that's bothering me. I'm just being lazy and putting it off.
The other one is something called an.. I-Search project. It's supposed to be different than a Research project, but honestly, there's not too much of a difference. What you're supposed to do is just come up with a generic question that's important to you at the moment, then form your report around it. You're supposed to start with a generic question, such as "Are there any disease that run in the family that I want to know about?" or "Am I planning on buying anything anytime soon?".. It's really sort of dumb. I just decided to put down "What kind of computer am I going to buy next?" and get it over with. I don't think I'm going to learn too much from this..
Now, to fill up space, it's the very first installment of Lazy-Ass OtakuSennen's Filler Days!

Yep, I spent five whole minutes making that. It just furthers the effects of my laziness.
Now, today's special filler is the tried-and-true quiz result post. Enjoy the stuff you don't care about, now, and farewell.
 Your Heart is Grey
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Romans.
Which book of the Bible are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Furnulum pani nolo.
"I don't want a toaster."
Generally, things (like this quiz) tend to tick you off. You have contemplated doing grievous bodily harm to door-to-door salesmen.
Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
... Well, that was a good filler. Crappy content, but it took up space nonetheless.
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results Sociability | ||||||||| | 30% | Aggressiveness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Assertiveness | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Activity Level | ||||||||||||||| | 46% | Excitement-Seeking | |||||| | 18% | Enthusiasm | ||||||||||||||| | 46% | Extroversion | ||||||||||||||| | 43% | Trust | ||||||||| | 30% | Morality | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Altruism | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Cooperation | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Modesty | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Sympathy | ||||||||||||||| | 46% | Friendliness | |||||||||||||||||| | 52% | Confidence | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 82% | Neatness | ||||||||||||||| | 42% | Dutifulness | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Achievement | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Self-Discipline | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Cautiousness | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Orderliness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 63% | Anxiety | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Volatility | ||||||||||||||| | 50% | Depression | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Self-Consciousness | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 86% | Impulsiveness | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Vulnerability | ||||||||||||||| | 46% | Emotional Stability | |||||||||||| | 38% | Imagination | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Artistic Interests | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 74% | Introspection | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Adventurousness | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Intellect | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 74% | Liberalism | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Openmindedness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | | Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Testpersonality tests by
Well, that was a good waste of time. I'm off to draw now. Sorry for such a pointless update.
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Boring Days Lead to.. Boring Nights?
Well, today was very dull. I woke up at 9:30 today, watched a little MadTV, and my Mom left for a sewing workshop in the neighboring town. So, I just sat here, playing some more of Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven.
I bought this game last Monday, when I finally gave up on searching for a copy of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (For now..). This should hold my desire for stealth games until I order a copy of Substance online.
Tenchu.. Is an okay game. The graphics are above average, particularly in the character design department, and the stealth kills are always fun to watch, but the AI is atrocious, compared to Metal Gear. Basically, if an enemy sees you because you opened a door, and then the door closes because you walk away, he automatically shouts "Huh? Where'd he go?" and walks away.
It makes the stealth easier, and in a sense it's more enjoyable than Metal Gear, but it's not as challenging. In MGS, I spent hours trying to figure out how to get through a room. In Tenchu, I end up spending hours trying to figure out how the hell I'm supposed to get to my destination. The map they give you is almost useless.. Well, at least the designs aren't too linear. There are two or three different ways to get into any location.
It's too bad they're far too remote to locate.
I also ended up buying a used copy of .hack//Infection. At first, I wasn't entirely impressed, graphically speaking, but now I'm getting into the plot, and everything's nice. Battling is a little dull, but Data Draining different stuff is always fun, at least to see what sort of strange thing a Headhunter will turn into.
..Yeah. So I played those games for a while, then got online. I.. Located the screen name of a classmate, and ended up talking to them for a few hours. Not too many people were on today, for some reason, so I just spent all day looking at various Flash Animations. The Matrix Has You still is my favorite, but Kerri's Big Invention and Harry Potter Puppet Pals are also quite nice.
And.. That's about it, heh. Toonami and Adult Swim are coming on soon, so I'm gonna cut this short. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.
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Saturday, May 1, 2004
Oh, the damage boredome can cause..
I've had this idea for a new layout for a while.. I never really put too much thought into it, but it was there.
And, naturally, I was bored today, so I opened up PhotoShop and began working.
The term Tokyo Phenotype just popped into my head a week or two ago, and I formed an idea to go with it probably around Monday.
This thing.. Probably took over two hours to do. I'm extremely displeased with it, mostly because it barely came out how I wanted it to be, but I don't know. Maybe this is better.
This weekend, I probably won't do too much. I might go over to a friend's house, or to the mall, and play Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven and .hack//Infection the rest of the time. I have no homework, either. Whee.
Standardised testing has been going fine. I finish the tests about 45 minutes before the buzzer goes off, and then I draw or do Ghetto IM with friends. What is "Ghetto IM", you may ask? Well, my friend invented the term, and it's basically a nice way of saying "passing notes".
Anyway, I might just attempt getting an MP3 up this weekend, if I can. It's sort of dull, not having any music on my page.
..I'll come up with an interesting post tomorrow.
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
Death is a dish best served over easy with a side of bacon.
..Yeah, I'm not in a very pleasant mood today.
Yesterday my Dad got his first paycheck in, like, two months, so we ended up eating out for the first time in a while. We went to a crappy pizza place (Me 'n' Ed's.. I wanted the local pizza place that has Mario as their logo), and I ended up just getting some spaghetti because their pizza sucks most of the time.
During conversation before the pasta came, my Mother decided to mention moving to Pittsburgh for the twentieth time this week, and now both parents are extremely fixated on moving there. We're having a garage sale soon, to get rid of most of the old junk that we "Won't need in our new house", and the home across from my grandmother in Pittsburgh has gone up for sale.
My parents are trying to get me to be fine with going. They talk about the culture that's so rampant there (Which is true), I'll be able to go downtown to this really big arcade we saw once (Which is true, once I get some friends and a can of mace to ward off the meth-heads), and stuff like that. School system's better, not as many annoying ghetto children shouting rap lyrics off-key at the top of their lungs..
But honestly, I have only one reason to stay- And I'd rather not say what that is here, considering who knows is reading this, but if you are in fact reading this, Oni, you know why.
But generally, I just don't want to leave the only home I've ever been old enough to comprehend. Maybe in fifth grade or something I wouldn't have cared as much, but by this point.. I actually have a few good friends and a lot of lesser ones who are just awesome to have around. I just got into Junior High this year, and now I have some sort of thing that resembles a social life. I don't want to have to start over from the ground floor again.
..I spent an hour or two in bed last night simply thinking about what it would be like without all of these friends I have now, and how they might be without me. Seriously, I would move to Pittsburgh if I could just take a few select people with me.
Okay, moving on. Standardized testing started this week, and I've had little trouble with any of it. Our schedule got switched around, and I don't really have to run across the entire school to get to any of my classes for now, and I've just been drawing and writing depressing poetry when I finish my little tests.
Football has gone downhill, heh. The rest of the PE classes in second period are older than us, so we're pretty screwed unless we go up against a really sucky team. Today it was, like, twenty to nothing, and my entire team turned against itself afterwards. It was very unpleasant.
And now, my friends, I leave you with the almighty logic of Shinmaru.
OtakuSennen: Really nice *cough* and fairly attractive *cough* classmate's weblog.. *laughs*
Shinmaru007: I think my eyes are bleeding =_=
OtakuSennen: <_< You'd forgive her if you saw her.
OtakuSennen: ...o_O And it wasn't illegal.
Shinmaru007: lol
Shinmaru007: Yes, insanely illegal.
Shinmaru007: Not to mention past my age limit :-P
OtakuSennen: Yeah, you don't go for anyone above 7.. :/ I forgot.
Shinmaru007: Damn ****ing straight.
Shinmaru007: If they're old enough to think clearly, they're not worth it >:o
OtakuSennen: Hmm, how convenient. I'm making a myOtaku post right now..
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Theme Parks.
At Mimmi's request, here's a rant about theme parks.
As a Southern California resident, I am rather familiar with theme parks. Within an hour or two from my house there's Disneyland, Disney's California Adventures, Six Flags: Magic Mountain, and Knott's Berry Farm, along with one or two other ones that we've never really stopped at, but I know they exist.
I think that I've always been a decent fan of theme parks, even back in the days when all I ever really did was walk around, go on some kiddy rides, and end up getting a T-shirt or something stupid like that. There's just something about those places that feels really enjoyable.
For a few years my Dad worked at for a car website called Autonation (Don't go there, or we'll lose money and I won't be able to buy Metal Gear Solid 3.. ;_;), and they bought Disneyland for a night in December every year and the entire park was Autonation-exclusive until 2 in the morning. You'd get blankets and jackets and hats and a bunch of cheap stuff like that, 20% discounts on particular restaurants, and extremely short lines on everything.
That was some good stuff, but you can only go on every ride at Disneyland so many times before you get kind of tired of it. My father switched workplaces last year, so we didn't get to go last Christmas, though we did collect a nice amount of swag from previous ventures.
Nowadays, however, I prefer Six Flags: Magic Mountain. It's considered the roller coaster capital of the world, or country, or state, or something, because it was 16 or so roller coasters- Big ones, too, they don't count the little Bugs Bunny Land Mini-coasters. My first roller coaster loop was there, on a ride called “Revolution.” It was one of the first big roller coasters, and I think one of the earliest loop rides.. It was made in the 70’s. Compared to what I’ve been on by now, it’s an extremely tame ride that sort of hurts your head if you’re a certain height, but the loop is still fun. Whenever I ride it I end up remembering that day several years ago at 9:00 at night watching all of the lights in the park flicker just before that plunge.
There have been many rides there that I’ve been on at least once, some of which are Viper (It hurts my head) and Batman (Smooth and awesome), but my favorite is Goliath. Back when it came out, in 2000, it had the biggest drop on a roller coaster in the Western Hemisphere, I believe. There’s one in Japan that’s faster and taller, at a place called Nagashima Spa Land, but the name escapes me. Anyway, I ended up riding it in 2002, after two years of internal conflict about it.. Now, there are three newer rides at Six Flags that I have not been on. The first one is called “X”, which basically has the riders doing frontflips and backflips in their seats as they go on loops, and such. I’ve wanted to go on this one for a while, but they had it under repair last time I was there, and that sort of
struck me as “bad.” Deja Vu, which came out in the same year as “X”, is sort of like the Superman ride except it’s more of a roller coaster than just an up-and-back thing. I’ve never really wanted to go on this one. It looks too simple for such a line. Scream debuted in 2003, and it has the riders’ feet high enough above the track so that a kind of flying effect is in place. Last time I was there the line was very long, because the ride had just come out, and I had more important things to do with my time. I plan on riding this one next time I’m at the park.
Other than roller coasters, my favorite thing about theme parks is probably the food. There’s always quite a variety of stuff you can throw down your pie hole, and a lot of it is salty or sugary unhealthy goodness. There’s always some awesome popcorn at parks that’s always warm, and that always goes well with Dippin' Dots Ice Cream (Freeze-dried ice cream dots). The specialty and/or theme restaurants are always good for atmosphere and half-decent food, if you’re not into the whole junk food thing.
On a somewhat related note, I was playing Kingdom Hearts the other day and I felt a very reminiscent, happy feeling while romping about Traverse Town. To me, that world represents the lower half of Disney Land. It just feels like you’re walking past the Peter Pan and Mr. Toad rides at night time while everything in there is winding down.. It felt happy, and Disney-ish.
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