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Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
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1996, the advent of Pokemon.
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.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
I really wish that the One Piece dub wasn't a pile of horseshit.
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Tony- The play count is one of the cool things about iTunes.
But yeah, go for it. Lord knows yours will probably turn out twenty times better (and larger) than mine, though. Unless there's some sort of rule, like "top 100 albums only." But then, I don't know how many people could do that many.
There has to be a program out there that does this without making us do all the cropping, resizing, and organizing.
Ethan- I've had this in the works for a month now, and in my defense, your "collage" was only five or six album covers, at least three of which were exposed to you by me.
I could write a whole rap battle verse about this. I'm so tempted to, but I don't have a phat beat on hand.
Shin- The hypocrisy is what annoys me about it, but I understand how people could find it funny.
By royal decree of the mother, I was formally summoned to clean today.
But it turned out more along the lines of "organize your shit" day. They are similar events indeed, but this merely required the moving of objects' placements, not actually cleaning. No dusting, no vacuuming, and certainly no long-term solutions. This turned out to be rather fun, though.
As usual, I started by organizing my games and DVDs in this room. This area shall hereby be referred to as QUADRANT A. Before the cleanening, QUADRANT A was particularly messy, as one day I brought a metric ton of shit Ethan borrowed back over and just dropped it on the ground. I never bothered to pick any of it up until today. So once I did, I wasn't sure how I was going to keep it in an easy-to-maintain form. I then decided to just stack all of the cases vertically, not horizontally, so that I can hold more in one place.
So, while I had my Playstation 2 games and DVDs sitting there all neat in their little stacks (My brother has stolen the Gamecube and held it hostage in his room), I asked myself, "why the hell aren't other consoles in here?" So I went out on quest for my N64 and Super Nintendo collections.
Back in the days of cartridges and the shitty cardboard boxes they came in, you see, we decided to buy these little boxes that you could store all of your cartridges in neatly. VideoMatics, they were called. We had one for SNES and one for N64.. One was already down here, the other was in my parents' room, and as I went through them I got quite nostalgic.
I've said this many times before: 75% of my Super Nintendo collection is shit, because I was a little kid who didn't know better and decided to buy cheap games with familiar franchise names (this generally meant first-party Nintendo stuff or crappy Loony Toons games). Just for fun, here's a little list:
- Championship Pool
- Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday
- Speedy Gonzalez's Las Gatos Banditos
- Pac Man 2: The New Adventures
- Disney's Goof Troop
- Pitfall: The Mayan Adventures
- Tazmania
- Clue
- Super Black Bass
- Kirby's Super Star*
- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars*
- Yoshi's Island*
- Midway's Arcade Greatest Hits
- Frogger
- Paperboy
- Battleship
- Megaman X*
- Maui Mallard's Cold Shadow*
- Top Gear
- Super Star Wars
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past*
- Animaniacs*
- Bomberman 2*
- Super Mario All Stars*
- F-Zero
- Jeopardy!
- Wheel of Fortune
- Star Trek
- Caesar's Palace
The ones marked with asterisks are games that are either not crap, or I have fond memories of playing (I remember Maui Mallard being the shit, but I could go back and it could be just shit now).
Wow, eh? Yes, I regret missing out on this generation. So many great SNES RPGs that would be a bit of a hassle to find today.. Man, I sucked when I was seven.
My Nintendo 64 colleciton got better in quality of games some, but the collection is smaller and even more first-party. I think some might be missing though.. Namely, Jet Force Gemini and Super Mario 64.
- Harvest Moon 64
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Paper Mario
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
- Banjo Kazooie
- Yoshi's Story
- Wave Race 64
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
- F-Zero X
- Donkey Kong 64
- Hey You! Pikachu!
- Star Wars Episode I Racer
- Super Smash Bros.
- Pokemon Stadium
- Bomberman Hero
Less stinky, but substantially smaller and less varied. Funny story about Hey You! Pikachu!: It's a microphone game that, with the microphone included, was basically an $80 four-hour Pikachu talk-fest that could have really been entertaining were it not so awful.
So.. Yeah, just for a bit of contrast (and to destroy my boredom), here's Playstation 2:
- Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
- Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga I
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
- Katamari Damacy
- Kingdom Hearts
- Devil May Cry
- Midway Arcade Treasures (again!)
- Alien Hominid
- Devil May Cry 3
- ATV Offroad Fury 2
- Tekken Tag Tournament (that's my brother's, not mine, I swear to God)
- .hack//INFECTION
- Time Crisis 3
- Medal of Honor: Frontline
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
- Animal Crossing
- Bloody Roar: Primal Fury (Not mine, as well)
- Soul Calibur II
- Resident Evil 4
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
- Super Smash Bros. Melee
- Metroid Prime: Echoes
- Enter the Matrix
- Metroid Prime
- Pikmin
- Pikmin 2
- Evolution Worlds
- F-Zero GX
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest
- Namco Museum
- SSX 3
- The Simpsons Road Rage
- Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
- Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader
- Super Mario Sunshine
- The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker
- Meteos
- Nintendogs: Dauchshund Edition
- Jump Superstars
- Super Mario 64 DS
- Fire Emblem
- Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
- Advance Wars
- Iridion 3D
- Super Mario World
- Kirby's Nightmare in Dreamland
- a few other games that aren't worth remembering, or I traded them off.
I think it's safe to say that my taste in games has progressed pretty nicely, though looking back at all of these titles, I can't help but think I'd be a much richer (and much more unentertained) person.
And with that, the cleaning resumed.
I moved all of the wires to the PS2 behind the TV, so things look much less cluttered.. And with all of this cleaning, even all of those games and movies only covered one of the VideoMatic boxes. The other one could be where the Gamecube could go (as well as the games I listed), but my brother just HAS to have it in his room.
Gaaah. Well, I'll have the last laugh when Zelda comes out and I lock myself in his room for a week or two.
I put all of the "irregular" DVD and game boxes on top of the whole TV case thing. This includes my Evangelion box set (plus other Eva DVDs for continuity), the Digital Devil Saga box, the Invader Zim box, Noir, the special edition Lord of the Rings sets, the P! box my FLCL coffee mug came in, and for some reason, my Fire Emblem 2 box. I don't know, I guess a GBA box that isn't crushed is rare and interesting.
The next daunting task I undertook was gutting out the shelves above my computer entirely and organizing it. Now, this was scary because these shelves were a wasteland of wires, PC game boxes and random hardware that doesn't work anymore, but I came out victorious in the end. Top shelf is dedicated to stationary and crap I don't need, the second one is my video card/motherboard/sound card boxes, containing all of my driver CDs, as well as the Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition box, floppy disks, an atrocious controller that's so dated it doesn't even run on USB, that mic headset my brother got that I use for Counter-Strike, and Ikea lamps. The bottom is the box for my Zim box, all of my PC games, camera, spare ink cartridges, blank CDs and iPod box.
It's a really nice setup, since I know where I need to go for things now. It's almost scary.
Oh, and I found this Disney's Magic Artist drawing tablet in the garage. As fruity-looking as it is, I was kind of hoping that I could use it on this computer, but I can't seem to get it to work in Photoshop. Oh well.
Now that I think of it, Disney's Magic Artist was my very first picturey-program.. Almost predating my MSpaint phases, I think.
[/room of doomy bullshit]
Stoner comment of the day: You know what's really freaky? Like.. Try typing while standing up sometime. It will blow your mind.
EDIT: Lolz. Thanks, MSN Groups Scanlations!
In case you haven't seen, they've been running Naruto trailers on Cartoon Network. I haven't heard any dialogue yet, but the animation is a hell of a lot cooler on a fullscreen TV than a 200 x 300 .wmv file. And now that they've announced the American voice acting cast, I'm pretty optimistic. Countdown, two weeks.
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
zomg phonies lol
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Alex- You'd like that, wouldn't you? Sick bastard. >:O
Andy- Yes.. I really, really want Advance Wars. Really.
Godel- Yes, if I just grew my hair out and wore collared shirts, I'd be the omega emo.
Or the emomega, as I like to call it.
So, the week's over, the weekend's here, and I have nothing to do.
So, in my pit of eternal boredom, with nobody else in the house, I started blasting music and compiling album covers into one big collage.
The fruits of my pitiful labors can be found here. To be honest, I'm kind of let down by the size of it (only 100 albums). I figured I've collected more than that by now.
That sentence does not sound right to me.
This was intended to be binder art, but I saved it at a rather low resolution for print (130 dpi), so the musician names at the bottom are sort of pixelly. Also, my ink cartridge seems to be out of yellow, so everything's a bit off in that respect as well.
God, I'm sad.
I can't remember if I've said it on here or not, but I've been reading The Catcher in the Rye lately. I guess that it's sort of showing in my manner of writing right now.. But I'll get over that.
It's a good book, though at times the narrator gets me angry (the title's a good example of that).
Not much else to say there.
School hasn't gotten much better. I'm considering switching my schedule around Monday, but I need to come up with a reason to justify the paperwork.
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Blew it.
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Alex- That doesn't make me feel much better. :(
Shin- It says in the manual, "Nintendogs takes place in the fictional world of Nintendogs where puppies never die." So you're out of luck, chump.
Andy- It's really great for the average Jump fan, and it's not that bad of a fighter by itself. The fighters don't have quite as much move variety as those in Smash Bros, but the support characters make up for that, plus the fact that you can use multiple characters in one battle. The Japanese isn't too hard to figure out.. There's only so many mission descriptions, and recognizing key characters will help you out immensely. Menus are easy. The only real problem is the Self Koma- unlocking new stuff. In case you don't know how it works, when you complete a mission they give you a Self Koma- a silhouetted manga panel with text still visible. The idea is that you have to read the quote, look at the image, and drag the appropriate character (or characters, in the case of some Dragonball fusions) into the panel, unlocking the character. In some cases it's really easy, if you know the series, but most of the time it's trial and error for a non-Japanese speaker. I use this site most of the time, but it's sort of hard sifting through 400-something quotes to find one card each time.
It's worth a buy though. Luffy and Naruto are my favorites to use, though Naruto + Goku has a cool combo attack.
Godel- :/
So.. Seems I'm joining Cross Country now. And I got peer pressured into doing so. I guess it's the kind with a semi-positive, so at least that's good.
Just two downsides to it:
1. The shorts. Oh, the shorts. The oh-so-short shorts that plague running people. I'd rather not wear such shorts.
2. The running. >:O
Well, not really. I'm a good runner, that's certain, but I'm not sure if I'm dedicated-and-good-enough-to-run-god-knows-how-many-fucking-miles-every-day good.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
And as I continue to decline in the ranks..
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Mimmi- I had some cool teachers in seventh and eighth grade. They're all gone now, though. My brother might get them though, so I could still see them on occasion.
Andy- I love surprising people like that.
Not that it happens much.
Shin- Our teacher actually explained this. Apparently, when kids go from Algebra 1 to Geometry to Algebra 2, they are still far from proficient in Algebra skills, so they decided to switch them out or something..
I don't know. I looked farther back in the book, and things didn't seem too terribly hard.
Godel- I applied. Oh how I applied. I plan on consulting our counselor dude tomorrow about switching over to a better class, if there is one available.
So, I have Nintendogs now. It was a bit of a fiasco, you see, because I went into the mall by myself, and apparently they check you for ID when you reserve games now, regardless of their ratings. Maybe it was just because the game was already paid for and I could easily be lying about who I am, but it sucked having to go all the way back to get my dad.
So far, it's.. Cute. It's not at all a terribly deep or complex game (unless you are in my situation, in which you must have gotten a dog with a learning disability since you have to tell them "sit" like forty times before it sticks), but the dog's cute. I've only played for under an hour, so I can't do any real impressions, but at this point I'm kind of missing Advance Wars.
EDIT: Oh, and my dog's name? Maromi, in honor of Paranoia Agent. Once we get the money, my brother's going to get another one and name it Menchi.
I'm such a fucking nerd.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Whatever will be..
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Ethan- Angry indeed! The cover for Bleach 3 is slightly bent!
Godel- We established this like a year ago. :/
Shin- Let's face it, California's schools are just all messed up in one way or another.
So! Here it goes.
After waking up at six, taking a quick shower, and trying to unlock some new support characters in Jump Super Stars (It's a really tiresome process, with some cards. I've never done impressions on mO, I have to get around to that..), I got in the car to pick up Ethan. As we got there, things were starting to get crowded- much more than summer school- and they made us do the whole "Find your last name so you can go to this room for your schedule" thing again. Things went smoothly this time, and I got to my class fairly quickly.
But here's the fun part: Between all of my classes, my three "core" friends share absolutely no classes with me, and one of them has a different lunch. I realize that this isn't at all rare in this school system, but I found it to be a bit of a rude awakening since the junior high groups people so you all share classes.
But, I won't go angsty about that here. Instead, let's bitch about the classes themselves! Hoorah!
Period 1: Latin. Oh joy of joys, Latin first thing in the morning. The teacher's charisma and enthusiasm reminds me of my math teacher last year, minus the irritating voice. Instead, it's replaced with a mildly jarring voice, but I'm grateful anyway. So, we started the class by her pulling a hand puppet in the shape of a cow, humorously dubbed Cowpurnia, and she went around the class asking us, "Quid nomin est tibi?" Eventually, the kid behind me got it, and despite his prime example of saying "Mihi nomen est [name]," I somehow managed to blank out and get it wrong anyway. Go figure.
So we pretty much did crap like that the entire time. I have a feeling it's going to get bothersome.
Period 2: Biology. This class seems like some sort of "eighth grade science 2.0" upgrade. My teacher, last year, was a small woman, with an overtly butch look about her, but there was still some level of femininity to her. This year, the teacher is smaller, but much, much more manly. I mean, like, pre-op transvestite or something. She seems rather dull, too, but that is how science has always been for me.
Period 3: English. My English teacher this year.. Is some sort of mixture of Clementine Johnson from Reno 911 and my seventh grade English teacher. She just has that kind of aura about her. We discussed class rules, our reading time, etc.. And how we're like her favorite class because younger siblings of her favorite students of the past are in there. But once she ran out of things to say, we just had a book discussion, and fortunately for all of us, uber-dork from summer school was there, and practically got a boner from talking King Arthur for about ten minutes. Then the class ended and I cheered inside.
Period 4: Art. Ah, art.. The class where they put all of the people who didn't care about where they should place their elective. At least, that has been my experience for the past three years now. It's full of the ghetto kids who didn't have anywhere else to go, so basically all they do is say "Daaaamn, I can't draw this shit" and use their iPods for a while. Our teacher didn't say a word to us- she just passed out the self-explanatory papers, which told us to write down adjectives for a person's appearance and incorporate that into a picture.
This is not an advanced art class. I am disheartened.
Lunch. Sat around talking to people. Not much to say here.
Period.. 6? I don't get how they count lunch. Regardless, it's Phys Ed. It took me like ten minutes to get through the hallway that leads out to the gym-ey area, and I am not just saying that. I literally stood there in the hallway for ten minutes, waiting for people to file through, and then it took about five minutes to get over to the gym entrance (I have no idea why it's so far out of the way). We then sat in the bleachers for ten minutes while the coach people sat there talking to each other, took attendance, and then resumed talking. That is all we did in this class. My teacher's name is Mr. Boop, and it seems he has heard the obvious joke before, since he marked our schedules with a Betty Boop stamps.
Last period: Algebra 2. This teacher.. I dunno. Indifferent. He seems a bit messed up in the head, but that's how math teachers are. We got our text books and went into some review, and got assigned thirty or so problems for tonight.
So yeah, it wasn't the greatest of days, but I'm over the bulk of the aggrivation now. I'll adjust, and the bitchings will soon turn into fond memories..
Because all we are is just dust in the wind, dude.

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Monday, August 22, 2005
But not Dill, 'cause he's worthless.
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Tony- If she mass-produced them, they'd be all over anime conventions. Kind of like this guy.
Shin- Apparently our books next year are very dull.. I forgot which ones, but there's three of them, and one of them is Dante's Inferno (I'm actually kind of looking toward that one).
Godel- :(
So.. Yeah. I've finally finished the writing.
School tomorrow. I'll update with a list of how the teachers their each respective level of suck, so look forward to that.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Dog days.
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DDG- The timing's spot-on.
Tony- None of them seemed to have Firewire. Is USB that bad?
Shin- Did you ever get any good books? Even if they were completely ruined by the fact that you HAD to read them?
Sen- ;)
Godel- Arson is funny.
Shin- And you don't get it on Fridays either. Bastard.
Last night, while searching for good resources for Ender's Game on Google, I noticed in an advertisement that there is a web site on the internet called eBay that lets you auction things off to anyone on the internet who would wish to buy it. Intrigued, I clicked on the hyper-link to this web site, to see what I could find.
The results were amazing.
The first thing I found was this authentic, vintage Ray Charles poster. Such a special piece of entertainment memorobilia, at such a low price, and available right from the comfort of my own home!
I continued searching.
The next thing I found was this absolutely priceless antique novel. So priceless, in fact, that the novel itself is entitled "Priceless Treasure." And only for $15. Amazing!
A one-of-a-kind piece of Katamari Damacy merchandise. A wonderfully humorous knitted hat, made specifically for me (assuming I win the auction)! And it's in PATRIOTIC COLORS, too, meaning that even though I support the Japanese economy through buying their games, I'm also pro-America!
And it turns out you can even buy everyday items on eBay as well. I managed to find some krazy glue, a ruler and a map for only one cent (and $3.85 in shipping charges). How amaaaazing. Normally it would take me a ten minute car trip and $2.99 to get me these products, but now I can just have them mailed to me instead.
But then I found that eBay has some more unsettling sites, such as B-cup-toting men modeling their used leather pants. I found this disturbing, but I persisted..
And it turns out softcore pornography is permitted in the realms of eBay. Oh well, at least it's his girlfriend, not his wife. Ew, monogamy.
And it would seem that they promote the dark arts, as well as creative kitchenware.
I have a neighbor who collects dolls, and since I was a child they have frightened me.. But even so, I don't think even she would be interested in these. I have been told that these photographs were fixed in places my roommate has referred to as Photo Shops, wherever those are.
But this definitely takes the cake for oddest find. Fortunately for me, I am a follower of a growing cult which specializes in the concept of blood collection and soul-owning. And at these dirt-cheap prices, how can I lose?
All right.. Maybe my fake persona didn't work too well, but those eBay things are interesting enough (spare the Ray Charles, I just found that to kick things off).
And I did this instead instead of my summer reading. Hooray for procrastination!
EDIT: And so my devious plan for acquiring the premium Xbox 360 is revealed:
OtakuSennen: I have a new plan.
Nekrow: Ooo.
OtakuSennen: We build a robot and whore that out instead.
OtakuSennen: Because, though my spirit is willing, the flesh is weak and spongey. :(
Nekrow: You sound really sad.
Nekrow: Don't worry about it.
Nekrow: We'll figure out something.
OtakuSennen: Heh, life goes on. XD
Nekrow: So how much does the robot charge?
OtakuSennen: Since it's a robot, it can go all night long.
OtakuSennen: In turbo-drive, it needs a charge every twelve hours, though.
OtakuSennen: So I figure.. $400 for the extensive premium battery edition, $300 for the "bare bones" one that doesn't even have fully functional genitals.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
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DDG- Rockin' avatar, by the way. Thumbs up.
Azure- Actually, my mom strongly dislikes country music. She just wanted the oppurtunity to wear a cowboy hat, I assume.
Shin- I almost ran out of offensive words, but then I read through your Shinmaru Zone archives, and everything was well again!
Andy- At least it's breaking Nintendo's "t3h kiddie" image.
Godel- Yeah, in that game you could, like, wake the rappers up when they're sleeping, and pretend you threw a frisbee when you really DIDN'T!
My brother's birthday is coming up, and being the little campy home movie buff that he is, he's been asking my parents for a good digital camcorder for a while now. They've decided to get him one this year, since I "broke" the old one (They insist that there's footage of me dropping it, but they're lying, damn it, and I can prove it)..
But they have no clue what they want, other than that it has to be DVD-R and capable of being edited on a computer. And despite my status as "IT guy" of the family, I don't know shit about camcorders either. I'm looking at Cnet, and reading their reviews, but I don't know how much I should trust their reviews.
So I'm bringing the question up here. I don't know how many of you have very nice camcorders, but if you do, or have heard good things, just name it here. We're looking in the $300-450 range.
I've considered taking this question to OtakuBoards, but I don't know how much response I would get anyway. I've been finding myself more irritated at the "other" posters on OB and TheOtaku's news bulletins lately.. Specifically in the "Why is anime considered nerdy?" thread (and pretty much every main page update).
And I don't really post on any other forums. I lurk Penny Arcade like an obsessive girl checks her boyfriend's email every five minutes, but I don't post in fear that it will devour my soul and destroy my will for gaming.
Summer reading work isn't going too well. I couldn't bring myself to do anything yesterday, and I've made barely any headway today. And I only have six days left before school starts.
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Monday, August 15, 2005
I have failed.
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Solo- Whenever I hear Zone of the Enders the anime series, I think Zone of the Enders the video game franchise.
Sara- I found it to be tedious and without a point. That's the book I'll be BSing a main conflict about..
Ethan- Well don't you just know freaking everything, freiend.
Shin- High school people, according to Shinmaru, but written by me since I feel like it.
Though maybe a pie chart would have been more appropriate.. Hm.
Andy- Drawing. I don't read many comics, since I already spend my money on other things and I wouldn't know what to read.
Odd story of the day: Today my parents went to an outdoor country concert at a local ampitheatre that was recently built. When they were gone, I flipped over to Weather Channel and saw that there was a heavy thunder storm warning, and that nobody should be outside. They didn't seem to mind.
But if it was me, I would have been out of there in a split second.
Not because of the lightning..
But because of the country music.
EDIT: Also:

Credit goes to the Penny Arcade forums for that.. But I figured it would be worth posting here.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
A bit of filler.
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Tony- Yeah, but you always comment anyway. I'm trying to grab new commenters with this. :P
DDG- For your sake I hope it isn't. I forgot to mention that the friction from wrapping the hot dogs so furiously caused not only holes in my gloves, but little red spots on my hands.
Mimmi- Yes, that was all just for you.
I don't know about my game plan. Get familiarized with the system, and start running more so I can go out for track next year I guess. Any more questions? ~_^
Shin- I remember playing Chip's Challenge on a computer in first grade. Since there were only six of us in the class we all got enough individual attentionto get done with lesson plans way ahead of time, so we got to do stuff like that almost every day. Of course, we had to take turns playing, and everyone who wasn't playing would always yell "OOOOOH NO GO LEFT AHHH GO DOWN NOW GET THE RED CHIP AH MAN YOU DIDN'T GO DOWN LIKE I SAID YOU'RE STUPID" and other such things. Six year olds are such assholes.
I also had my first experience with digital imageyness on that computer.. In MSPaint, that is.
I started doing the actual work for the summer reading today. They gave us papers with a bunch of questions regarding plot, point of view, characterization, style, setting, and other things, and we have to answer them all for both Ender's Game and To Kill a Mockingbird. I got about halfway through the Ender's Game stuff today, and it was fun. These aren't the simple little reading comprehension questions that I've gotten used to over the past two years. These are requiring me to actually put a little bit of effort into it, and I like that.
Though I got burnt out when I spent about half an hour describing the antagonistic social, psychological and natural forces that worked against Ender in detail.
It's fun with Ender's Game, but I'll probably want to shoot myself when I have to go back through Mockingbird. I don't even know what kind of main conflict there was in that book.
I've been thinking about starting up comics again once school starts, since I have (what I hope is going to be) a half decent art class this year.. Though I guess a lot of that is going to rely on the teacher. If they're anti-cartoon, like so many art teachers seem to be, I may be out of luck, but I might do it anyway for fun in my free time.
That is.. If I have any.
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