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• 1990-12-17
• Near LA.
Member Since
• 2003-08-01
• Ambassador of Dorkville
Real Name
• Nicholas Irvin
• I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
• 1996, the advent of Pokemon.
Favorite Anime
• .hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
• To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
• Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
• See above.
Monday, June 28, 2004
Good times, good times..
Well, the little graphic I posted yesterday grew on me enough to overtake the O-Ren Ishii scheme.
And other than that, I have nothing else to say, so let's get on with the..

Don't worry, you only have a few more updates with this post in it before its ugliness leaves for good.
Karmi informed me yesterday that she won't be at AX on the fifth (Monday), which means that I will be all alone, able to do whatever I want.
In a sense, it's a mixed blessing, because on one hand I won't have to negotiate with anyone about what to do next, but I'll also be alone.
Which can be so depressing in a convention hall full of anime fanboys. But what can you do? I'm sure I'll live.
If you read Karmi's latest post, and then head to the comments, you will see Solo mentioning Karmi meeting Shin and Shy. This has already caused some confusion as to whether or not Shy is attending Anime Expo and meeting us there.
He and Syk were planning on meeting up and doing a cross-country road trip (This was months before The Simple Life 2, so don't sue), and ending up at Anime Expo, where they would meet Shinmaru and myself. However, they couldn't do that, and that part of the meeting was slashed.
Things regarding AX calmed down for a while, and a couple of weeks ago the topic of Karmi being in California came up. I asked her if she could make it to Anime Expo, which she ended up being able to do, to meet Shin and myself (along with other people who may or may not be there).
The thing is, I have no clue if Shy will meet us there, or if he'll even be at Anime Expo at all. I haven't had the oppurtunity to ask him about it, but.. Just thought I'd clear that up.
*sits* I may edit this later, if I have more to talk about.
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