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Near LA.
Member Since
Ambassador of Dorkville
Real Name
Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
Favorite Anime
.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
See above.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Comment Commentary
Mimmi- It's mostly my dad's side that I dislike.. My mom's family feels more "family-ish," as I like to say it.
Juu- Hooray for irrational stereotypes.
Shin- You can be the sixth, never-before-seen one.. How about a leprechaun costume?
Mal- Impossible. You must have eaten some sort of reverse-turkey.
Syk- No, no, but my dad seems to think that you have to tie in someone's military service with every little conversation. Try to top that.
Godel- Posters! I want posters!
Laura- Holiday < Fun
I woke up at 1:00 PM yesterday. The rest of the daylight hours were pretty much wasted on eating and playing games.
But I dare not talk about them, because if I did Karmi would punish me. Oh, tragedy, thine name is OtakuSennen.
Once it got darker, I sat down and turned on the television (productive, no?). The TV Guide Channel, my number one souce for half-assed channel surfing information, told me that Galaxy Quest was on TBS's Dinner and a Movie. The mention of the name caught my attention- I immediately had a flashback to Albertson's several years ago as I read the back of the box in the rentals section.
The movie was okay, I guess. It had its moments, but like most Tim Allen movies, I didn't find it genuinely funny. Some of the convention moments were interesting, and Crewman #6 was pretty funny, but it ultimately became a time-waster for me. I'm glad that I didn't waste any money on it back in the day.
After that I went on the computer for a while. I had been in a creative mood all day, and at the moment I felt like satisfying that hunger through Photoshop. The thought of doing another Industrialization thing sounded tempting, so I went with that for a while.
Only this time, it evolved into a myOtaku theme.
It crashed and burned before it even took off. Even after I found decent images to use, and tracked down a decent font, I couldn't replicate the feel of the previous two. It's too bad, though- I had some good ideas for a background and avatar. Maybe I'll come back to it someday.
(I also toyed around with a film-noir styled theme, but that, too, went nowhere. *shakes fist at James* Stop setting such high standards!)
On my own personal Completion Monitor, my creative juices had only been 38% squeezed, so I turned to drawing. I didn't really have an idea of what I wanted to draw- like I usually do- but I ended up drawing a semi-portrait of Jack White (because my copy of De Stijl was on my desk). After completing that, I came up with an idea: Put on De Stijl, and draw what I see in my mind as I listen. It only makes sense. Every time I listen to it, I make up little music video sequences that correspond with various songs. As an extra bit of challenge, I tried to finish each drawing before the song was done, to see how good I can make things with the least effort.
I now refer to it as "Power Drawing." It's like power walking, only not.
In the end, I was pretty freaking impressed by some of the stuff that I did. My favorite is the one that I did while listening to "Truth Doesn't Make a Noise" (my favorite track) and "Death Letter." I won't spoil it, because I want to put a little more effort into it and eventually scan it.
Perspective rocks my socks.
By then it was pretty late, and I watched the South Park Movie, completely uncut, on Comedy Central. By the time "Blame Canada" was over, I was getting a little bored and I went to bed.
As punishment, I have had that song stuck in my head all day.
I woke up a little earlier today- 10:30- just as my brother was about to go to his saxaphone lesson. I asked if I could come along, because I wanted to go up to the comic book store and buy I Feel Sick. Unfortunately, I had to wait a while, and walk around in Walmart for a while. I ran into a few people, picked up my brother, and then we went to Bases Cards and Comics. They were having some sort of Role-Playing tournament going on, so the place was rather crowded (They weren't using the back room), and I didn't find I Feel Sick or the Metal Gear Solid comic (which, admittedly, seems lame. It's not even Shinkawa-ey!), but I didn't bother asking.
Got dragged to the mall after that. I walked around for about an hour looking around desperately for anybody that I might know, and musing over possible Christmas gifts for people.
The mall sort of sucks recently. All of the arcade-lurking regulars have been absent as of late, and coincidental run-ins have reached an all-time low. There were still a few encounters that I found interesting, though, so I may as well list them.
- Fat DDR kid. This really fat kid about my age was playing DDR by the movie theatre. As fat as he was, he was incredibly light on his feet, though he didn't do too well on most of the songs.
- Crazy horny otaku couple. I didn't think that attractive college-going youngsters were into anime, but sure enough, in Suncoast there was a guy and a girl straight out of Vogue skimming through manga and making out inbetween.
- The guy in the cutlery store. As per usual, he was juggling knives. I swear, you'd think he was a boss in Metal Gear or something.
- Small child three-car pileup. As I was walking to EB, this four-year-old girl ran into this five-year-old girl, and in the process her brother fell on top of them. Being the vile bastard that I am, I laughed to myself, because I dislike small children.
- I used the DS. They had a couple sitting in Gamestop. There was no game in it, so I just had to use Pictochat. The touch screen is so incredibly sensitive, I was very very impressed. Too bad I couldn't do freaking anything with it.
- They added a new bookshelf of manga in Waldens. Not just one or two shelves, but the entire "tower," if you get what I'm saying. That makes three in total.
I guess that's about it, spare one tantalizing fact: I bought the Shin Megami Tensei Official Strategy Guide. Normally I am against purchasing strategy guides in any shape or form, but Nocturne's is different. It's 387 pages, and while most of it is a basic guide book, it also includes a bunch of the kickass and inspiring artwork of the game. Maybe there's not as much as the Kaneko Kazuma Graphics Tony has on Digital Devil Database (God, I love plugging that), but I'm mostly into the human characters, anyway.
The character profiles are impressive, too. Instead of giving small little snippets about their backstories, this book tends to analyze the characters' motivations, and their roles in the game. That is what Nocturne deserves, I suppose- at its core, it's all about Reason.
I'm not going to use it as an actual strategy guide, though. It's primarily an art resource.
On the record, anyway. ~_^
EDIT: Oh.. My.. Freaking.. God. I think I'm going to go get a soda just for the sake of spitting it out in surprise.
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Haha.. Right.
Also, I just remembered that I have piano on Tuesdays, and the lessons end at six. Thus, I am freaking screwed. :/
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