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Member Since
Ambassador of Dorkville
Real Name
Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
Favorite Anime
.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
See above.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Why be poetic when you can be blatant and pathetic?
Good Charlotte, I salute you.
Comment Commentary
Shin- See? SEE!?
Mimmi- You've obviously never seen End of Evangelion. ;)
Comic is almost done, I promise. I might have it up tonight.
Karmi- I've been lucky with homework the past two years- it's been really light.
But I'm not soft. I'll adapt. :P
Godel- Just make a little gang sign to go along with that statement and I'll agree.
Uneventfulness. Oh joy.
We finished Schindler's List today. The movie's ending was nice. It showed humanity in Schindler without making him seem corny, kept the very, very sad story from dying due to a half-baked "happy" ending, and still left you feeling a little fuzzy inside.
And then it says that Schindler's marriage didn't work out and all of his business attempts crashed to the ground. I laughed.
The thing where they show the real survivors of the incident was okay, but it was way drawn out. That's probably my biggest complaint about the movie: "Insert tape three for credits!"
Art's been a little dull. The teacher pretty much leaves me off to do whatever the hell I want, and I haven't been too inspired to do anything lately. Well, that's not exactly true. I was working on that project I mentioned last time, but nothing was coming out too well. I hadn't warmed up at all, and I didn't really know where I was going with anything.
Basketball's been going well. The interesting thing about my new PE class is this: It's pretty full of ghetto people, which is good when you have to play basketball (Stereotype alert!!1), and they're not very.. Boastful about it. Every other time I've played any game in Phys Ed with this kind of person they had a lot of talk to accompany the walk, but it's not so bad here. And for that I am pleased.
I got a birthday check in the mail today. Twenty bucks. This is the first pebble in the landslide that is on its way, thanks to my seven aunts, four uncles, and one grandparent.
Thanks, Catholicism, for wanting to abolish contraceptives!
My current stash of money, however, is about to go poof. I'm going Christmas shopping either tomorrow or Thursday, and I'm not quite sure what I'm getting everybody. I have a lot of ideas, but unfortunately a lot of things may not exist, which sucks.
And there are a few people who I refuse to buy anything for, no matter how much they consider me their friend. That's sort of the awkward thing about buying gifts for friends: Unless you get something for every friggin person you know, someone's going to complain.
Oh well. I'm aiming for three core homeboys / homegirls. One's already done with, and I'm just waiting for it to ship.
Dr. Hobo shirt. That's how cool I am.
My dad showed me an article he found in the newspaper last night.. On the first page of the "Money and Careers" section I found a big almost-full-page article on anime and manga, entitled "Drawing New Fans."
After scoffing at the silly title, screaming when I saw them use a Fullmetal Panic picture to accompany it, and squealing with glee when I saw Menchi plushies in the other image, I actually read the article.
It was the typical "Upcoming entertainment fad that parents who are too lazy to communicate with their kids should know about" article, but it had a sense of dignity to it. They made several good references (Cowboy Bebop, Excel Saga, Newtype), and didn't make it seem lame at all. It seemed rather ADV-focused, but they briefly mentioned Bandai and Sony. I may type it up to see what other people's reactions are.
I finally made some progress in Snake Eater last night. I'm in a part of the game where you have Eva following you around, and because of an injury she walks really slow and constantly has her stamina dropping. She needed to eat every two seconds, it seemed.. Quite possibly the most annoying thing I've ever had to deal with, and that's including Jet Force Gemini.
I'm on the final boss battle right now. Appropriately, it's against The Boss instead of a Metal Gear or a boring Solidus-ish thing.
For those of you who have been following the game, it takes place in the bright, white, flowery field they've shown in one of the trailers. It's essentially a sneaking boss battle, which I've been wishing for ever since Twin Snakes (Vulcan Raven doesn't count), and it definitely suffices. There's a ten minute time limit, though, which is my biggest problem. I don't have a camoflage good enough to keep me that well-hidden, and I have missed a ton of camo throughout the game, and this is why I plan on starting over.
Gah, piano in forty-five minutes. I should practice.
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