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Near LA.
Member Since
Ambassador of Dorkville
Real Name
Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
Favorite Anime
.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
See above.
Sunday, March 6, 2005
Shallowness and simplicity
Comment Commentary
James- More or less. I just find it aggrivating that I can't use a song I bought for, say, a myOtaku song, without jumping through hoops.
Mimmi- In the end I only bothered taking two pictures. That was at the beginning of the night, when I remembered that my camera takes the worst pictures in dim lighting. This, of course, is a place that was filled with lots of little lights, and while the effect is rather cool, the intentions of the picture itself are lost.
Sorry. :P
Azure- Rave? What about raves, now?
And you get no peace, love, unity or respect out of me until you beat DMC3 on Dante Must Die mode.
Shin- I like that. I like that a lot.
Alea- There may still be seeds of that evil in your mind. Be wary, young one.
Shin- Yeah, but I do that all the time. And when is your special myOtaku-destroying website coming? I demand answers.
Hm, I'm guessing most of this post is just going to be about the theme park trip, so if you don't care about my social life, I'd suggest skipping down to the pretty picture.
After a long yet curiously leisurely day of pointless school stuff (I had a math quiz which everybody's freaking out about, but I think I only missed a couple), it was preparation time. The plan was for me to go over to a friend's house, dump all of my heavy school stuff onto his floor, and stock up on snacks. I was to spend the night there (My dad didn't want to wake up at 3 AM to pick me up down the street), so I could gather my stuff in the morning.
After that we went down the lane to the house of another partner in crime, however, we were restricted to the living room (I don't quite know what she was doing- probably just getting ready), but that wasn't so bad because that's where the Xbox is. We went on Halo 2 Live, and messed around with her clan members and friends. There were these two really n00bey Pedro-sounding guys who were chatting about random stuff.
"..Ey, you ever heard of, uh.. Mechassault 2?"
"Oh, yeah, I think I've heard of that one, but I've never played it."
"I rented it today."
"Oh, cool."
"..Don't you just hate it when, like, you kill a guy but he comes back to kill you?"
We were out of there soon enough, and by the time we got to the meeting point at the school it was raining rather hard. There were two teachers from our school that ran the trip, and they took forever to tally up the students and get them on the buses. I felt like I was in Schindler's List for a minute there.
Me: *fighting the crowd* Uh, Irvin, Nicholas! Eighth grade!
The bus ride there was long and unpleasant. I got stuck in quite possibly the crappiest seat on the entire bus: first, it was the seat on top of one of the wheels, which meant that my footspace was elevated to the point that my kneecaps were up by my head. And at the same time, I was right on top of the heater, and apparently the rest of the bus was cold, so they cranked up the heat. And then the seat was hard and my ass hurt by the halfway point. It wasn't all bad, though, because I spread the good word of Vomit Remnants and Etro Anime (I love how my taste in music can be so self-contradicting) to my peers.
We got there, filed off the bus, got our tickets, and were let loose. They pressed the returning time on us pretty hard: 12:30 in front of the gate. "Yes, that gate, not the other one. Right. Uh-huh. Stop looking at me."
We had a rather large group. Altogether, there were ten of us, and when there's that many people you're bound to have fights over what to do next. There was one group who wanted Ghostrider, and another who wanted Silver Bullet. Eventually we went for the latter.
There was some guys on a horse-drawn carriage waving at the people in line like beauty queens. You know, the rotating wrist movement without any actual finger action. In response, I did the same, only I kept four of the five fingers down.
Karma says that eventually I will meet that person again and he will make it a point to kick me in the balls, but that probably won't happen for a while.
The ride was decent. It's a lot like Six Flags's Batman in its design.. But it was new, and therefore exciting. Actually, it was my friend's first roller coaster ever (he'd never been to a theme park before). It was funny how freaked out he looked afterwards.
You know how they take pictures on rides, and try to get you to buy them afterwards? Well, this is one of those rides, and when I saw my picture I didn't even recognize myself. I had to take off my glasses, and my hair was all pushed back by the wind.. In fact, everyone else was asking, "Who's that kid next to Michael? o_O". Sort of sad, and it hurt my self-esteem, for reasons still under investigation.
We went on a couple more rides (and when I say "couple" I mean "couple"- it seemed to take forever to get anywhere). After that, we decided to get some food.
What a mistake.
Some of us decided to get funnel cake at a separate stand, but I decided to go to the All-American Fatty Junk Food Stand, and get myself a hot dog. It only took the funnel cake party half an hour to get theirs, but it took me an hour and a half to get a friggin' hot dog.
But what a hot dog it was.
Regardless, they ditched us somewhere between ten and five feet from the front of the line (i.e. half an hour), and once again we were on a regrouping phone-tag campaign. Eventually, my group just said "screw them" and went on one of those water-rapid rafty rides. People must have been staring at us, because my male friends are all very loud, shrieky people, and when people hear a bunch of people yelling "AAAH, SHIT, IT GOT ON MY PANTS" from on a ride, they at least raise an eyebrow. It was really fun, though. Because it was a water ride, and it was rather cold, the line was short, and we got on again. Everybody else went on twice more (I have no idea why), but by then we had reunited with a couple of other people, so I left with one of them, searching for everybody else.
Eventually we found them, but by this point it was about midnight, and they were getting hungry. I tried to direct them to the food stand, but as unfamiliar with this park as I was, that didn't go well. By the time we got there it was almost time to meet at the front, so we just grabbed some candy and ran.
And then we ran into one of our friendly-but-not-close friends who convinced us to get on one more (albeit very kiddy) ride, which delayed us a tad.
Here's where it gets hazy.
There were three of us at this point. People were starting to close things down, and I guess that I was subconsciously starting to panic a bit. We got to the front of the park rather quickly, but we didn't see anybody we recognized inside of the park. However, we saw a very tall, very stalker-ish affiliate of ours outside of the gates. Thinking everyone had congregated outside, we went outside of the park, and whoop-de-freakin-doo, we had passed the point of no return and couldn't get back inside. Then a very long and very tense phone conversation with one of my friends (who was being screamed at by one of the teachers) happened, and then we had to meet the teachers between some bars somewhere. I swear to God they looked like they were going to reach through the bars, grab me, and rip my face off. Some park worker was told to stay with us, as if we were going to run off and shoot heroin while having sex if left unattended.
We were perfectly fine and perfectly innocent. We were right by where everybody else would have exited, not even five feet away. We could have met up with them so easily it wasn't even funny.
And then we left. I swore I wouldn't fall asleep on the ride home (people were taking pictures of sleeping people), but eventually I did, despite the heater singing my eyebrows off. We got to the pickup point around 3:30, got driven home, and slept.
So there you have it, an unnecessarily long rambling about my misadventures in a second-rate amusement park. *takes a bow*
The promised pretty picture:
That's the greatest iteration of a margin-sketch of mine in math class. I considered making even cooler with color and legible writing, but I gave up on that once I realized I had shaded in certain areas. For me, still a Photoshop n00b in the sense of comic-making, that is the mark of death.
I watched the movie Saw today, and it was as good as I had hoped it would be. Admittedly, the acting really threw me off at first, but it was twisted and jacked up and well-written and I greatly enjoyed it. More than The Ring, possibly. I would elaborate, but I'm all typed out. Later, people.
Closing statement: Though I prefer quiet most of the time, I like to have music playing when I'm doing my homework. Maybe it just drowns those around me out, but I've found that people think I'm odd for that.
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