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Ambassador of Dorkville
Real Name
Nicholas Irvin
I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
1996, the advent of Pokemon.
Favorite Anime
.hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
See above.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Comment Commentary
Lea- Yes. Yes, it does. *abruptness*
Shin- Funny thing is, I never beat Metal Gear Solid 3. That's why I'm replaying it, actually.. To find a very special camo that proves helpful in the final boss fight.
Godel- Or an underachiever.. Which in this case, is an average achiever, right?
Today's time span went in an odd manner. School went by quickly, but I realized just a little while ago how I felt like it was Saturday.. What I mean is, I've been sitting here since 2 doing anything I feel like doing, and though that's often the case (I often feel bad about my lack of homework), the actual amount of time seemed larger than usual. I wonder how time moves for other people in relation to myself.. But the bitch about that is, I'll never know, will I?
I watched the Cowboy Bebop movie today, which is funny for a few reasons:
a) I've only seen two episodes of the actual series.
b) It's a crappy copy my friend let me borrow over a week ago. You know, the kind for "personal use only." The quality sucks.
c) It's taken me four sittings to watch the entire thing.
It was good, definitely.. But all it really made me want to do was buy the rest of the series, which is bad for my wallet.
Technically, I have $200 sitting up in my room right now, but I'm saving them for an occasion I can't predict. Lord knows what I'll eventually spend it on. I just want it to be something useful and functional, and not random crap like anime DVDs or games.
But I guess it's best to not dwell on it. I'll know what to spend it on when I see it.
I went out and got the mail today, which contained a rather crappy issue of Entertainment Weekly and my report card. It was all A's, although my PE teacher gave me an A- with "satisfactory" citizenship. Honestly, because it's PE, I don't give a shit. If it was something like History, or Math, maybe I'd be going all emo on your asses right now, but I just don't like playing with balls.
Speaking of which, we're doing football right now (which is one of the more entertaining sports, the way I see it), and today we totally owned this seventh grade team. You see, the team consisted of slackers, chatty females, one aggro kid and some geek that was trying solely for the grade. It's a common thing for older players to basically mess around the entire time they're playing younger ones, because there's no real challenge there. Eventually, the little aggro kid got pissed off at the insults and everything (I wasn't involved in it), and just started calling everybody "fucking gay," which is funny because the guys that were doing the insults pretty much are.
I can tell this is going to be one of those "down" weeks, because I'm in one of those self-loathing moods that I so often fall into. I'm not going to go on about it here, because you don't want to hear about it, but if I'm in a more cynical and bitchy mood when you talk to me (more than usual, anyway), that's why.
..It is for who we play.
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