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• 1990-12-17
• Near LA.
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• 2003-08-01
• Ambassador of Dorkville
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• Nicholas Irvin
• I have not had below a 4.0 GPA in 4 years.
Anime Fan Since
• 1996, the advent of Pokemon.
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• .hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Naruto.. The trinity. O_O
• To have a wicked awesome time at Anime Expo '06. And find something more meaningful to look forward to than Anime Expo.
• Drawing manga, gaming, general nerdishness.
• See above.
Friday, March 26, 2004
I have seen the top of the mountain, and it is good.
I was not in school on Wednesday or Thursday.. You see, we ended up going down to San Diego. My uncle from Kentucky is down there, visiting my pregnant aunt and their sickly mother..
The ride down there seemed longer than most. I was listening to the Furi Kuri OST, which means that time should have passed by quickly, but it didn't. Maybe it was the scenery. The non-freeway, scenic road was dull and longer, I think, than the path we usually take.
Anyway, we got down there with very problem. We stopped at a MacDonald's that still has supersize stuff, (This was really, really out of the way) and they also had PowerAde on tap.. That was cool. I've never seen a fast foot restaurant with my favorite flavor of my favorite sports drink that gets me up and going in the morning. ~_^
Anyhoo, we went to my grandmother's house, said hello to everyone, and went down to a boardwalk.. We had our little dog with us, some jerk-ass senior citezen felt it was his duty to tell us that we weren't supposed to have dogs on the boardwalk (even though we were carrying him and had him basically in my jacket), and we some a couple guys smoking something out of a bong/hooka thing.. :D Gotta love San Diego.
Anyway, the main point of this update is that I have seen heaven. Heaven is.. A wonderful place, filled with cheap DVDs and rows of video games that go on for miles..
It's a little place called Fry's Electronics.
You see, I first heard about this place when my dad went down to San Diego last week. He saw, at night time, a large building with the word "Fry's" on it with two obelisk-ish structures on the outside with electricity surging up and down wires on the inside, like in old horror/sci-fi movies.
Inside, however, it was entirely an Atlantis theme. There were life-sized statues of divers by the entrance, next to a big aquarium filled with sharks. There were big murals with whales and fake mosaics on the walls, and there was a cafe in the center that had elaborate patterns along the carven walls (Well, I doubt they were really carven out of stone. More like plaster..). Overall, it was a really sweet atmosphere, with the products and prices to back it up.
The entire right half of the store was computers and video games.. They had a makeshift arcade machine in there, joystick and all, with a copy of DBZ Budokai running. Next to that was a playable DDR Max2, with two of the good foam insert pads, right there, beckoning me to play.
But I didn't. I took a vow to never play DanceDance Revolution in public, ever again, until I play at least at Heavy mode.
But they had a huge anime section.. I didn't see any Witch Hunter Robin, or FLCL, (There was a good deal of Excel Saga, though), so I bought the first disc of Serial Experiments Lain for $15. Everything was so cheap; it was awesome.
As for Lain.. Well, I haven't watched the entire thing yet. I've seen the first two episodes, and I have rather mixed feelings about it, but hopefully it will pick up. Ep three looks nice, though.
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